Primary Contributors: Chenliang
Xu and Jason Corso
Images have many pixels; videos have more. Despite the strong
potential of supervoxels to enhance video analysis and the successful
usage of superpixel in many aspects of image understanding,
supervoxels have yet to become mainstream in video understanding
research. Two likely causes for this are (1) the lack of an available
implementation for many supervoxels methods and (2) the lack of solid
evaluation results or a benchmark on which to base the choice of one
supervoxel method over another. In this project, we overcome both of
these limitations: LIBSVX is a library of supervoxel and video
segmentation methods coupled
with a principled evaluation benchmark based on quantitative 3D
criteria for good supervoxels. This is the code we used in
support of our CVPR 2012, ECCV 2012 and ICCV 2013 papers. See the
papers for a full description of the methods and the metrics; this
page is intended to give an overview and provide the code with usage
and output examples.
What's new in LIBSVX 3.0?
We include the method in our
ICCV 2013
paper for flattening supervoxel hierarchies by the uniform entropy
slice (UES). UES flattens a supervoxel hierarchy into a single
segmentation such that it overcomes the limitations of trivially
selecting an arbitrary level. It selects supervoxels in the hierarchy
that balances the relative level of information in the final
segmentation based on various post hoc feature criteria, such as
motion, object-ness or human-ness.
Three challenging video examples (with two actors in each) used in our
ICCV 2013 paper are also included in
this release.
We also include bug-fixes in gbh, gbh_stream and swa.
What's new in LIBSVX 2.0?
The use of video segmentation as an early processing step in video analysis lags
behind the use of image segmentation for image analysis, despite many available
video segmentation methods. A major reason for this lag
is simply that videos are an order of magnitude bigger than images; yet most
methods require all voxels in the video to be loaded into memory, which is
clearly prohibitive for even medium length videos. We address this limitation
by proposing an approximation framework for streaming hierarchical video
segmentation motivated by data stream algorithms: each video frame is
processed only once and does not change the segmentation of previous frames.
We implement the graph-based hierarchical segmentation method within our
streaming framework; our method is the first streaming hierarchical video
segmentation method proposed. This is the code we used in support of
our ECCV 2012 paper.
News / Updates
- 17 Dec. 2013 -- LIBSVX 3.0 Release, includes the uniform
entropy slice method for flattening segmentation hierarchies (GBH
and SWA) and bug-fixes for gbh, gbh_stream, and swa modules.
- 30 July 2012 -- LIBSVX 2.0 Release, includes graph-based
streaming hierarchical methods that can handle videos of arbitrary
- 25 June 2012 -- LIBSVX wins Best Open Source Code Award 3rd
Prize at CVPR 2012.
- 15 June 2012 -- LIBSVX wins best demo at the 2nd Greater
NY Multimedia and Vision Meeting.
The library includes five methods (one streaming and four offline). Code (C++ unless otherwise noted) is provided for all of the
methods in the
Streaming methods require only constant memory (depends on the
streaming window range) to execute the algorithm which makes it
feasible for surveillance or to run over a long video on a less
powerful machine. The solution to a streaming method is an
approximation the solution of an offline algorithm, which assume the
entire video can be loaded into memory at once.
- Graph-based Streaming Hiearchical Video Segmentation.
Implements the graph-based hierarchical segmentation method
(StreamGBH) within the streaming framework (our ECCV 2012 paper.).
Example of long-term coherency of StreamGBH; (a) is the original
video, (b) layer 5, (c) layer 10, (d) layer 15. Click for higher-res.
Example of StreamGBH for shot-detection. (a) is the original
video, (b) layer 5, (c) layer 10, (d) layer 15. Click for higher-res.
Offline algorithms require the video to be available in advance and short enough to fit in
memory. It loads the whole video at once and processes afterwards. Under most circumstances, it
gives better segmentation results than the corresponding streaming algorithm
since it is aware of the whole video.
The library includes original implementations of the following four
- Graph-Based. Implements the Felzenszwalb and Huttenlocher
(IJCV 2004) directly on the 3D video voxel graph.
- Graph-Based Hierarchical. Implements the Grundman et
al. (CVPR 2010) paper that performs the graph-based method
iteratively in a hierarchy. At each level t in the hierarchy, (1)
histogram features are used (rather than raw pixel features) and (2)
the graph is built with the elements from level t-1 as input
graph nodes.
