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Jason J. Corso
Supervoxel Library Current Version: 3.0:12/2013
LIBSVX Tutorial27 July 2012 (corresponds to libsvx v 2.0)
Note that a later version of the tutorial is in the libsvx v 3.0
tarball. We will add it here shortly.
This tutorial will guide you through the use of the various elements of libsvx: both the supervoxel segmentation methods and the benchmark evaluation. To make this easy, we have included a short subset of a video sequence on which we’ll work, which is taken from our labeled benchmark subset of xiph.org. Assume the frames of the input video bus are extracted into two formats: ppm and png, which are placed at path/to/libsvx/example/frames_png/ and path/to/libsvx/example/frames_ppm/. The video bus has 30 frames with the resolution 240x160; it is shown in the embedded video on the right (embedding videos of most steps in the tutorial are included; they are all recorded at 5fps for illustration purposes). We hope this tutorial is able to make it easy for you to learn how to use the library we’ve provided. Suggestions and code improvements are quite welcome; email us! The library project website is http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~jcorso/r/supervoxels. 1 InstallationPlease follow the README file in the directories of each method and benchmark code. Put simply, there is code in path/to/libsvx/gbh_stream/, path/to/libsvx/gbh/ and path/to/libsvx/swa/ that needs to be compiled (via provided makefiles). The code in path/to/libsvx/nystrom_ncut/ and path/to/libsvx/svxbench/ are in Matlab with no mex’d code.
2 Example UsageWe include the sample usages of the library methods here. Assume the frames of the input video bus are extracted into two formats: ppm and png, which are placed at path/to/libsvx/example/frames_png/ and path/to/libsvx/example/frames_ppm/. The video soccer has 30 frames with the resolution 240x160.
2.1 Streaming AlgorithmThe streaming algorithm requires only constant memory (depends on the streaming window range) to execute the algo- rithm which makes it feasible for surveillance or to run over a long video on a less powerful machine. It approximates the solution of an offline algorithm.2.1.1 Graph-based Streaming Hierarchical Segmentation (StreamGBH)Assume you are in path/to/libsvx/gbh_stream and that you have successfully compiled the gbh_stream executable. To perform the segmentation, run the following command, which will output segmented frames into path/to/libsvx/example/output_gbh_stream/:
./gbh_stream 5 200 100 0.5 10 20 ../example/frames_ppm ../example/output_gbh_stream
This command should take about a few minutes to run. The parameters of the gbh_stream executable are fully explained in the README file in path/to/libsvx/gbh_stream. In short, the 5 200 and 100 are the merging thresholds (roughly put, larger thresholds means larger supervoxels). The 0.5 is the Gaussian smoothing parameter. The 10 is the number of frames to include in one video subsequence/streaming window rang, and the 20 is the desired levels in the hierarchy. The algorithm implements a superset of StreamGBH, StreamGB, GBH and GB, corresponding to different combinations of these two parameters. The output of the folder is organized with each hierarchy level having its own newly created subdirectory. In our case, there will be new directories 00 through 20. In each of these directories is the supervoxel output as images with frames number similar to the input frames. Separate supervoxels are colored with unique RGB values. Result videos are included below for three levels of the hierarchy with a streaming window k=10.
2.2 Offline AlgorithmOffline algorithms require the video to be available in advance and short enough to fit in memory. It loads the whole video at once and processes afterwards. Under most circumstances, it gives better segmentation results than the corresponding streaming algorithm since it is aware of the whole video.2.2.1 Graph-based Hierarchical Segmentation (GBH)Although you can run GBH with a parameter setting in StreamGBH, here we still keep a separate version of GBH, which inherits from libsvx 1.0. This implementation features with a balanced searching tree that makes it slightly faster when the video is short enough to load into memory at once. Assume you are in path/to/libsvx/gbh/ and that you have successfully compiled the gbh executable.. To perform the segmentation, run the following command, which will output segmented frames into path/to/libsvx/example/output_gbh/:
./gbh 5 200 100 0.5 20 ../example/frames_ppm ../example/output_gbh
This command should take about a few minutes to run. The parameters of the gbh executable are fully explained in the README file in path/to/libsvx/gbh. They are the same parameters as in StreamGBH except that it lacks a streaming window range. Result videos are included below for three levels of the hierarchy.
2.2.2 Graph-based Segmentation (GB)Here, we treat the GB as one special case of GBH, where the hierarchy level is equal to zero. Again, assume you are in path/to/libsvx/gbh. Run the following command, which will output the segmented frames into path/to/libsvx/example/output_gb/:
./gbh 100 0 100 0.5 0 ../example/frames_ppm ../example/output_gb
This code will run much faster. The second parameter is disregarded, as it is only for the hierarchical version. The video on the right is an example output from the GB method on the example video.
