CCR Tiled Display Wall


Release: November 14, 2002

Buffalo, NY. The Center for Computational Research has recently installed a 20-projector tiled-display wall. The technology provides a display surface that is 5120 x 3072 pixels, useful for viewing high-resolution imagery and animation, or for showing multiple information sources side-by-side. At 11 feet across and 8 feet high, the display wall easily accommodates teams of scientists working together.

This tiled-display wall, installed by Visbox (, consists of 20 projectors backed by a 20-node PC Linux cluster run by a 2.0 GHz dual processor Dell 530 Workstation. The 20 node machines are 1.7 MHz single processor Dell 530s, each with a GeForce4 graphics accelerator card. The machines are connected by high speed Myrinet2000 interconnects. The wall itself consists of 20 NEC LT158 projectors, arranged in a matrix 4 high and 5 across, which are rear-projected onto a single screen, creating a large-format, 15.7 Megapixel high-resolution image. This type of visualization is unparalleled at the University at Buffalo, allowing users to view imagery at resolutions and size rarely seen.