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Lab Assignment #6
Last modified: November 07 2010 03:35:38 PM

CSE 111 - Fall 2010 - Lab Assignment #6

In this assignment, you will have freedom to create whatever you'd like in Scratch. Please make sure to look at the rubrics posted at the bottom of the assignment. Even though you can create whatever you'd like, there are basic requirements that need to be met.

Lab Attendance #3

There will be a lab attendance grade assigned for this assignment. Note that there is a separate line item in the syllabus for lab attendance. This attendance is the third of those three lab attendance grades. In order to receive full credit for the lab attendance, you need to attend at least one lab session during the weeks of November 1st, November 8th or November 15th.



For this or future labs, you can always (and probably will need to) refer to the getting started guide.

You-choose Assignment

You can either build an animation/simulation or a simple game. The choice is up to you. Consult the rubrics below and ensure that whichever you select, you fulfill the requirements.


Submit your work

When you have finished your Lab 6 assignment, select to save it by selecting "Save As" from the File menu. Save the project as YourNameLab6 where you put your name in for "YourName" in the filename. Submit it to the digital drop box in UBLearns. In the digital dropbox, you can submit multiple times. We will only grade the last submission you make, so make sure that the last submission is the one you want graded.

NOTE: The assignment is not technically due until Sunday, November 28th at 11:55pm. However, you are welcome and encouraged to submit the assignment early. NO late assignments will be graded.

Want to work on Scratch at Home?

Go to http://www.scratch.mit.edu and download it to your own computer.


Lab 6 Grading Information

Animation/Simulation Assignment

[20 points] 3 or more scenes (background and character changes) present
[10 points] Use broadcasts within the scripts for communication
[10 points] When scenes change, only those sprites involved in the scenes are present on the stage
[10 points] Starts & restarts using the Green Flag
[15 points] You must use at least one image that is not a standard part of the Scratch images
[20 points] There must be at least 2 different sprites in each scene (but they can repeat in non-subsequent scenes)
[15 points] There must be at least one interaction from the user implemented (keyboard, mouse, etc).


Simple Game

[10 points] There are at least two different sprites in the game.
[20 points] The game must report when there is a win, loss, or tie.
[15 points] The game must keep score.
[20 points] There must be a help screen that can be shown for a certain number of seconds to get instructions for the game. The player should be able to access the help screen at any time during the game.
[10 points] The game resets to the beginning when the green flag is clicked.
[10 points] The game stops when it is over.
[15 points] There are at least two different ways the user interacts with the game (keyboard, mouse, etc).

Extra credit [up to 10 points]: Levels for the game - the game increases in difficulty as you continue to play


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Page maintained by Adrienne Decker

Contact: adrienne@buffalo.edu | 130 Bell Hall | (716)645-3184