Human motion
and activity is extremely complex. Most promising recent approaches
are based on low- and mid-level features (e.g.,
local space-time features, dense point trajectories, and dense 3D
gradient histograms). In contrast, the Action Bank™ method is a new
high-level representation of activity in video. In short, it embeds a
video into an "action space" spanned by various action detector
responses, such as walking-to-the-left, drumming-quickly, etc. The
individual action detectors in our implementation of Action Bank™ are
template based detectors using the action spotting work of Derpanis et
al. CVPR 2010. Each individual action detector correlation video
volume is transformed into a response vector by volumetric max-pooling
(3-levels for a 73-dimension vector); in our library and methods
there are 205 action detector templates in the bank, sampled broadly
in semantic and viewpoint space. Our
shows how a simple classifier like an SVM can use this high
dimensional representation to effectively recognition realistic
videos of complex human activities.
On this page, you will find
downloads for our source
already processed versions of major vision
data sets, and a description about the method and the code in
some more detail.
News / Updates
Code / Download:
The code is downloadable here. This download includes
the (Python) source code for complete Action Bank™ feature
representation as well as an example of svm-based classification, some
tools (such as converting to a Matlab readable format), a thorough
instructions on code use and data format, the full set of bank
templates that was used in our CVPR 2012 paper, and scripts that produce the results from our
CVPR 2012 paper
(processed bank representations needed below).
Documentation and README files are included with the code download.
Action Bank™ is Python code. You will need a modern 2.7
Python version with
Numpy/Scipy; you will also need an installation
ffmpeg and the Python
shogun libraries (if you want to
use our classification code included in the download). All are
trivially installed via Packages
on most platforms.
Finally, since computing the Action Bank™ representation can be
computationally expensive, we are making the Action Bank™ version of
major data sets available here. We will add future processed data
sets as they are available. If you have something that you want us
to process on our cluster, then contact us.
LICENSE The code is licensed for free academic and research use
(non-commercial). See the LICENSE file for more details. Please
contact us if any other license is needed.
Action Bank™ Versions of Data Sets
Benchmark Results
We have tested action bank on a variety of activity recognition data
sets. See the paper for full details. Here, we include a sampling of
the results.
UCF Sports
UCF 50
S. Sadanand and J. J. Corso.
Action bank: A high-level representation of activity in video.
In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition, 2012.
[ bib |
code |
project |
.pdf ]
FAQ / Help
We try to provide some answers to frequent questions and help below in
running the code and/or using the outputted banked vectors.
I am running the software on a video and it
hangs; what's going on?
I get a RuntimeWarning on divide by zero in
The classify() function in causes an AttributeError and
does not work.
Question 1:
I am running the software on a video and it hangs; what's going on?
The most likely answer to this question is not that the system is
hanging but that the system is processing through the method, which
is relatively computationally expensive (especially in this pure
python form).
Here, I run through an example to give you an idea of what you should
I am processing through the first video in the UCF50 BaseballPitch
class (named: v_BaseballPitch_g01_c01.avi). This video is 320x240 and
has 107 frames; it is not a big video. I copied and renamed it to
Now, from inside of the
actionbank/code folder, I call Action
Bank on this single video with the command
python -s
-c 2 -g 2 /tmp/input.avi /tmp/output The
-s means this
is a single video and not a directory of videos. The
-c 2
means use 2 cores for processing. The
-g 2 means reduce the
video by a factor of two before applying the bank detectors (but after
Now, the method will run and run... Here is where it may seem like it
is hanging. But, it's not. It applies each detector in parallel up
to the number of cores you tell it to use. See the output of the
system environment during the run.
You can probably go get a coffee now. Or go to sleep. For this one
video at 320x240 and about 7 seconds, at
-g 2 the bank will
take about an hour to process (on my dual-core i7). See the
timestamps of running the command-below. The machine stats output is
Once this is done, you will have two new files in the /tmp:
/tmp/output_featurized.npy.gz and
/tmp/output_banked.npy.gz, which are the outputs.
You can effectively discard the _featurized.npy.gz file; the bank
vector is in the _banked.npy.gz file. So, you can see that it takes
about two hours to process a relatively small video on a single core.
If you increase the number of cores, you will see a corresponding
decrease in speed (quite proportionate to the number of cores used).
We, for example, process on a Linux cluster with 12-cores per machine
and can process all of UCF50 in about 20 hours on 32 machines. But,
this is time-consuming we agree; so, we have provided the
bank output vectors above for many data
sets. We are also working on speeding up action bank and will post
updated code here (the current code is pure python and not the most
Question 2:
I get this runtime error when I run the code:
actionbank/code/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
Z = V / (V.sum(axis=3))[:,:,:,np.newaxis]
This case means that there is no motion energy at all for a pixel in
the video, which is quite possible for typical videos. We
explicitly handle it in the subsequent lines of by
checking for NAN and INF. I.e., disregard the runtime warning.
Question 3:
classify function call in gives an
AttributeError. For example, when I run, I get the
following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 99, in
File "/home/foo/actionbank_v1_0/code/", line 263, in SVMLinear
res = svm.classify(testfeats).get_labels()
File "/home/foo/epd-7.3-1-rh5-x86_64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 21621, in
__getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SVMOcas, name)
File "/home/foo/epd-7.3-1-rh5-x86_64/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 59, in _swig_getattr
raise AttributeError(name)
AttributeError: classify
This seems to be a change in the Shogun library interface. Our work
was performed with shogun version libshogun
(x86_64/v0.9.3_r4889_2010-05-27_20:52_4889). In newer
versions of shogun, classify is replaced with apply. Note, we have
not yet tested this in house and results may vary.
We also want to point out that the module is included
as an example of how to use the action bank output for
classification. One can use other, preferred, classifiers or
platforms, such as Random Forests or Matlab, respectively.