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Lab 2
Last modified: February 08 2011 11:22:05 AM

CSE 113 - Spring 2011 - Announcements

For this assignment, you will be creating a Scratch project that satisfies the given criteria. Make sure to take note of the criteria and the grading rubric so that you understand what the requirements are for the finished project.

In Lab - Login

Login to the computer in 340 Bell.


Open Scratch

If you do not remember how to open Scratch, please refer to Practice Assignment 1.



For this assignment, we will expect that you get creative. You can turn your project into whatever you would like in relation to theme, characters, and ideas. However, whatever you decide to do, the project must satisfy certain requirements.

There needs to be at least two scenes in the program. A scene consists of a background and a sprite. To have two scenes, you must have two different backgrounds and at least two different sprites. Putting the same sprites on a different background does not constitute a scene change.

The sprites need to interact with each other using thought bubbles and/or speech bubbles. Also, broadcasts should be used inside the program to pass messages. Timers are also allowed to ensure that thoughts, speeches, and actions are coordinated and that the story is easily followed by the user.

One of the sprites in the program must have an action that is motion and is inside a forever block. One of the sprites must also respond to user input (via the mouse or keyboard) and perform an action when the user interacts with the program.

The action of the program must start with the green flag. At any point in the program when the user selects the green flag, the action must return to the beginning and start again.


Submitting the Assignment

You will submit the Scratch project file. You should name the file Lab2.sb.

For directions on submitting, please see here. (**** NOTE: Web-CAT does not support the automatic grading of Scratch projects. Therefore, this assignment will be graded by the TA BY HAND. That means that the grade you will receive when submitting the assignment will be a zero (0) because the assignment has not yet been graded. A grading report completed by the grading TA will be sent to you sometime after you submit the lab.)

Please recall that you must achieve a grade of at least 50% on each of the labs to be allowed to take the third practical exam. This lab is due to be completed by the end of the day Friday, March 18, 2011. However, if you want to stay current with the course, I would recommend having this assignment completed within one week.

Grading Information

This assignment will be graded using the following rubric. No partial credit will be awarded within each grading module. That means, if you do not complete one of the seven modules listed below, you will receive 0 points for that part of the assignment. Recall, this assignment will not be automatically graded by Web-CAT. It must be hand graded by a TA, but the grade will still be available through the Web-CAT interface.

(14 points) The sprites on the stage "talk" or "think" things

(14 points) The program is coordinated. That is, not all "talk"/"think" bubbles appear at the same time and are visible for enough time to be read by the person viewing the program.

(14 points) At least one sprite has an action that is controlled by the user via the keyboard or mouse.

(14 points) The program must use at least one broadcast for communication within the program.

(16 points) Whenever the user selects the green flag, the program must reset to the beginning and start again.

(14 points) There must be at least one scene change. That is, the background AND the sprite must be COMPLETELY different from one scene to the next.

(14 points) There is at least one character that moves with actions inside a forever block.

Lab authored by Adrienne Decker

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Page maintained by Adrienne Decker

Contact: adrienne@buffalo.edu | 130 Bell Hall | (716)645-3184