CSE 472/572, Spring 2002


Here's another example of the use of Refutation + Resolution + Unification to show the validity of a first-order inference:

Show that the following inference is valid:

  1. Convert all premises to Clause Form:

  2. Convert the negation of the conclusion (for Refutation) to Clause Form:

  3. Union the above, renaming variables:

  4. 4. Apply Resolution to derive {}. Where Unification is needed in order to do this, show the MGU.

    	PxQx	-Pc	Qy
              \      /      /
               \    /      /
          {c/x} \  /      /
                 \/      /
                 Qc     /
                  \    /
             {c/y} \  /


    	PxQx    -Qy	-Pc
              \     /        /
         {x/y} \   /        /
                \ /        /
                 Px       / {c/x}
                  \      /
                   \    /
                    \  /

Copyright © 2002 by William J. Rapaport (rapaport@cse.buffalo.edu)
file: 572/S02/resolution.eg.11ap02.html