CSE 113 Spring 2009 Lab 2 Grading: Grader: Xinglei Zhu (xzhu4@buffalo.edu) Please email grader with any questions regarding your lab score. Total Score (out of 100): *************************************************************************** Lab2.hist file contents String picName variable declared (3 points) You earned: picName = FileChooser.pickAFile() (3 points) You earned: Picture anyName = new Picture(picName) (3 points) You earned: anyName.explore() (3 points) You earned: Pixel anyName variable declared (3 points) You earned: anyNamePixel = anyNamePicture.getPixel(4,5) (3 points) You earned: anyNamePixel.setColor(java.awt.Color.RED) (3 points) You earned: *************************************************************************** CSE113Turtle.java file contents Contents of file from web copied appropriately (5 points) You earned: void drawMyInitials() draws initials of student (8, 4, or 0 points) You earned: Comments: void drawSquare(int size) draws a square of the size passed in as a parameter (10, 5, or 0 points) You earned: Comments: *************************************************************************** CSE113Picture.java file contents Comments included in the file with student’s name (4 or 0 points) You earned: Constructor calls the pickAFile method to allow the user to select a picture file (3 or 0 points) You earned: Instance variable of type Picture declared in the class (3 or 0 points) You earned: Instance variable given a value of a new Picture in the constructor (3 or 0 points) You earned: The class has a show method that calls show on the instance variable (3 or 0 points) You earned: void setGreen(int x, int y) method sets the pixel at the passed in x, y coordinate to the color java.awt.Color. GREEN (10, 5, or 0 points) You earned: Comments: void makePictureOneColor(java.awt.Color color) method makes the color of every pixel in the picture the color passed in as a parameter (10, 5, or 0 points) You earned: Comments: void blueOnly() method makes the red and green value of each pixel in the picture 0, but leaves the blue component unchanged (10, 5, or 0 points) You earned: Comments: void lighter()or void darker() method calls brighter or darker on each pixel in the picture (10, 5, or 0 points) – Students can implement either method You earned: Comments: NOTE: The students were required to submit a main method with this class. It can help with testing the code for functionality, but is not awarded points, nor are deductions assessed if the method does not work. Since I did not have time to go over it in class, the students will not be assessed on it for this assignment.