Discrete Structures

Lecture Notes, 1 Dec 2010

Last Update: 1 December 2010

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§§8.1; 8.5: Relations

  1. Database Theory as the Computational Theory of Relations:

    1. All set operations apply to relations: That's how databases work!

    2. E.g.)

        Let C = {c | c is a course at UB}
        Let S = {s | s is a student at UB}

        Then can define Ri ⊆ S × C such that:

        • R1 = {(s,c) | student s is taking course c}
        • R2 = {(s,c) | student s must take course c for the CSE major}

      • Then:

        1. R1 ∪ R2 = {(s,c) | (s is taking c) ∨ (s must take c for CSE)}

          • i.e.) returns list of all (s,c) specifying students' actual and required CSE courses.

        2. R1 ∩ R2 = {(s,c) | (s is taking c) ∧ (s must take c for CSE)}

          • i.e.) returns list of all (s,c) with current courses that are required

        3. R1 – R2 = {(s,c) | (s is taking c) ∧ (s doesn't have to take c for CSE)}

          • i.e.) returns list of all (s,c) with current electives.

    3. E.g.)

      • Let < be defined recursively as we did last time

        Let = ⊆ N×N be defined recursively as follows:

        • Base Case: (0,0) ∈ =
          Recursive Case: (x,y) ∈ =  →  (S(x),S(y)) ∈ =

        Then: ≤  =def  < ∪ =

          (= {(x,y) | (x,y) ∈ <   ∨   (x,y) ∈ =})

  2. Equivalence Relations:

    1. Let ∼ ⊆ A × A.
      Then ∼ is an equivalence relation on A =def
        R is reflexive, symmetric, & transitive.

      • Notation: "a ∼ b" for: (a,b) ∈ ∼
        (read: "a is equivalent to b")

    2. E.g.)

        Let WFPL = {A | A is a well-formed proposition of propositional logic}
        Let ≡ ⊆ WFPL×WFPL s.t. A≡B iff tval(A)=tval(B)
          i.e.) iff (A↔B) is a tautology
        Then ≡ is an equivalence relation on WFPL

        • proof:

            ∴ A≡A

            tval(A)=tval(B) → tval(B)=tval(A)
            ∴ A≡B → B≡A

            (tval(A)=tval(B) ∧ tval(B)=tval(C)) →
            ∴ (A≡B ∧ B≡C) → A≡C

    3. Def:

        Let A1, …, An ⊆ A.

        1. The Ai are mutually exclusive =def
            they are "pairwise disjoint"

          • i.e.) (∀Ai, Aj)[Ai ∩ Aj = ∅]

        2. The Ai are jointly exhaustive =def iAi = A

        3. Let A1, …, An ⊆ A be mutually exclusive
          & jointly exhaustive.
          Then {A1, …, An} isdef a partition of A.

        • So A looks like this:

    4. Def:

        Let ∼ be an equivalence relation on set A.
        Let a ∈ A.


        1. the equivalence class of a under
            denoted [a]

          {a′ ∈ A | a′ ∼ a}

        2. α is a representative of [a] =def α ∈ [a].

    5. Thm:

        Let A be a set.

          (∀ equiv relation ∼ ⊆ A×A)(∃ A1,…,An ⊆ A)[{A1,…,An} is a partition of A]

      1. i.e.) ∀ equivalence relation, ∃ partition
        i.e.) every equiv relation "induces" a partition

      2. proof sketch:

          Let ∼ be an equiv relation on A.

          Let P = {[a1], …, [an]} be the set of all equivalence classes of elements of A under ∼.

          Then i[ai] = A.

          ∴ They are jointly exhaustive.

          And (∀i, j)[[ai] ∩ [aj] = ∅

          ∴ They are mutually exclusive.

          ∴ P is a partition of A.


    6. Thm:

      (∀ partition {A1,…,An} of A)(∃ ∼ that is an equivalence relation on A]

      1. i.e.) ∀ partition, ∃ equivalence relation

      2. proof sketch,

          Let P = {A1,…,An} be a partition of A.
          Let a,b ∈ A.
          Let a ∼ b =def ∃Ai[a,b ∈ Ai].
          Show ∼ reflexive, symmetric, & transitive.

    7. Best Example: Q as fractions:

      1. Consider the set of all fractions F = {numerals m/n | m,n ∈ Z}

        1. numerals are symbols that name numbers:

          • "1", "one", "un", "uno", and "I"
            are 5 different numerals
            that all name the same number (namely, S(0)).

        2. "½" ∈ F;
          "2/4" ∈ F;
          and those are two different members of F

        3. As numerals, "½" ≠ "2/4".
        4. As numbers, ½ = 2/4

        5. Better: As numerals, ½ ∼ 2/4,
          where a/b ∼ c/d  =def  ad=bc

      2. The relation between 2 fractions
        when they can be reduced to the same lowest common denominator
        is an equivalence relation that partitions F
        into subsets of equivalent fractions

        • Let ∼ be that equivalence relation on F, as above.
          Then [½] = [2/4]
          & any fraction a/b ∼ ½ can represent any other fraction that = ½.

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Text copyright © 2010 by William J. Rapaport (rapaport@buffalo.edu)
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