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Lab Assignment #2
Last modified: October 26 2010 10:28:07 AM

CSE 111 - Fall 2010 - Lab Assignment #2

This lab assignment will consist of two parts.

The first part will be explained during the week of September 20th in lab. The second part will be explained during the week of September 27th in lab.

There will be a lab attendance grade assigned for this assignment. Note that there is a separate line item in the syllabus for lab attendance. This attendance is one of those three lab attendance grades. In order to receive full credit for the lab attendance, you need to attend at least one lab session during the weeks of September 20th or September 27th.

To earn full credit for the lab assignment (not just the attendance), you need to complete the two sections of the assignment as described below.

Part 1 (Week of September 20th)

You will be constructing a personal gradebook to keep track of your progress through the course and to allow you to project what your final grades would be by estimating your grades on parts of the course that are not yet complete.

First, begin by downloading the template for the gradebook here. Input your name in the workbook in the appropriate place.

Then, you need to fill in the formulas for the in-lecture activity average, lab attendance average, and lab assignment average. For each of these sections, all components are equally weighted. You also need to complete the formulas for exam average and overall course average. These are not equally weighted averages. For exam average, you can assume the first, third, and fourth exam are worth 8% each, while the second exam will be worth 7%. For overall course average, seek out the information on weighting in the syllabus.

You should make sure to copy the appropriate formulas into the projection column of the gradebook as well.

As we progress through the course, you can input your earned grades into the earned grades column and you can use the projection column to figure out what grades you could achieve based on guessing grades that you have not yet earned.

Be sure to save your gradebook with the name Lab2GradebookName.xlsx replacing Name with your name.

This assignment will be graded for correctness, so if you are unsure of your answers, you should put in data for the different parts of the sheet to test.

If you are having trouble creating formulas or figuring out which functions to use in Excel, remember that the "fx" or "insert function" button brings up a dialog box where you can search for functions. Also, searching for terms like "computing averages using Excel" (or similar) in Google can provide insights into how to use the functions and formulas Excel provides.

During lab sessions the week of September 20th, you can also ask the TAs to assist you in these tasks. However, before you ask for assistance, you are required to have worked on the formula you are having trouble with and have an attempt at a solution written in the cell.

When you are finished, submit your final version via the UBLearns assignment that has been set up for this purpose. It is important that you actually select the Submit button when you are sure you are finished and ready to submit. Simply saving the uploaded file will not allow us to view and grade the submission.

This part of the assignment is due to be completed and submitted by 11:00pm Sunday, October 3, 2010.


Lab 2 - Part 1 Grading Information

Student has inserted Name on page of spreadsheet in appropriate place - 10 points

In-lecture activity average computed correctly - 15 points

In-lecture activity average for grade forecasting computed correctly - 3 points

Lab attendance average computed correctly - 15 points

Lab attendance average for grade forecasting computed correctly - 3 points

Lab assignment average computed correctly - 15 points

Lab assignment average for grade forecasting computed correctly - 3 points

Exam average computed correctly - 15 points

Exam average for grade forecasting computed correctly - 3 points

Overall average computed correctly - 15 points

Overall average for grade forecasting computed correctly - 3 points




Part 2 (Week of September 27th)

Pick up the packet of worksheets to be completed during lab the week of September 27th and follow the directions given. Packets will be available for pickup in lecture on Friday, September 24th (only day available during lecture) and in every lab session during the week of September 27th.

*** Scheduling note - B5 lab will NOT meet on Friday, October 1 - makeup will be held on Friday, October 8 at normal lab time. ***

Electronic copies of the worksheet will NOT be available. You must get a copy from a lab session or on the one lecture day.


Lab 2 - Part 2 Grading Information

Kid Fax activity - each row of each drawing is worth 1 point - 39 points total

You can say that again activity (porridge)- there are 15 boxes that must be filled in worth 2 points each - 30 points

You can say that again activity (rain) - 15 points awarded as follows

Pitter (3 points) t repeated to make tt (1 point)
patter (3 points) w's in window (1 point)
the (3 points) ain in rain (1 point)

tter (2 points)

pa (pattern & pane); he in the; or any other valid compression (1 point)

"Part 2" - 16 points total; 1 point each for each number correctly converted to binary; 1 point for each row of the drawing correct

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Page maintained by Adrienne Decker

Contact: adrienne@buffalo.edu | 130 Bell Hall | (716)645-3184