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Lab 3
Last modified: February 14 2011 05:49:23 PM

CSE 113 - Spring 2011 - Announcements

Little-Crab Scenario

For this assignment, you will work with the little-crab scenario that is discussed in Chapter 2 of the text.

If you don't remember how to do any of the steps (like, copying, zipping, etc), please refer back to Lab 1.

The first step is for you to get the scenario and copy it to your own account. If you are in Bell 340, then you should simply navigate over to /eng/class/notes/cse113/book-scenarios/chapter02-04 and copy the little-crab directory to your account.

(If you are working at home, you can copy the little-crab.zip file from the link. You will need to put it in your CSE 113 space on your home machine and you will need to unzip it.)

After you have the scenario, you should open Greenfoot and open the scenario. You should complete the exercises from Chapter 2 in the text. Some of the exercises ask you to do something with the scenario and then change it back. Some ask you to think about the results of doing something. You should do each of the exercises, whether or not it makes a noticeable change in the code. These exercises are designed to get you used to doing things with Greenfoot and to get you thinking about programming. In the end, you will have changed the program in some ways and you will submit the final version. If you miss an exercise that does not cause changes to the program, it is possible that you will not be able to easily do subsequent exercises.

No changes to the program code for this exercise.
No changes to the program code for this exercise.
No changes to the program code for this exercise.
Do try to change the code to produce errors so that you can see what errors come up when different mistakes are made.
No changes to the program code for this exercise.
No changes to the program code for this exercise.
No changes to the program code for this exercise.
Note that you need to try something and then change it back to the way it was before. The change back is an important part for grading.


Submitting the Assignment

Once you have completed all the exercises in Chapter 2, you will submit the zipped up version of the little-crab scenario.

For directions on submitting, please see here.

Please recall that you must achieve a grade of at least 50% on each of the labs to be allowed to take the third practical exam. This lab is technically due on Friday, March 18th at 11:59:59pm. However, if you want to stay current with the course, I would recommend having this assignment completed within a week. You will need mastery of the skills you learn in this lab to be successful at practical exam 2.

Working outside of Bell 340

If you would like to continue this work outside of Bell 340, there are a few options available to you. You can work in Bell 101, which is an engineering public computing site. Information about the differences you may encounter when in Bell 101 are located here.

If you want to work on your own machine, totally independent of the lab environment, you will need several things. This page will explain where to look for information about downloading the files and programs you need to work on your home machine.

It is most advisable for you to create a folder (directory) on your machine where you can put the files needed for your assignments. This way, all work for this course will be in the same place when you go to look for it.

Grading Information

Please make sure to look at your grading information on Web-CAT. See the grading information page for more details about how to interpret Web-CAT grade reports. Note that if you do not receive a 100 on the assignment, the information contained in the grading report will point to the problem with your code.

Lab authored by Adrienne Decker

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Page maintained by Adrienne Decker

Contact: adrienne@buffalo.edu | 130 Bell Hall | (716)645-3184