Date |
Topics |
Lecture material |
Demos/reading material |
8/30 |
Introduction to
Data-intensive computing |
DataInt |
Amazon AWS |
9/1 |
Fourth Paradigm: Ecological
Sciences System |
FREcoSys |
9/6 |
Project 1 discussion |
Prj1 |
demo |
9/8 |
Project 1 Sample Demo |
9/13 |
Introduction to MapReduce
Prgramming Model |
MR.pdf MR.ppt |
Read Ch.1,2 of MR text |
9/15 |
Project 1 Discussion: hints
and links |
Prj1Hints |
MapReduce Demo: from Yahoo
Tutorial |
MR.Yahoo |
VMware/ demo; Amazon/ |
9/20 |
Project due date revision; MR
execution framework; MapReduce operations and math |
Prj1NewDates Queries |
9/22 |
MR. Execution Framework |
MoreMR |
Amazon EC2 Demo |
9/27 |
Tom White's MR Example;
classification Example for project 1; New Hadoop MR API |
White'sMR LinDryerMR |
Ch.3 |
10/3 |
Text processing using MR; An impactful application area for data-intensive methods |
MR.II HumanGenomeDI |
10/6 |
Introduction Google App
Engine |
GAEIntro |
Google App Engine
Demo |
Inverted Index: design
patterns for MR |
Ch.4 |
10/10 |
Optimizations in MapReduce |
MR.Opt |
Ch.3: design patterns for MR |
10/13 |
Co-occurrence matrix using MR |
Ch.3: more design patterns
for MR |
10/18 |
Review for midterm exam;
Graph algorithms |
Review |
10/25 |
Virtualization; some more
review for exam |
Virtualization |
Demo on Virtual Box |
10/27 |
Midterm Exam |
107 Talbert |
11/1 |
Project 2 discussion |
MR.Project |
AWS components |
11/3 |
Non-function attributes of
Cloud Computing Model |
NonFunc |
11/8 |
Apache Pig |
PIGLang |
11/11 | Exam 1 discussion; Prj1 Demo and discussion; Hive | Hive | |
11/15 | Oozie Presentation by Eric Nagler | OOZIE | |
11/17 | HDFS/MR internals | MRI | |
11/30 |
Large-scale DB: Hbase |
Hbase |
My New office : 345 Davis |
Final Review |
FinalReview |
12/1 | Hbase (Contd.) | Ch.1 from Hbase Definitive Guide | |
12/6 | Hbase (contd.); Windows Azure; "SPI" cloud models |