The Department of Computer Science & Engineering![]() |
CSE/PHI 484/584:
![]() |
Last Update: 29 April 2007
Note: |
Lecture | Rapaport | CSE 484: 335662 (4 cr.) CSE 584: 315113 (3 cr!) PHI 484: ?????? (? cr.) PHI 584: 185580 (4 cr!) |
MWF | 10:00 a.m. - 10:50 p.m. | Clemens 4 |
Recitation | TA | CSE 484 R1: 050179 CSE 584 R1: 459503 |
M | 11:00 a.m. - 11:50 p.m. | Park 146 |
Recitation | TA | CSE 484 R2: 47648 CSE 584 R2: 424455 |
W | 12:00 noon - 12:50 p.m. | Norton 214 |
Note: I have adjusted some of the dates and assignments below to reflect what we actually did in class, rather than on what I had planned or hoped to do:-)
W | Jan | 17 | Introduction. What is philosophy? |
Readings | |
F | 19 |
What is philosophy? (cont'd) What is philosophy of computer science? |
Readings | ||
M | 22 | What is computer science? (Intro; Newell et al.; Knuth) |
Readings | ||
W | 24 | What is computer science? (cont'd) (Newell & Simon, Hartmanis & Lin, Brooks, Shapiro) |
Readings | ||
F | 26 |
What is computer science? (summary)
What is science? (sci vs. non-sci, description vs. explanation, instrumentalism vs. realism, sci. method (Kemeny)) |
Readings | ||
M | 29 | What is science? (cont'd)
(Kemeny's sci. method, Popper, Kuhn, (non-)emp. sci.) What is engineering? |
Readings | ||
W | 31 |
What is engineering? (cont'd)
(Bunge, Davis, Petroski, Loui) |
Readings | ||
F | Feb | 2 |
What is a computer? Part I: "Engineering" history of computers Discuss Term Paper |
Readings | |
M | 5 | What is a computer? Part I: "Logical" history of computers Position Paper #1 assigned |
Readings | ||
W | 7 |
What is an algorithm?:
What is computation? Great Insights of CS |
(no new readings)
...but you might find Rapaport 2007 of interest. |
F | 9 |
What is an algorithm?:
Great Insights of CS (cont'd) |
(no new readings) | ||
M | 12 | What is an algorithm? (cont'd): Structured Programming, Peer Editing Week in recitations |
(no new readings) | ||
W | 14 |
What is an algorithm? (cont'd):
Structured programming; Halting Problem |
(no new readings) | ||
F | 16 |
Turing Machines:
slow reading of Turing 1936 optional term-paper proposal due |
(no new readings) | ||
M | 19 | Turing machines;
R1: revision of Position Paper #1 due in recit.; |
(no new readings) | ||
W | 21 | TM (cont'd)
R2: revision of Position Paper #1 due in recit. |
Readings | ||
F | 23 | What is a computer? Part IIa: Is everything a computer? (Searle 1990) |
Readings | ||
M | 26 | What is a computer? Part IIa (Searle 1990) (concluded) Peer Editing Week in recitations;
Readings | ||
W | 28 | What is a computer?
Part IIb: Not everything is a computer! (Hayes 1997) Part IIc: Is the universe a computer? (Lloyd 2004, Weinberg 2002) |
Readings | ||
F | Mar | 2 | What is a procedure (algorithm, recipe)?
(Cleland 1993) |
Readings | |
M | 5 | What is a proc/alg/recipe? (cont'd)
(Preston 2006)
R1: Revision of Position Paper #2 due in recit; |
Readings | ||
W | 7 | Hypercomputation:
Copeland 2002, Davis 200x
R2: Revision of Position Paper #2 due in recit |
Readings | ||
F | 9 | Hypercomputation (cont'd): Wegner 1997, Kugel 2002 | Readings | ||
SSMTWRFSS | 10-18 | Spring Break | |||
M | 19 | What is a computer program? What is implementation? (Chalmers) Peer Editing Week in recitations |
Readings | ||
W | 21 | What is implementation? (cont'd)
(Rapaport) |
Readings | ||
F | 23 |
Implementation (concl'd) Why is software "soft" & hardware "hard"? |
Readings | ||
M | 26 |
Software vs. hardware (cont'd)
Can computer programs be copyrighted? R1: Revision of Position Paper #3 due in recit; |
Readings | ||
W | 28 |
Can computer programs be copyrighted?
Can computer programs be patented? (concl'd) R2: Revision of Position Paper #3 due in recit; |
Readings | ||
F | 30 |
Are computer programs theories?
