CSE 463/563, Spring 2003 Project 1 Grading: ========================================================================= Here is how we will grade your Project 1. Reading this will also give you some idea of what we expect to see in your report. (Some of it might make more sense after you've read some more about SNePS.) For more information on my theory of grading (roughly, anything can be graded as: not done (no credit), poorly done, well done (full credit), and in-between (partial credit)), please see my webpage, "Grading Principles", at: http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~rapaport/grading.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Report (i.e., a Brachman-&-Levesque-like section on SNePS, including samples and selection of tutorial exercises): 0 - not done 26 - unacceptable job 52 - OK job 78 - acceptable job What is an "acceptable job"? Well, suppose you were a student in this course and were reading B&L's section on SNePS (which, of course, they don't have; which, in turn, is why I'm asking you to write one :-). An "acceptable" report would be one that told the student what SNePS was, without being too misleading. It could make some small errors (such as confusing SNePS with Cassie, which would not be the first time that has happened in print, I think), but should be otherwise pretty much accurate. An "unacceptable" answer would be one that was mistaken in almost every way or else was so short as to not really give any useful info (even if everything it says is correct; e.g., "SNePS is a semantic network processing system" is not enough, even though it's correct). A "partial credit" answer is one that isn't clearly "acceptable" or "unacceptable". 2. Section 8: 1abcdefg data 3 points each, total = 21 points 1ab queries 3 6 2abcd data 3 12 2ab queries 3 6 3ab data 3 6 3ab queries 3 6 4abc data 3 9 4abcd queries 3 12 TOTAL 78 (where 0 = not done 1 = wrong 2 = partial credit 3 = correct, with clear syntax & semantics) GRAND TOTAL = 156 points Letter 463 both 563 ------ --- ---- --- A 148-156 A- 140-147 B+ 131-139 B 122-130 B- 114-121 C+ 105-113 C 88-104 53-104 C- 70- 87 D+ 53- 69 D 27- 52 F 0- 26