Lab 5 Grading Guideline ======================= [A] App1 (48 points) (A1) Components on the screen (13 points) "Small", "Medium", "Large", "Short Sleeve", "Long Sleeve" radio buttons; "Shoes", "Tie Tack", "Cuff Links" check boxes; text area, text displayed in text area, "Password" label, text field or password field, drop down (combo box). One point for each of these things appearing on the screen. (A2) Vertical Organization (6 points) The following components should appear above the other components: all five radio buttons, drop down (combo box) (A3) Inter-component organization - Top "row" (14 points) In the "top" row, the following should be shown: The small, medium, and large buttons should be organized vertically (3 points) These three buttons are to the left of the short sleeve and long sleeve buttons (4 points) The short sleeve and long sleeve buttons should be organized vertically (3 points) The short sleeve and long sleeve buttons should appear to the left of the JComboBox (4 points) (A4) Inter-component organization - Button "row" (15 points) In the "bottom" row, the following should be shown: The shoes, tie tack, cuff links buttons should be organzed vertically (3 points) Those three buttons should be to the left of the text area (4 points) The text area should be to the left of the Password label (4 points) The password label should be to the left of the text field (4 points) [B] App2 (52 points) (B1) Components on the screen (22 points - 2 points each) The menu, the menu item, a JTable, table is 3x4, a slider, the slider has tick marks shown, a spinner, another spinner, "one" button, "two" button, "three" button. (B2) Horizontal Organization (10 points) The table appears to the left of everything else (B3) Right side vertical organization (10 points) The Slider and spinners appear above the three buttons (B4) Horizontal organization on the right hand side (10 points) The slider should be to the left of the spinners (5 points) The three buttons should be organized horizontally (5 points) GIVING FEEDBACK You must e-mail a feedback/grade message to each student whose work you grade. You will ONLY e-mail to the student's cse e-mail account, which is The subject line will be: CSE115 Lab 5 Grade and feedback A copy of the bottom part of this email filled in by you should be sent to the student for their reference. If a student receives less that the maximum number of points, you must give an explanation of why the student lost points. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Lab #5: 100 points maximum] Your score ==> [A: 48 points maximum] [A1: 13 points maximum] You earned ==> [A2: 6 points maximum] You earned ==> [A3: 14 points maximum] You earned ==> [A4: 15 points maximum] You earned ==> [B: 52 points maximum] [B1: 22 points maximum] You earned ==> [B2: 10 points maximum] You earned ==> [B3: 10 points maximum] You earned ==> [B4: 10 points maximum] You earned ==>