2.2.3 Nyström Normalized Cuts (Nyström)Open MATLAB (we use R2011b). Assume you are in path/to/libsvx/nystrom_ncut. Run the following command in MATLAB command shell, which will output results into path/to/libsvx/example/output_nys. Note, this command, requires the Optimization Toolbox and will automatically open a matlabpool.
Note: The algorithm requires large memory and takes long time to compute. Please watch your system monitor. The parameters to this function are explained in the script itself. Briefly, they specify, the input and output paths, the desired number of supervoxels (the higher this number, the longer it will take to compute), number of Nyström sample points (the higher the number the more accurate the approximation is and yet the more memory that is required), the number of eigenvectors to compute for the embedding, the next two are the importance of the Euclidean distance and the color space, and the last one specifies whether or not to use KNN for the output (0 is only use kmeans and 1 is use 10% kmeans and then do KNN, which will generate the output faster but is an approximation to the full kmeans).
2.2.4 Segmentation by Weighted Aggregation (SWA)Assume you are in path/to/libsvx/swa and you have compiled the swa binary. First of all, please note the config file path/to/libsvx/example/swa_config/config_example.txt that has been created for this tutorial. Its contents are
Frames=30-30 NumOfLayers=12 MaxStCubeSize=100 VizLayer=5-12 VizFileName=../example/output_swa
Full description of these parameters are provided in the README and the swa.cpp source file. In short, they indicate what to run only, no parameters. Then run the following command, which will create the supervoxel output in path/to/libsvx/example/output_swa.
./swa ../example/swa_config/config_example.txt
The output is stored in a similar manner as the other hierarchical methods above. Result videos are included below for three levels of the hierarchy.
3 Supervoxel BenchmarkThe supervoxel benchmark is a separate part the supervoxel library that is able to compute quantitative scoring metrics against human-drown segmentations. Our CVPR 2012 paper thoroughly describes the metrics that are included in the benchmark. Here, we show you how to run the previously computed results from the tutorial (above) through the benchmark and generate scores. To run the benchmark, you must compute the results for a complete data set, say the Chen xiph.org data set, which is included with the benchmark download. And, these results must be computed with a varying set of parameters, so that we can generate the output curves (corresponding to different supervoxel numbers per video). The next paragraph describes how to use a provided shell script to generate a full set of results. Alternatively, you can download them from our website (if you just want to test the benchmark code) at http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~jcorso/extdelivery/libsvx_example_full.tar.bz, and skip the next paragraph. Be sure to place them in path/to/libsvx/example/chen_swa. Here we show an example of the SWA method. We have provided a script in path/to/libsvx/example/compute_chen_swa.bash, which you should execute (it is a bash-shell executable script) from inside of the path/to/libsvx/example directory. This will take about 90 minutes and 10GB memory to run—it computes the SWA segmentation over all the videos. The program will create a directory in path/to/libsvx/example/chen_swa, which contains all 8 videos in Chen’s data set with the video name as the name of the directory. In each video directory, you will see subdirectories 07 through 12, which contain the segmentation results of level 07 trough level 12 respectively. Once you have the segmentation results ready, you can run the benchmark code to generate the comparative figures. Following the above example, you need to set
path_input_method = '../example/chen_swa';
path_ppm = 'dataset/Chen_ppm'; dataset = 1; output_path = '../example/chen_swa_benchmark'; in path/to/libsvx/svxbench/EVALUATION.m. Then run the script inside the Matlab command shell. It will take an hour or so to run (depends on the number of supervoxels); there are a lot of methods in the evaluation. It will save all of the computed figures and metrics into the output_path that is specified in the script. We use the GBH method as another example. The script is in path/to/libsvx/example/compute_chen_gbh.bash. This will take about 60 minutes and 4GB memory to run—it computes the GBH segmentation over all the videos. Note different parameter settings require different time to compute, and will generate different results. To make it run faster, we set the following
./gbh 5 500 200 0.5 20 /path/to/input /path/to/output
in our script for all videos. The program will create a directory in path/to/libsvx/example/chen_gbh, which contains all 8 videos in Chen’s data set with the video name as the name of the directory. In each video directory, you will see subdirectories 00 through 20, which contain the segmentation results of level 00 (oversegmentation) through level 20 respectively. Once you have the segmentation results ready, you can again run the benchmark code to generate the comparative figures. You need to set
path_input_method = '../example/chen_gbh';
path_ppm = 'dataset/Chen_ppm'; dataset = 1; output_path = '../example/chen_gbh_benchmark'; in path/to/libsvx/svxbench/EVALUATION.m. Then run the script.
4 Final RemarksWe hope you have found this tutorial to be a gentle introduction to the library and benchmark. We, of course, also hope you are able to make good use of the code. If you run into any problems, have any suggestions, or make any improvements, please contact us via email. We will periodically release updates. The segmentation methods provided herein are implemented to the best of our abilities to match the original works. Many of the methods are parameter dependent and require large amounts of memory and compute time to run. We are working on a novel streaming method that will be able to get around these hurdles, or at least some of them, and will release it when complete. |