CSE 111, Fall 2004

Great Ideas in Computer Science

Course Summary

Original: 15 December 2004
Last Update: 19 September 2013

Note: NEW or UPDATED material is highlighted

NOTE: Since most of this year's freshmen were born around 1986, and this girl looks to be about 5 years old, she's approximately of your generation!

  1. Computer science is the science of computers and computing.

    (Other definitions: CS is the science of procedures;
    CS is the science of information processing, etc.)

  2. Algorithm for a problem:

  3. A problem is computable means that there is an algorithm (expressed as a computer program written in some programming language) that solves the problem.

  4. digital computer

  5. The Great Ideas of CS:

    1. Boole's & Shannon's idea:

      Only 2 nouns are needed to represent all information about any computable problem:

      • e.g., 0, 1

    2. Turing's idea:

      Only 5 verbs are needed to express the basic computable actions that can be done with those objects:

      • e.g., moveleft, moveright, print-0, print-1, erase

    3. Boehm & Jacopini's idea:

      Only 3 rules of grammar are needed to combine these nouns and verbs into descriptions of more-complex actions:

      • sequence (BEGIN S1;S2 END),
      • selection (IF <test> THEN S1 ELSE S2),
      • repetition (WHILE <test> DO S1).

      • A useful 4th rule: DEFINE-NEW-INSTRUCTION <new-instr> AS <old-instr>
      • A useful 5th rule: recursion (see below)

    4. Church-Turing Thesis:

      Nothing else is needed; more precisely:

      • A problem is computable means that there is a Turing-machine program (or a Karel program, or a Java program, or ...) that can solve it.

      • All programming languages are equally powerful.

        • But some are better than others for expressing and solving some problems, while others are better for other problems.

      • Everything that is computable can be computed by a Turing machine.

    5. Turing's Theorem:

      There is a Universal Turing Machine that can compute anything that is computable.

      • I.e., a stored-program computer; e.g., a PC, a Mac, etc.!

    6. Halting Problem:

      An example of a non-computable problem

      • There is no single computer program that can tell you whether any given computer program will halt.

  6. The first Great Idea: Binary representation:

    1. A paradox:

  7. The second Great Idea: Turing machines:

  8. The third Great Idea: Boehm & Jacopini's theorem about structured programming

  9. Artificial Intelligence: Is cognition computable?

Text copyright © 2004–2013 by William J. Rapaport (rapaport@buffalo.edu)
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