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Practice Assignment 1
Last modified: February 11 2011 04:47:10 PM

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Open Scratch

Click on the UB Linux Penguin at the bottom of the screen. Select UB Applications and allow the menu on the right to expand. From that menu, select "Application Development" and from the right menu that appears, select Scratch.

You will see Scratch start up.

The procedure for starting Scratch is the same in both Bell 340 and Bell 101. If you have installed the program on your own machine, there will be a shortcut to it somewhere that you simply need to select to start the program.


Save a Project

You do not have to modify anything in the default Scratch project, but you should save it. Select File->Save As and save the file into your CSE 113 directory with the name Practice1.

Submitting the Assignment

For Scratch projects, you do not need to zip anything, you simply need to submit the file you just saved.

For directions on submitting, please see here.

Practice Assignments have varying due dates throughout the semester. This assignment is due to be completed by the end of the day, Friday, February 18, 2011.

Installing Scratch at Home

Scratch is available to install on your own machine. Visit this site for instructions and downloadable files.

Grading Information

This lab will not be automatically graded, it will be manually graded by the grading TA, but the grade will still be available through the Web-CAT interface.

This assignment was graded as follows:

100 points - Submission of file named Practice1.sb

Assignment authored by Adrienne Decker

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Page maintained by Adrienne Decker

Contact: adrienne@buffalo.edu | 130 Bell Hall | (716)645-3184