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In Class Activity
Last modified: April 02 2008 08:38:39 AM

Assignment Submissions

  • Group 2
    • You will build an implementation of a deque on an STL vector. Your group will present its solution to the class.
    • Solution (DequeOnVector)
  • Group 3
    • You will take the code as you wrote it and type it into a C++ file. Add any code that would be needed to ensure that the class definition would work, but do not change or modify the code you wrote from the exam. Compile the code. If it does not compile, record the errors and discuss them in your group. If it does compile, write a simple testing program to test your implementation. Bring results of success and failure to class. Your group will report on this experience.
  • Group 4
    • Your group will look at the implementations you created for the deque and decide as a group which person's implementation was the best. You should use the criterion of correctness, ease of implemenation, extensibility and code readability to make your decision. You will state your choice and your argument for the implemenation in your presentation to the class.
    • Solution (BestCode)
  • Group 5
    • You will build an implementation of a deque using no underlying structure. Your group will present its solution to the class.
    • Solution (Deque)
  • Group 6
    • You will build an implementation of a deque using a native C++ array. Your group will present its solution to the class.
    • Solution(DequeOnArray)
  • Group 7
    • You will build an implementation of a deque using the STL list (doubly-linked). Your group will present its solution to the class.
    • Solution (DequeOnDoublyLinkedList)
  • Group 8
    • Your group will build an implementation of a deque using a queue. You can not change the interface to the queue. Queues only support enqueue and dequeue and a peek at the beginning of a queue. Your group will present its solution to the class.
    • Solution(DequeOnQueue)
  • Group 9
    • Your group will build an implementation of a deque using a stack. You can not change the interface to the stack. Stacks only support push, pop, and peek. Your group will present its solution to the class.
    • Solution(DequeOnStack)
  • Group 10
    • Your group will build an implementation of a deque using a singly-linked list. Your group will present its solution to the class.
    • Solution(DequeOnSinglyLinkedList)
  • Group 11
    • You will build an implementation of a deque using no underlying structure. Your group will present its solution to the class.
    • Soution (Deque2)
  • Group 12
    • Your group will build an implemenation of a deque using the STL list (doubly-linked). Your group will present its solution to the class.
    • Solution (DequeOnDoublyLinkedList2)
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