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Lab Assignment #3
Last modified: October 26 2010 11:53:46 AM

CSE 111 - Fall 2010 - Lab Assignment #3

This lab is assigned during the week of October 11th. It is due by the end of your next lab session (week of October 18th). No late submissions are accepted.

There will be a lab attendance grade assigned for this assignment. Note that there is a separate line item in the syllabus for lab attendance. This attendance is the second of those three lab attendance grades. In order to receive full credit for the lab attendance, you need to attend at least one lab session during the weeks of October 11th or October 25th.

In order to earn full credit for the Lab #3 assignment, you must complete the assignment as described below.


Lab 3 Worksheet Packet

Pick up the packet of worksheets to be completed during lab the week of October 11th and follow the directions given. Packets will be available for pickup only in lab sessions during the week.

Electronic copies of the worksheet will NOT be available. You must get a copy from a lab session.


Lab 3 Grading Information

Passing information in network activity - 19 points total - you must show how you achieved your answer to earn full credit. If only the answer is shown, you will only earn 2 points. (9 points may be awarded for students who showed only some of their work.)

The Muddy City Problem - There are nine paths (23 stones) that need to be colored in for a correct solution to this problem (27 points - 3 points per path). For each path greater than 9, 5 points will be subtracted. If an edge is the solution that should not be, subtract an additional 5 points for each incorrect path added.

Formalized Minimum Spanning Tree - There were 6 drawings that you needed to complete to show the minimum spanning tree. Each drawing is worth 4 points.

Maximum Flow - 15 points awarded as 2 points for the correct flow indicated on each pipe.

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Page maintained by Adrienne Decker

Contact: adrienne@buffalo.edu | 130 Bell Hall | (716)645-3184