Updates and Announcements
Conference Program:
The final conference program of ACM BCB 2013 has been posted here.
Poster Preparation:
Each poster should be no larger than 4'0'' by 4'0''.
You are invited to attend ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedical Informatics (ACM BCB). ACM BCB is the main flagship conference of the ACM SIGBio (ACM Special Interest Group on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedical Informatics). ACM BCB 2013 is in its fourth year, building upon the success of ACM BCB 2010 in Niagara Falls, ACM BCB 2011 in Chicago and ACM BCB 2012 in Orlando. Each of the conferences had about 200 attendees.
The conference will provide a premier forum for interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research encompassing disciplines of computer science, mathematics, statistics, biology, bioinformatics, and biomedicine.
Examples of the topics that will be covered include:
Genomics and Evolution; Protein and RNA Structure, Protein Function, and
Proteomics; Computational Systems Biology; Next Generation Sequencing Data;
Medical Informatics and Translational Bioinformatics; Cross-Cutting
Computational Methods; Bioinformatics Infrastructure; Immunoinformatics and
Computational Immunology; Computational Epidemiology; Image Analysis;
Knowledge Representation and Inference; Integration of Biomedical Data;
Databases, Knowledgebases; Ontologies; and Text Mining and Natural Language
The authors of selected papers will be invited to adapt their papers for being published in a special issue of IEEE Transaction on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB) and a virtual issue of the DATABASE journal.
The flyer for ACM BCB 2013 can be downloaded here.