CSE 111, Fall 2004

Homework #12:

Karel the Robot, Part VI

This is problem 7 from §6.4 (p. 153) of the Karel the Robot text.

Unless you have made arrangements with me in advance, any Karel programs you write must be handed in as printouts from the Karel software. This means that you will need to plan in advance, since, as many of you know, the printer queues can be quite long. Please staple all pages together, making sure that your name and lab section are on the first page.

In addition, please e-mail your complete HW to your TA:

Your e-mailed HW must be:

  1. Mailed from *your* UB email account, not any other account or anyone else's.
  2. Mailed before class begins on the due date.

Write a Karel program that converts the following initial situation into the following final situation:

Initial Situation:

Final Situation:

That's it!

(Need a hint? Click here. But try to solve the problem before looking at the hint!)

A word on grading:

The easiest way for us to grade this is to give you an "A" if you have a working program that does what it's supposed to do, a "D" if you don't have a working program and what you do have is hopeless, and a "C" for anything in between (see my "How I Grade" website for the theory behind this "triage" system of grading; "F" is reserved for those who do nothing).

However, to alleviate this easy-on-us, apparently-hard-on-you grading scheme, you can get partial credit (to boost a "C" or "D" to something higher) by submitting a Bug Report: a document that describes how your program is not working and what you would do to fix it if only you had a few more days to work on it. A good bug report can boost a poor grade to at least a "B".

Bug reports should be prepared on a word-processor or text-editor; for general advice on writing, see my "How to Write" website.

You should probably choose this option if you do not have a working program by Tuesday, Dec. 7.


Copyright © 2004 by William J. Rapaport (rapaport@cse.buffalo.edu)
file: 111F04/hw12-2004-11-30.html