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In-lecture Activity #2
Last modified: October 26 2010 09:02:26 AM

CSE 111 - Fall 2010 - In-lecture Activity #2
During lecture on Monday, September 13th we will complete the following activity.

In order to complete the activity, you are able to consult your notes, book, or any other resource you can bring into the classroom - except a computer. You are also allowed to discuss your answers with other students in the class during the activity.

You need to turn in the completed worksheet by the end of lecture on Monday, September 13th to be eligible to receive full credit for the activity.

If you were not present in lecture on Monday, you can complete the worksheet by downloading it from this link and turning it in by the end of lecture Friday, September 17th. You will receive some credit for completing the worksheet, but you will not be able to earn full credit for the activity unless you complete the activity during lecture on Monday.


Grading Information

The worksheet that was completed during lecture was corrected and the number incorrect was noted.

2/3rds of the credit for the assignment came from attendance during lecture on Monday, September 13th. You received full credit if you were present in lecture, no credit if you were not.

1/3rd of the credit came from the score you received on the worksheet.

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Page maintained by Adrienne Decker

Contact: adrienne@buffalo.edu | 130 Bell Hall | (716)645-3184