CSE 463/563, Spring 2003


Last Update: 9 April 2003

Note: NEW material is highlighted

  1. Birthday-Party Frame (after Minsky)

    Dress:Sunday best OR casual
    Present:Must please host
    Must be bought and gift-wrapped
    Games:Pin tail on donkey
    Hot potato
    Duck duck goose goose
     Blow out
     Make wish
     Sing "Happy Birthday to You"
    Ice cream:Standard 3-flavor

  2. A frame system (after Luger & Stubblefield):

    frame hotel_room
    isa room // pointer to frame room
    location hotel
    contains (hotel_chair hotel_phone hotel_bed) // pointers

    frame hotel_chair
    isa chair
    comfort uncomfortable

    frame chair
    isa furniture
    use sitting
    legs 4 // default value
    height 20-40 cm // default value

    frame hotel_phone
    isa phone
    use (call_friends call_room-service)
    billing charge_to_room // could be a procedure

    frame hotel_bed
    isa bed
    size king

    frame bed
    isa furniture
    use sleeping
    parts (mattress bedframe)

    frame mattress
    isa cushion
    firmness firm


  1. Minsky, Marvin (1974), "A Framework for Representing Knowledge", Memo 306 (Cambridge, MA: MIT AI Lab).

  2. Kuipers, Benjamin J. (1975), "A Frame for Frames: Representing Knowledge for Recognition," in D.G. Bobrow & A. Collins (eds.), Representation and Understanding: Studies in Cognitive Science (Orlando, FL: Academic Press): 151-184.

  3. Hayes, Pat (1979), "The Logic of Frames", [PDF] in D. Metzing (ed.), Frame Conceptions and Text Understanding (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter): 46-61.

  4. Fikes, Richard, & Kehler, Tom (1985), "The Role of Frame-Based Representation in Reasoning", Communications of the ACM 28(9): 904-920.

Copyright © 2003 by William J. Rapaport (rapaport@cse.buffalo.edu)
file: 563/frames.2003.04.09.html