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  • CSE 250 - Fall 2009
CSE 250 - Fall 2009 - Navigation

Last modified: March 23 2009 10:38:33 AM

Grades will be returned to students on paper (if assignment was submitted on paper) or via email (if assignment was submitted electronically).

Papers will be returned either in lecture or in recitation. If papers are returned in recitation, after two attempts, the papers are returned to the instructor and can be picked up from the instructor before or after lecture or during office hours.

When you receive your graded work, you should check it over carefully. You should check first for addition or deduction mistakes (i.e. math errors) with your grade. However, you should also check for mistakes in the grading of a particular question or piece of the project. If you believe there was an error in grading, you should first contact the person that graded your work (within one week of the return of your graded submission):

Type of submission Grading received Best first contact attempt
Exam or Quiz On paper Course instructor, in person, during office hours
Other assignment On paper TA that graded the assignment, in person, during office hours
Programming Project or any other electronically-submitted assignment Electronically TA* that graded assignment, via email or during office hours

*Note that all grading emails indicate that they are sent by your course instructor, however, unless the course instructor's name is listed in the "Graded by:" field of the grading rubric, do not ask grading questions of the instructor, talk to the TA that graded the assignment first.

If you are unable to come to office hours, or if the TA does not have office hours, you should contact the appropriate person via email to discuss the issue and make an appointment if necessary.

Grading guidelines for programming projects are available below. Exam grading is typically discussed when exams are returned. If the discussion in class or on the rubric is not clear and you have further questions, please stop by to discuss these issues during office hours.

Here are the links to the grading guidelines for the lab assignments for this semester:

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Data Structures 1

Data Structures 2

Data Structures 3

Project 1


CSE 250 - Fall 2009 - Footer

Page maintained by Adrienne Decker

Contact: adrienne@cse.buffalo.edu | 130 Bell Hall | (716)645-3180 x 161