Discrete Structures

Lecture Notes, 8 Nov 2010

Last Update: 8 November 2010

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§2.3: Functions (cont'd)

§2.4: Sequences

§4.1: Mathematical Induction

  1. Function Composition:

    1. Reminder:

          Let A,B,C be sets.
          Let g : A → B.
          Let f : B → C.
          Then the composition of f with g
            —denoted "(f o g) : A → C" & read "f of g"—
          =def {(a, c) | (∃b ∈ B)[(g(a) = b) ∧ (f(b) = c)]

      1. i.e., (f o g)(a) = f(g(a))

      2. E.g.:

          Let f(x) = x+1.
          Let g(y) = 3y.

          Then: (f o g)(z) = f(g(z)) = f(3z) = 3z+1

             but: (g o f)(z) = g(f(z)) = g(z+1) = 3(z+1) = 3z+3.

      3. Thm: Function composition is not commutative

        • i.e., (f o g) ≠ (g o f)

    2. Thm:

        Let A,B be sets.
        Let f : A → B be a 1– correspondence

          (i.e., total, 1–1 & onto)

        Then (f o f–1) : B → B = ιB
           and (f–1 o f) : A → A = ιA
           and (f–1)–1 = f

  2. Sequences:

    1. Def:

        Let (S = N) ∨ (S = W (= Z+)).
        Let T be any non-∅ set.
        Then a is a sequence =def a : S → T.

      • i.e., a sequence is a function from {(0,) 1, 2, …} to any set T

    2. Notation:

      1. an for: a(n)
      2. "an" is a term of the sequence
      3. {an} for: the sequence a : N → T (or the sequence a : W → T)

    3. A sequence is a function.
      A function is a relation.
      A relation is a set.
      ∴ A sequence is a set: {(0, a0), (1, a1), …}, where each ai ∈ T

    4. A sequence can be thought of as an ∞-tuple

    5. Examples:

      1. Example 1:

          0,  1,   4,   9,  16,  25, …
          a0, a1, a2, a3, a4,  a5, …

          i.e., (∀nN)[an = n²]

      2. Example 2 (the Fibonacci sequence — read both links!):

          0,  1,   1,   2,   3,   5,   8,   13, …
          a0, a1, a2, a3, a4,  a5, a6,   a7, …


            a0 = 0
            a1 = 1
            (∀n > 1)[an = an–1 + an–2]

    6. General problem:

      1. Given a sequence, to determine its formula
      2. i.e., given I/P & O/P of an algorithm, to determine (the?) an(!) algorithm for it.
      3. Notes:

        1. language learning is a real-life e.g.
        2. in general, ∃ >1 algorithm!
        3. given only a finite, initial sequence of O/P,
          ∃ no way to find the intended algorithm

          • i.e., ∃ no way to predict the future!

        4. See "Computational Learning Theory"

    7. Summations:

      1. A series or summation =def the sum of (some or all) terms in a sequence.

      2. i.e.) a0 + a1 + a2 + …

      3. Notation:

          i = n
          Σai for: a0 + a1 + … + an
          i = 0

    8. For more information on sequences & series ("summations"), link to:
      "Sequences and Summations: Further Information"

  3. Mathematical Induction:

    1. Watch the falling-domino movies at "Recursion & Induction"

    2. Let Falls(x) mean: x falls down.

        "base case"
          ∴ Falls(domino2),by Modus Ponens!
          ∴ Falls(domino3),by MP
          ∴ Falls(dominok)
        "inductive hypothesis"
        "inductive case"
          ∴ Falls(dominok+1)
          ∴ Falls(dominolast)
        "general principle"

Next lecture…

Text copyright © 2010 by William J. Rapaport (rapaport@buffalo.edu)
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