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Practice Assignment 7 & 8
Last modified: April 19 2011 10:49:35 AM

CSE 113 - Spring 2011 - Announcements

Using an Online Tutoring System

You have received an email from me (on 4/19) with information about this assignment. You have also received an email with a username, password and URL for an online tutoring system (from Leigh Ann Sudol). To earn credit for the final two practice assignments, you should interact with the online tutoring system and complete the exercises given to you.

This online tutoring system is being developed in an effort to help students better understand and learn about programming concepts.

It is a tutoring system, so it is expected that you will not get all questions correct and grading of the assignment will be curved appropriately to account for the fact that you are not expected to get all questions correct. However, random guessing at answers will result in a low score on the assignment.

Please note that currently, the system is undergoing testing and is part of a human subjects study (approved by the IRB at UB) and there will be analysis done with your results if you elect to participate in the study. You do not have to elect to have your results included in the study to earn credit for the assignment, but you do need to complete the assignment in the tutoring system to earn credit for the practice assignments.

If you have lost the email from Leigh Ann, please contact her via email: leighannsudol@gmail.com. Please make sure to include information about the fact that you are a student at UB in CSE 113 and include your UBIT name in the email.

Submitting the Assignment

Once you have completed the session with the online tutoring system, your assignments are complete.

You must complete your sessions with the online tutor by the end of the day (11:59:59 pm) on Tuesday, May 10th.

Page authored by Adrienne Decker


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Page maintained by Adrienne Decker

Contact: adrienne@buffalo.edu | 130 Bell Hall | (716)645-3184