CSE 111, Fall 2004

Homework #4:

Propositional-Logic Truth Tables

Last Update: 28 September 2004

Note: NEW or UPDATED material is highlighted

For each problem, use the binary representation scheme where "0" represents the truth value false and "1" represents the truth value true.
    1. Construct a truth table for the proposition:

        not(x and y)

        • Hint: To do this, first construct the truth table for x and y. Then add another column for its negation.

    2. Does this look like the truth table for any other propositional connective?

  1. Construct the truth table for:

    "Exclusive disjunction", denoted by the connective "xor", can be defined as follows:

    Construct a truth table for "x xor y".

    1. Construct the truth table for:

        (not x) or y

    2. Does this look like the truth table for any other propositional connective?

    1. Construct the truth table for the "biconditional":

        x if and only if y

      where the biconditional of x and y is true if both of them have the same truth value, and false otherwise.

    2. Compare it to the truth table for exclusive disjunction.

  3. Construct the truth table for:

  4. Construct the truth table for:

  5. Let's define a new connective, "nor", as follows:

    1. Construct the truth table for x nor y.
    2. Construct the truth table for x nor x.
    3. What other connective is logically equivalent to x nor x?
    4. Construct the truth table for:

        (x nor y) nor (x nor y)

    5. What other connective is logically equivalent to that one?


Copyright © 2004 by William J. Rapaport (rapaport@cse.buffalo.edu)
file: 111F04/hw4-2004-09-20.html