CSE 115 - Spring 2007

Lab #1 Attendance Form


Name: _______________________________________________________________


Recitation Section: _______________________________


Print out this form

You will need to hand in this form in hard copy, so you should print out the form. You should then CLEARLY PRINT your name on the space provided. You should also put the section number of your recitation (eg - B3).

Go to an office hour

Find the times and locations of the office hours for any member of the teaching staff, not the grading TAs. You should only see the grading TAs about grading issues. Therefore, you can see your instructor (Adrienne), Mike, Chris, or Mark. Decide on a time that you could visit every week if needed.

For this first week, visit the office hour that best fits into your schedule with this form and have the form signed when you are there. While you are there, you are required to ask a question of the person in office hours. Feel free to ask any questions that you may have about the course or the material of the course so far.




What question did you ask? (Please write it here before coming to office hours.)




After you are finished getting the signature, turn this form in to your recitation TA at the beginning of your recitation next week.