CSE 463/563, Spring 2005

Answers to "Representing English Sentences in FOL"

Last Update: 27 February 2005

Note: NEW or UPDATED material is highlighted

This document uses "pretend-it's English" semantics, for convenience only :-)

There are exactly two P's. ExEy[P(x) ^ P(y) ^ Az[P(z) > (z=x v z=y)]]
A cube is a block. Ax[Cube(x) > Block(x)]
A label of a cube is a label of a block.
(where "is a label of" is a 2-place predicate)
Ay[Ex[Cube(x) ^ Label(y,x)] > Ez[Block(z) ^ Label(y,z)]]
A label of a cube is a label of a block.
(where "label of" is a 1-place function symbol)
Ay[Ex[Cube(x) ^ y = label-of(x)] > Ez[Block(z) ^ y = label-of(z)]]

Copyright © 2005 by William J. Rapaport (rapaport@cse.buffalo.edu)
file: 563S05/fol-translation-2005-02-27.html