Workshop Program

Workshop Date: November 11, 2012
Room: 155-B

9:00 am : Opening Remarks
                  Tevfik Kosar, University at Buffalo, USA
                  Ioan Raicu, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
                  Roger Barga, Microsoft Research, USA

9:10 am : Keynote Address - I:
                  "Clouds: From Both Sides, Now"
                  Daniel A. Reed, University of Iowa, USA

10:10 am : Coffee Break
SESSION - I (Chair: Ali Butt, Virgina Tech University)
10:30am : The Design of a Community Science Cloud: The Open Science
                   Data Cloud Perspective

                  Heidi Alvarez, Florida International University, USA
                  Matthew Greenway, University of Chicago, USA
                  Robert Grossman, University of Chicago, USA
                  Allison Heath, University of Chicago, USA
                  Joel Mambretti, Northwestern University, USA
                  Ray Powell, University of Chicago, USA
                  Rafael Suarez, University of Chicago, USA
                  Walt Wells, Open Cloud Consortium, USA

11:00am : A Social Content Delivery Network for Scientific Cooperation:
                   Vision, Design, and Architecture

                   Kyle Chard, University of Chicago, USA
                   Simon Caton, Karlsruher Institut fur Technologie, Germany
                   Omer Rana, Cardiff University, UK
                   Dan Katz, University of Chicago, USA

11:30am : Your Data, Your Way: The iPlant Foundation API Data Services
                   Rion Dooley, Texas Advanced Computing Center, USA
                   Matthew Vaughn, Texas Advanced Computing Center,, USA
                   Edwin Skidmore, University of Arizona, USA
                   Steven Terry, Texas Advanced Computing Center,, USA
                   Nirav Merchant, University of Arizona, USA
                   Dan Stanzione, Texas Advanced Computing Center,, USA

12:00 pm : LUNCH BREAK
1:00 pm : Keynote Address - II:
                  "Advancing Computing Systems from the Data-Cloud Point-of-View"
                  Xian-He Sun, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA

SESSION - II (Chair: Ravi Madduri, Argonne National Laboratory
2:00 pm : Supporting Bulk Synchronous Parallelism in Map-Reduce Queries (Best Paper Nominee)
                  Leonidas Fegaras, Univ. of Texas at Arlington, USA

2:30 pm : Incremental and Parallel Analytics on Astrophysical Data Streams
                  Dmitry Mishin, Johns Hopkins University, USA
                  Tamas Budavari, Johns Hopkins University, USA
                  Alexander Szalay, Johns Hopkins University, USA
                  Yanif Ahmad, Johns Hopkins University, USA

3:00 pm : Coffee Break
SESSION - III (Chair: Kyle Chard, University of Chicago)
3:30 pm : Deploying Bioinformatics Workflows on Clouds with Galaxy
                   and Globus Provision

                  Bo Liu, University of Chicago, USA
                  Borja Sotomayor, University of Chicago, USA
                  Ravi Madduri, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
                  Kyle Chard, University of Chicago, USA
                  Ian Foster, University of Chicago, USA

4:00 pm : FRIEDA: Flexible Robust Intelligent Elastic Data Management
                   in Cloud Environments
(Best Paper Award Winner)
                  Devarshi Ghoshal, Indiana University, USA
                  Lavanya Ramakrishnan, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

4:30 pm : An Approach to Protect the Privacy of Cloud Data from Data Mining
                   Based Attacks

                  Himel Dev, Bangladesh Univ. of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
                  Tanmoy Sen, Bangladesh Univ. of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
                  Madhusudan Basak, Bangladesh Univ. of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
                  Mohammed Eunus Ali, Bangladesh Univ. of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh

5:00 pm : Closing Remarks (Program change: We will be closing at 4:30pm)
                  Tevfik Kosar, University at Buffalo, USA
                  Ioan Raicu, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
                  Roger Barga, Microsoft Research, USA