CSE 575, Fall 2001


Last Update: 5 December 2001

Note: NEW material is highlighted

  1. NEW Your final report must have an abstract (see the Writing Guidelines) and should also have an introductory paragraph (it could be just a sentence or two) briefly telling the reader what the paper is about.

  2. Your final report should make explicit which 2 or 3 cognitive science disciplines you are focusing on, or how your topic fits into cognitive science (which, by definition, is interdisciplinary and not merely cognitive psychology or (cognitive) linguistics, etc.).

  3. You should write for an interdisciplinary, cognitive-science audience (e.g., your fellow students in this course who are from other departments from yours). Consequently, don't use any unexplained technical jargon (beyond what has been introduced in lectures).

  4. Don't use "box and arrow" diagrams without fully explaining them: What does each box represent? What does each (kind of) arrow represent?

  5. Be sure to give the full source of any quotations. The best way to do this is by giving the author's last name + year + page reference; see my writing guidelines (link given below) for details on how to cite references.

  6. Don't forget that your final report should aim to be between 10 and 15 pages (but no longer), not including the bibliography or any appendices containing a computer program.

  7. Be sure to read and follow my Writing Guidelines.

  8. Use a spell checker!!!

  9. Attach your proposal to the final paper.

  10. Final papers may NOT be submitted online. They MUST be handed in no later than Monday, December 10. You can give them to me on the last day of class, or bring them to my office, or put them in my mailbox in Bell 211. Please do not slip them under my office door.

  11. Be sure to read the Grading Criteria for Term Projects, available online.

Copyright © 2001 by William J. Rapaport (rapaport@cse.buffalo.edu)
file: 575/F01/term.project.guidelines.05dc01.html