- Nyström Normalized Cuts. Implements the Fowlkes et
al. (TPAMI 2004)) approach of using the Nyström approximation to solve the
normalized cuts (Shi et al. TPAMI 2000) grouping criterion. Our
implementation is in Matlab.
- Segmentation by Weighted Aggregation. Implements the
Sharon et al. (CVPR 2001, NATURE 2006) hierarchical algebraic
multigrid solution to the normalized cut criterion in a 3D manner as
was done in Corso et al. (TMI 2008).
Multiscale features are also used as the hierarchical computation
proceeds. We are grateful to Albert Chen and Ifeoma Nwogu for their
contributions to this part of the code.
Due to the complexity of video processing, these methods require
specific parameter tuning as well as large computational and memory
resources for typical videos. One way to overcome this challenge is
with a streaming version of the segmentation (above).
The paper also included results from the mean shift method from Paris
et al. (CVPR 2007), which is available directly from
Some example output comparative montages of all the methods are below
(click each for a high-res version).
- Uniform Entropy Slice. This method seeks a selection
of supervoxels that balances the relative level of information in
the selected supervoxels based on some post hoc feature criterion
such as object-ness. For example, with this criterion, in regions
nearby objects, the method prefers finer supervoxels to capture
the local details, but in regions away from any objects we prefer
coarser supervoxels. The slice is formulated as a binary quadratic
program. Code is included for four different feature criteria,
both unsupervised and supervised, to drive the flattening.
We also provide a suite of metrics to implement 3D quantitative
criteria for
good supervoxels. The metrics are implemented to
be application independent and include 3D undersegmentation error, 3D
boundary recall, 3D segmentation accuracy, mean supervoxel duration and explained variation.
Along with the metrics, we incorporate scripts and routines to process
through the videos in the following three data sets.
- SegTrack
From Tsai et al. (BMVC 2010),
this data set provides a set
of human-labeled single-foreground objects with the videos
stratified according to difficulty on color, motion and shape.
SegTrack has six videos, an average of 41 frames-per-video
(fpv), a minimum of 21 fpv and a maximum of 71 fpv.
It is available at
- Chen
This data set is a subset
of the well-known videos that have been supplemented
with a 24-class semantic pixel labeling set (the same
classes from the MSRC object-segmentation data set [36]).
The eight videos in this set are densely labeled with semantic
pixels and have an average 85 fpv, minimum 69 fpv and
maximum 86 fpv. This data set allows us to evaluate the
supervoxel methods against human perception.
This data set has been released from our group in 2009 and we hence
include it with the download of this library.
More information on it is available at
- GaTech This data set was released with the Grundman et
al. CVPR 2010 paper.
It comprises 15 videos of varying characteristics, but predominantly
with a small number of actors in the shot. In order
to run all the supervoxel methods in the library on the benchmark, we restrict
the videos to a maximum of 100 frames (they have an
average of 86 fpv and a minimum of 31 fpv). Unlike the
other two data sets, this data set does not have a groundtruth
segmentation, which has inspired us to further explore the
human independent metrics.
It is available at
Together, the metrics and the data sets comprise the supervoxel
benchmark. We plan to maintain results from the benchmark on this
website in the future.
Documentation and README files are included with the library download.
But, we implore you to visit the tutorial for a
gentle introduction through the methods in the library.
Finally, since computing supervoxel segmentations can be
computationally expensive, we plan to add processed results for major
video data sets in the vision and multimedia community. The results
will be included here for download as they become ready; they will be
usable in subsequent research.
C. Xu, S. Whitt, and J. J. Corso.
Flattening supervoxel hierarchies by the uniform entropy slice.
In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer
Vision, 2013.
[ bib |
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C. Xu, C. Xiong, and J. J. Corso.
Streaming hierarchical video segmentation.
In Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision, 2012.
[ bib |
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project |
.pdf ]
C. Xu and J. J. Corso.
Evaluation of super-voxel methods for early video processing.
In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition, 2012.
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project |
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J. J. Corso, E. Sharon, S. Dube, S. El-Saden, U. Sinha, and
A. Yuille.
Efficient Multilevel Brain Tumor Segmentation with Integrated
Bayesian Model Classification.
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 27(5):629-640, 2008.
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