This course concerns scientific computation in a broad sense. We will use numerical libraries written in higher level languages, such as C, Fortran, and Python, to solve computational problems. Emphasis will be placed on computational decision making. For example, how should I choose which nonlinear solver to use? How should I evaluate its suitability once I have tried it? We will also cover basic techniques of algorithm design and implementation, project planning, source management, configuration and build tools, documentation, program construction, i/o, and visualization.

If you go on to career in scientific computing, you will very often be confronted with models, discretizations, numerical methods, and solution algorithms unfamiliar to you. Some you will research and understand completely, and some you will understand at a merely mechanical level. This course mirrors that experience. When you first did arthmetic, were you aware you were doing it in an algebraically closed field or why?

CAAM 519 Course Information

Instructor: Matthew G. Knepley

Class times: 11am to 11:50am on Monday, Wednesday, & Friday

Location: Duncan Hall 1042

Office Hours: Instructor 1:00pm to 2:00pm Tuesday in DCH 3021, TA 2:30pm to 3:30pm Thrusday in DCH 3016

A course overview and grading policy are available in accordance with Rice academic policy.

Required and Recommended Reading

Class notes have been prepared for each lecture. Students should read the notes prior to attending class, but the lecture may deviate from the notes somewhat. The notes will be continually updated as the class progresses, so students should download them again at the beginning of each week. The lectures for each week of class are contained in a chapter. The weekly lectures will roughly follow the chapter sections. The following books are foundational for the software construction and documentation will be attempt in this class. However we will not follow them in any way, and they are intended for reference and outside reading.



  1. Due 9/14: All questions in Chapter 1
  2. Due 9/19: Questions 1, 2, 4, 5 in Chapter 2