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Lab 3


In order to successfully design and built large software systems we need to manage their complexity. We will do this by designing systems so that they are composed of small, independent parts with well-defined responsibilities which interact with each other. These small simple parts can be developed and tested independently of each other. The complexity of the software system as a whole arises from the interconnections and interactions amongst the component pieces.

In lecture we discussed how to model systems of interacting entities in terms of their properties (or characteristics) and their capabilities (or the services they can offer to other entities). The capabilities of objects determine how they can communicate with each other. The relationships which a given object has with other objects determines which objects it can communicate with.

In lecture we explored one of the relationships which objects can have with each other. In this lab we will focus in particular on the instantiation dependency relationship. The instantiation dependency relationship exists between two objects when one object uses another object in some way. It is for this reason that the relationship is sometimes called the uses a relationship. This relationship can be expressed in Java by simply having one object create a new instance of the other object.

You have spent some time in the last two labs working in Eclipse.  In this lab, you will use Eclipse to write and run a working Java program.


The high-level objectives of this lab are to have you,
  • create and edit some Java source code files using Eclipse,
  • compile, debug and run a small Java applet, and
  • implement a design which is provided to you in the form of a UML diagram.
The following are the new concepts covered in this lab:
  • declaring classes,
  • defining constructors,
  • modeling the uses a relationship using object dependency,
  • instantiating classes using the new operator,
  • using the Applet class.

Assignment Specifications

It's tough being an artist.  It's hard to please yourself with your own work, but it is even harder to please your critics.  You are going to help a local struggling artist in this lab by building a system where he will begin a painting, but be able to stop working on it and start again if he so chooses.  Also, you will be able to gauge the reaction of the artist's critics and encourage the artist to start over if the critics do not seem impressed.

You will write some Java code for this assignment on your own but not all of it. We have written the Java code (the classes) for the Painting, the Painter, and the Critics; you will write the code to create instances of these classes. When you run your finished program the objects will demonstrate their capabilities to you.  The painting paints itself, and the painter and critics do something when you click on them with the mouse.

In fact, in practice you rarely write all the code that is required to solve a problem. Instead, you use existing code as part of your solution. This is called code reuse, an important software engineering concept. In Java (and other object-oriented programming languages) code reuse is accomplished by making use of existing class definitions. Thus, instead of writing everything from scratch your solution will consist at least in part of existing components arranged in the proper fashion.

The components you will be working with are classes whose objects have fairly sophisticated capabilities. For instance (no pun intended) one of the classes, called lab3lib.Painter, models a painter.  When you click on the painter, he walks over to his canvas, erases everything on it and then starts the painting over from scratch.  This class has a constructor method, lab3lib.Painter(), which you will need to use to create a painter object. The constructor method takes care of lots of work for us - it not only ensures that the painter is drawn, but also that it is positioned correctly with respect to the rest of the program. When you click on the painter, he will exhibit his behavior.

If you are now thinking that there is not all that much which you need to specify in the course of this lab, you are right. You will simply have to create a dependency relationship between your Applet and a PaintingProgram and then the PaintingProgram will have a dependency to all its component parts (a painting, a painter, and some hard-to-please critics).

As mentioned in the Objectives section above, in this lab we want to model the uses a relationship between objects. This means that you need to create instances of each of the classes that the PaintingProgram object depends on. The objects that PaintingProgram is dependent on are instances of the following three types of face classes:

  • lab3lib.Painting
  • lab3lib.Painter
  • lab3lib.Critics

Helpful Hints

Read through the entire lab before you start working, so that you know what to expect. Make sure you save your work often, and keep track of what you are expected to submit.

Do not be afraid to refer to earlier labs to recall what things mean or what commands are available for you to use.  It might be especially important to refer back to Lab 2 for information about checking files out from the repository and Jarring and submitting your work.


Make sure you have read chapter 2 of the book before coming to lab. Also make sure you have reviewed your lecture notes.

Lab set-up tasks (If you are working at home see these directions for this lab)

At your lab session your teaching assistant will briefly discuss how to carry out each of the set-up tasks below. She or he will also be available to answer questions you might have. Before you start work on the lab itself, you must carry out each of the following set-up tasks. Your teaching assistant will guide you through this process.

Step 1: Log in

Step 2: Start Eclipse

You may have an icon on your desktop that you can double-click.  If you did not set that up in Lab 2, you will need a terminal window and will need to type eclipse at the prompt.

Step 3: Check out Lab3 project from LabSkeletons repository

Click on your CVS view (or open it if it is not already open) and open the LabSkeletons repository (click on the "+" or triangle to the left of its name to "spin" it open). Open "Head", and then select Lab3. Now right-click on Lab3, and select "Check out".  The Lab3 project will appear in your workspace.


Lab Design

Now you're ready to start working on the lab itself!

It is important to come up with a design for your program prior to writing it. The UML class diagrams introduced in lecture will help in this endeavor and will be central to discussions throughout the class. Right now we want you to understand how to take a UML class diagram that includes the dependency (uses a) relationship and generate Java code for that. Since it is your first programming lab, the TAs will develop the appropriate class diagram in recitation. Your submitted lab must implement the UML class diagram discussed in recitation.

