The Department of Computer Science & Engineering
CSE/LIN/PHI/PSY 575 & APY 526:
Spring 2011
Directory of Documents

Animation © 2000
Scott Kim

Directory of Documents

CSE/LIN/PHI/PSY 575 & APY 526: Last Update: Friday, 24 May 2019

Note: NEW or UPDATED material is highlighted

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  • a list of links to services provided by
    UB Information Technology,
    including such topics as:
    • Your UBIT Account
    • Getting Started
    • Email & News
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    • Computing Labs
    • Computer Hardware & Software
    • Training, Support, & Documentation
    • Online Resources

Note: A username and password may be required for some online papers. Please contact Bill Rapaport.

  1. What Is Cognitive Science?

    1. Sources of Information on Cognitive Science
    2. Classic Readings in Cognitive Science
    3. Miscellaneous Readings in Cognitive Science UPDATED
    4. UB Center for Cognitive Science Research Groups

  2. Philosophical Theories of Mind:

    1. What Is the Mind?

      1. What is philosophy?
      2. On the mind-body (or mind-brain) problem
      3. On eliminativism
      4. On functionalist theories of mind
      5. Do plants (or other non-higher-animal biological organisms) have minds?

    2. Theory of Mind

    3. Modularity of Mind

  3. Neuroscience

  4. AI as a cognitive science, rules, and connections

    1. AI as a cognitive science
    2. Rules
    3. Connections
    4. On Unconscious Cognition (a.k.a. "Implicit Learning", "Tacit Knowledge", "Intuition", or "instinct")
    5. The Dynamic Systems Approach

  5. Reasoning

  6. Concepts & Categories

    1. From MITECS
    2. Miller's magical number 7
    3. Eleanor Rosch et al.
    4. George Lakoff
    5. On color terms
    6. At UB

  7. Lakoff & Johnson's Theory of Conceptual Metaphor

  8. Mental Images

  9. Memory

  10. Vision (& Perception)

  11. Emotion

  12. Consciousness

  13. Situated/Embedded/Extended Cognition

  14. Interdisciplinary Cognitive Science Projects

  15. Turing Test & Chinese Room Argument

  16. Miscellaneous:

    1. Wynn, Thomas; & Coolidge, Frederick L. (2008), "A Stone-Age Meeting of Minds", American Scientist 96(1) (January-February): 44-51.

      • Abstract: "Neandertals became extinct while Homo sapiens prospered. A marked contrast in mental capacities may account for these different fates."

    2. Pinker, Steven (2008), "The Moral Instinct", NY Times Magazine (13 January): 32-37, 52, 55-56, 58.

    3. Bloom, Paul (2010), "The Moral Life of Babies", New York Times Magazine (9 May): 44–49, 56, 62–63, 65.

    4. Deutscher, Guy (2010), "You Are What You Speak", New York Times Magazine (29 August): 42–47.

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