Last Update: 30 March 2007, 1:56 p.m.
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What Is Implementation?
Putnam, Hilary
to Representation and Reality
(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press): 121-125.
Rapaport, William J.
"Implementation Is Semantic Interpretation: Further Thoughts",
Special Issue on Theoretical Cognitive Science,
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence
17(4) (December): 385-417.
Are Programs Theories?
Complete PDF version of the above two chapters (not missing any
pages that we know of!)
Original PDF version of the above two chapters, which is
missing two pages (see below).
Especially the following two sections, containing the articles
listed (many of which are available elsewhere, some online):
What Is Software?
Miller, Christopher A. (guest ed.) (2004),
"Human-Computer Etiquette:
Managing Expectations with Intentional Agents",
Communications of the ACM
47(4) (April): 31-34.
Colburn, Timothy R.
Philosophy and Computer Science
(Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe),
Ch. 12 ("Software, Abstraction, and Ontology"),
pp. 198-209.
Wallich, Paul (1997),
"Cracking the U.S. Code",
Scientific American (April): 42.
Copyright © 2004-2007 by
William J. Rapaport
file: 584/S07/whatisacomprog-20070330.html