Readings | ||
M | Apr | 2 |
Are comp. progs. theories? (cont'd): Moor What is the program-world relationship? (Smith) Peer Editing Week in recitations |
Readings | |
W | 4 |
What is the prog-world rel'n? (concl'd) Can programs be verified? (Fetzer) |
Readings | ||
F | 6 |
Can programs be verified? (cont'd)
Computer Ethics (I): Should we trust decisions made by computers? (Moor 1979) |
Readings | ||
M | 9 |
Should we trust decisions made by computers? (cont'd)
Readings | ||
W | 11 |
Should we trust decisions made by computers? (cont'd)
Philosophy of AI:
The Turing test |
Readings | ||
F | 13 |
NO LECTURE! Please attend CSE Grad Conference (at Center for Tomorrow)! |
Readings | ||
M | 16 |
Philosophy of AI:
The Turing test (cont'd) Peer Editing Week in recitations
Readings | ||
W | 18 |
Chinese Room Argument
Last day to bring in your Reading Journals! |
Readings | ||
F | 20 | CRA (cont'd) | Readings | ||
M | 23 |
Computer Ethics (II):
Is it moral to build an AI? R1: Revision of Position Paper #5 due in recit
Readings | ||
W | 25 |
Is it moral to build an AI? (cont'd)
R2: Revision of Position Paper #5 due in recit |
Readings | ||
F | 27 | Is it moral to build an AI? (concl'd)
![]() |
Readings | ||
M | 30 | Last Class:![]() ![]() |
Readings | ||
Th | May | 3 |
Optional final exam: 8:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m., O'Brian 109 XOR optional term paper due; AND optional revised position paper due |
"Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself."
Chinese Proverb
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." American Proverb "You can lead a horse to water, but you must convince him it is water before there is any chance he will drink." Albert Goldfain "Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire" William Butler Yeats |
No matter how far we stray from the tentative schedule, if you do the readings at the assigned times, you will be able to finish everything by the end of the semester.
I reserve the right to collect these Journals at any time during, or at the end of, the semester and to include them in the grade calculation.
You should include all the Required readings in your Reading Journal; you may include any Strongly Recommended or Recommended readings, too.
Grades on the essays will be a function of both your ideas and how well you defend and express them. You will have an opportunity to revise some (but not all) of these.
Most, but not necessarily all,
assignments will also be posted to the course website or newsgroup.
You will automatically be placed on an email list (a "Listserv") for the
course. If you do not normally read email at the email address that
has as your official address, please either do so for this course, or
else have your mail forwarded. I will use this list as my main
means of
communicating with you out of class.
And you can use it to communicate
with the rest of us.
You may send questions and comments
that are of general interest to the entire class using the Listserv:
Just send them to:
You can also send email just to me, at:
In any case, be sure to fill in the subject line, beginning with
"CSE 584: "
so that my mailer doesn't think it's spam.
If you send email just to me that I deem to be of general interest, I will
free to remail it to the email list along with my reply
unless you explicitly tell me that you want to remain anonymous,
in which case I may choose to remail it to the email list preserving
your anonymity.
The emails will be
archived at the listserv website,
I will also archive them at
For more information, read the Listserv Information webpage.
attendance/participation + Reading Journal | 10% |
position papers | 90% |
attendance/participation + Reading Journal | 10% |
position papers | 45% |
final exam XOR term paper | 45% |
Note that even if you do all the work at any level, you might still get a grade lower than indicated above if, for instance, you did not attend all lectures or if your letter grade for the papers or exam is less than A, etc.
I will post more information on both the mechanics of the position papers (and peer editing sessions) and the term paper later in the semester.
For further information on my philosophy of grading, see my web document on "How to Grade"
For more information on Incomplete policies, see the Graduate School web page,
"Incomplete Grades".
(*) The idea and wording for such reading-commentaries
are borrowed from the
assignments for
Stuart M. Shieber's
"Can Machines Think".
[Back to text]
It is University policy that a grade of Incomplete
is to be given only when a small amount of work or a single exam is
missed due to circumstances beyond the student's control, and that
student is otherwise doing passing work. I will follow this policy
strictly! Thus, you should assume that I will not give
incompletes :-)
Any incompletes that I might give, in a lapse of judgment :-),
will have to be made up by the end of the
Fall 2007
While it is acceptable to discuss general
approaches with your fellow students, the work you turn in must be your
own. It is the policy of this department that any violation of
academic integrity will
result in an F for the course, that all departmental
financial support including teaching
assistantships, research assistantships, or scholarships
terminated, that notification of this
action be placed in the student's confidential
departmental record, and that the student be
permanently ineligible for future departmental financial
support. If you have any
problems doing the assignments, consult
Prof. Rapaport. Please be sure to read the webpage,
Integrity: Policies and Procedures", which spells out all the
details of this, and related, policies.
In large classes (but surely not ours :-), students have been known to be
either to the instructor or to fellow students. The university's
policies on this topic, both how the instructor should respond and how
students should behave, may be found in the PDF document
"Obstruction or Disruption in the Classroom".
Copyright © 2007 by
William J. Rapaport