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Homework 2
Last modified: October 07 2008 12:44:10 PM

CSE 250 - Fall 2008 - Announcements

You can elect to work with a partner for this lab. That means you can work with at most one other person at a time and for the entirety of the assignment. If you choose to work with a partner, both persons must still submit the assignment, but the other person's name must appear in the submissions.

Task 1: Get the implementation file for the array-based list ADT

Copy the file for the implementation of the array-based list. The file (and all other implementation files) is located in /projects/CSE250/Fall2008/LabCode and then in a sub-directory for the particular lab. You should copy the entire directory with all the code files into your own directory. Make sure you can open the code you have just copied in your editor of choice.

Task 2: Testing the List Code

For this lab, you will be following Lab 3 & 4 from the lab book. There is a testing program provided for this code and your interactions with it are described on page 37. You should familiarize yourself with using the testing program and you should complete the test plans in accordance with the directions on page 38 to determine what errors if any exist in the code you have been provided. Note that there are some test cases given to you on the sheets, they are probably not comprehensive enough to ensure that the list is functioning correctly. You should fix any errors that you do find. You will be turning in the pages with your test plan written on them in class on Monday, September 22nd.

Task 3: Expanding the functionality of the List

Complete Programing Exercise 2 on page 40 of the lab. Simply add the definition of this method to your ListArray.cpp file.

You should also complete the test plan for this function and test to ensure it works.

Task 4: Create a subclass of the List

Get the code for the lab 4 assignment and copy it to your directory as well. You will implement the OrderedList as a subclass of your newly-updated ListArray. See description in lab 4 for the functionality expected of an OrderedList.

Task 5: Testing OrderedList

You should fill in the forms for your test plan for Lab 4 as directed on page 51 and ensure that you test your implementation of the OrderedList.

Task 6: Using the Ordered List

Complete Programming Exercise 1 as described on page 52 (including the test plan and testing).

Task 7: Analysis

Complete the analysis sections for labs 3 and 4 in your lab handout packet.

What to submit

You will submit your analysis and test plans in hard copy in lecture.

You should zip up the lab 3 directory that includes your updated code and name it Lab3.zip. You should also zip up your lab 4 directory that includes all your implementations and name it Lab4.zip. You should submit both Lab3.zip and Lab4.zip using the electronic submission command.

Due Date

You will submit your analysis and test plans at the beginning of class on Monday, September 22nd. Monday, September 29th.

The files that need to be submitted electronically are due to be turned in by 11:59:59pm on Monday, September 22nd. Sunday, September 28th.


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Page maintained by Adrienne Decker

Contact: adrienne@cse.buffalo.edu | 130 Bell Hall | (716)645-3180 x 161