Open the Applet class in the Java editor

Open up the Lab3 project, and then the lab3 package. Double-click on the Applet class in the Package Explorer. The Java editor will open on the Applet.java file in the center view. Notice that the Applet has no statements in its constructor.  You should fill in the comments for modified by with your name.  You should make sure that your name appears in all the files that you write this semester.

Define the PaintingProgram class

Create an PaintingProgram class in lab3 package. Your class must implement the design shown in recitation.

Right click on the lab3 package name and select the "New" option, and from the sub-menu that appears, select "Class". A "New Java Class" window will open. In this window you need to enter the name of the new class your are creating, in the field labeled "Name:". You should type: PaintingProgram.  Look at the screen shot below and make sure yours matches.

Click "Finish" when you've entered the class name.  A new class will appear in the editor.


Create the Dependency Relationship between Applet and PaintingProgram

Now you will create your first class relationship! Inside the constructor for Applet, type the code that will create an instance of an PaintingProgram.

After you have finished that, be sure to save Applet.java, either by clicking on the diskette icon on the toolbar, by selecting "File" -> "Save", or by typing "Ctrl"-"s" (i.e. pushing and holding the "Control" key while at the same time typing the lower-case "s" key).

You will notice that as you make changes to a file the name on the Java editor tab is *Applet.java, whereas on the later one it is Applet.java. The "*" in front of the name indicates that there are unsaved changes.

Fix errors

Eclipse automagically compiles your code as you type and reports problems it finds. Syntax errors are shown with little red X's or yellow and red X's in the left margin of the Java editor window. If you hover over the X Eclipse will tell you what the error is (you can see the errors in the "Problems" view as well). If you click over the X Eclipse will offer ways to fix the error. Usually one of the suggestions is what you'd like to do, but not always (so do choose carefully). If you do not understand any of the syntax errors reported by the compiler, ask your TA for an explanation.


Once your applet compiles, run it! Right click on Applet.java in the "Package Explorer" tab. Select "Run As" -> "Java Applet". (Or possibly: Run... and fill in)

You should see a blank AppletViewer window appear:

The window is blank because you have not filled in the definition of the PaintingProgram class: there is nothing to show yet! Notice that the AppletViewer window is pretty small. We will need it to be a bit bigger to see all the parts that will eventually appear in our program. Exit the AppletViewer by selecting "Applet" -> "Quit" from the AppletViewer menu (or by closing the window). Next, to make the default size for this AppletViewer window a bit bigger, right-click on Applet.java and select "Run As" -> "Run..." This brings up a window labelled "Run" through which you can manage run configurations.


Select the "Parameters" tab and set the width to 800, and the height to 600 so that it looks like the screen below. Click "Apply":

If you now click "Run" you will see a large (but still blank) AppletViewer window. Exit from the AppletViewer again ("Applet" -> "Quit").

Modify the PaintingProgram class

OK, we've got the basics down. Now we need to populate our PaintingProgram class. Let's start with creating a lab3lib.Painting instance.

So you need to add a dependency relationship between PaintingProgram and the lab3lib.Painting classes. To do this, switch back to the PaintingProgram.java file, and add the code so that the PaintingProgram uses a lab3lib.Painting. Fix any syntax errors. Save your work!

Now run the Applet again. Eclipse remembers what run configuration you used last, and let's you run that one again simply by pressing the "Control-F11" key. Press the "Control-F11" key on your keyboard now. You should see the painting begin to appear on the screen.

Build up the Code Incrementally

Complete the PaintingProgram.java file by adding the Java code for the Painter class next.  When you run the Applet and click on the painter watch what happens.  To insert the instantiation dependency relationship for the PaintingProgram and the Painter, you should follow the same steps as described in the paragraph above.  After the painter has been created, create the critics.  You will see that their behaviors are different amongst the three critics and different each time you click on them.  Building a little of the code and testing it as you go is an important habit to get into that will help you as the projects get larger throughout the semester.

What you hand in

When you are finished, you need to export your solution from the Eclipse environment so that you can submit it.  You need to follow the same steps as you did for disconnecting from the repository and exporting as you did in Lab 2.  If you are not sure how to do this, please refer back to those instructions.  This time, you should name your Jar file Lab3.jar.

Then you can submit the Lab3.jar file using the electronic submission program.  If you do not remember how to use the the submission program, refer back to earlier labs.

Due dates

You have one week from the meeting of your lab to submit your solution.  The due dates are summarized in the table below. You are always welcome to submit early. If you submit more than once, the later submission will simply overwrite the previous one.

To check that your lab was submitted, you can always refer back to the Submit Inspector on the Resources page of the website. After you have entered your user name, your submissions will be shown. Clicking on the name of a file that is a zip file will show you the contents of the zip file so you can verify that you indeed zipped up all the correct files.

Date of lab Due date for electronic submission
Wednesday, September 20 Tuesday, September 26
Thursday, September 21 Wednesday, September 27
Friday, September 22 Thursday, September 28
Tuesday, September 26 Monday, September 29


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Last modified: Tue Oct 3 12:11:58 2006