CSE 111, Fall 2004
Homework #10:
Karel the Robot, Part IV
Last Update: 12 November 2004
material is highlighted
Do the following exercises from the Karel the Robot text. Unless
you have made arrangements with me in advance, any Karel
programs you write must be handed in as printouts from the Karel
software. This means that you will need to plan in advance, since, as
many of you know, the printer queues can be quite long.
Please staple all pages together, making sure that your name and
lab section are on the first page.
All problems are from Karel, §4.10:
- p. 87, # 3
- p. 87, # 4
- p. 88, # 6
- p. 89, #10
Instructions for handing in HW 10:
Because some of the Karel programs you are now writing are pretty long,
it will be easier to grade them if we can actually run them on the Karel
In order to make this easier, please do BOTH of the following for HW 10:
- E-mail your complete HW to your TA:
Your e-mailed HW must be:
- Mailed from *your* account, not anyone else's.
Note: This means that you must use your UB email account,
not a yahoo, hotmail, etc., account unless that account
is clearly identifiable from its email address as being yours
I.e., if your name is "Terry A. Student",
and if you have a yahoo account (for example)
named "terrystudent@yahoo.com", that's fine.
But if your yahoo account is "happykid764@yahoo.com",
that's *not* fine, and you should use your UBIT
account :-)
- Mailed before class begins on the due date. We will
know if you've done this by the date/timestamp on the
email message.
- Continue to hand in a paper copy of your HW in lecture on the due
date, as usual.
We will use the emailed version to test your program, and the paper copy
to indicate your grade and any mistakes.
Copyright © 2004 by
William J. Rapaport
file: 111F04/hw10-2004-11-12.html