Discrete Structures

Lecture Notes, 19 Nov 2010

Last Update: 22 November 2010

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§§7.1–7.2: Recurrence Relations

  1. Recurrence Relations:

    1. A sequence can be defined in two different ways:

      1. non-recursively ("explicitly"),
        in terms of its current I/P:

          an = f(n)

      2. recursively,
        by giving initial conditions (first few terms)

          a0 = C0, …, an–1 = Cn–1

        & a recurrence relation that defines the sequence in terms of its previous O/P:

          an = h(a0 = C0, …, an–1)

    2. Question: Given initial conditions & recurrence relation an = h(a0 = C0, …, an–1),
      (how) can we compute the explicit formula f(n)?

      • This is called "solving" the recurrence relation.

    3. E.g.)

      1. initial conditions:

          a0 = C0
          a1 = C1

        recurrence relation:

          an = 3an–1 – 2an–2, ∀ n ≥ 2

      2. Lots of different sequences share this pattern,
        differing only in their initial conditions

        1. Given the initial conditions,
          we can compute the nth term (n ≥ 2)
          without knowing what the function does to its I/P!

        2. We compute it on the basis of what it did:
          we compute it on the basis of what its previous O/P was!

        3. Here are some examples:
            (initial conditions are in the first 2 rows;
            last row shows "explicit" "solution",
            i.e.) def in terms of I/P)

          a0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2
          a1 0 1 0 1 2 1 2
          a2 0 3 –2 1 4 –1 2
          a3 0 7 –6 1 8 –5 2
          a4 0 15 –14 1 16 –13 2
          a5 0 –30 1
          an 0 2n–1 2–2n 1 2n 3–2n 2

    4. What good are recurrence relations?

      1. They describe similar patterns of growth,
        based on differing initial conditions or "seeds"

      2. E.g.) compound interest:

        • 2 people deposit different amounts of $ in same bank;
          ∴ same recurrence relation computes their interest;

          But the actual interest depends on their initial deposit!

  2. So the question is: How to "solve" a recurrence relation.

    1. Def:

        A linear, homogeneous, recurrence relation of degree 2
        with constant coefficients
        a recurrence relation of the form

          an = c1an–1 + c2an–2

        where c1, c2R & c2 ≠ 0

        1. See text for complete def of linear homogeneous recurrence relation of degree k with constant coefficients.
        2. "linear": no exponents
        3. "homogeneous": all terms are multiples of the ai
          • Note: pronounced "homoJEENee-us",
            not "hoMOJenus", with 5 syllables

        4. "constant coefficients":
            they are not functions of n;
            they are constants

    2. This determines a family of sequences
      that differ only in their initial conditions.

      • E.g.) The Fibonacci recurrence relation:

          fn = fn–1 + fn–2

        is a linear homegeneous recurrence relation of degree 2
        and can have differing intial conditions,
        yielding different Fibonacci sequences:

        1. f0 = 0 & f1 = 1 yields:


        2. f0 = 1 & f1 = 1 yields:


        3. f0 = 1 & f1 = 2 yields:


    3. They are solvable!

  3. How do you solve them?

    1. The trick:

      • Given a0=C0, a1=C1, & an=c1an–1+c2an–2
        look for solutions of the form an = rn, for constant r

    2. Why?

      1. Because, in the simplest case, when an=c1an–1,
        the ratio of sucessive terms is constant;
        ∴ it's a geometric sequence

      2. Given the sequence
          a0 = C0
          an = c1an–1

        we have:

          a0 = C0
          a1 = c1C0
          a2 = c1²C0

          an = c1nC0
          ∴ an = a0c1n

    3. an = rn is a solution
      (i.e., an "explicit", non-recursive formula)
      for an = c1an–1 + c2an–2
      (an =) rn = c1rn–1 + c2rn–2 (by substituting rn for an)

      rn         c1rn–1 + c2rn–2
      ___ = _____________ (for r ≠ 0)
      rn–2           rn–2

      r² = c1r + c2
      r² – c1r – c2 = 0 [the characteristic equation of the recurrence relation]
      r is a solution of this equation [the characteristic root]
      (i.e., makes the equation come out T)

  4. Thm 1 (p. 462):

      • In a theorem, you have to say where everything comes from;
        i.e., you must give their data types.

      Let C0, C1N be constants.

      Let a0 = C0 and a1 = C1 be the initial conditions of a recurrence relation.

      Let c1, c2R be such that an = c1an–1 + c2an–2 is the recurrence relation.

      Let r1 ≠ r2 be 2 distinct roots of the "characteristic equation"

        r² – c1r – c2

      of the recurrence relation. Then:

        (∃α1, α2R)(∀n ∈ N)[an = α1r1n + α2r2n]

      • i.e.) the recurrence relation for the nth term
        can be computed non-recursively
        using the formula in terms of αi and ri

      • This is a non-constructive existence claim!

        • We need an algorithm to show how to find the αi

  5. (Outline of) procedure (i.e., algorithm)
    for solving a (linear homogeneous) recurrence relation
    (of degree 2 with constant coefficients):

      • Details will be given in the next lecture.

    • I/P: recurrence relation an = c1an–1 + c2an–2

    1. Set up the characteristic equation:

        r² – c1r – c2

    2. Solve the characteristic eqn for r1, r2

      1. if r1 = r2,
          then begin O/P "no solution"; halt end
          else goto (2b)

      2. Find α1, α2 such that an = α1r1n + α2r2n:

        1. Use initial conditions to produce 2 simultaneous eqns in 2 unknowns:

        2. Solve these for α1 & α2

      • O/P: explicit formula for an, namely:

          an = α1r1n + α2r2n

Next lecture…

Text copyright © 2010 by William J. Rapaport (rapaport@buffalo.edu)
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