Last Update: 28 September 2011
Note: |
Dennett, Daniel C.
"Intentional Systems",
Journal of Philosophy 68: 87-106;
reprinted in Daniel C. Dennett,
Brainstorms (Montgomery, VT: Bradford Books): 3-22.
(Humorous?) Definition of "Program"
What Is a Programming Language?
What Is Implementation?
Lycan, William G.
"The Continuity of Levels of Nature",
in William G. Lycan (ed.),
Mind and Cognition:
A Reader
(Basil Blackwell):
excerpted from Chs. 4–5 of
William G. Lycan,
(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1987).
Putnam, Hilary
to Representation and Reality
(Cambridge, MA: MIT Press): 121-125.
Rapaport, William J.
"Implementation Is Semantic Interpretation: Further Thoughts",
Special Issue on Theoretical Cognitive Science,
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence
17(4) (December): 385-417.
Scheutz, Matthias
"When Physical Systems Realize Functions",
Minds and Machines
9: 161–196.
Are Programs Theories?
"2. Computer programs can be written that use
nonnumerical symbol manipulating processes to perform tasks which, in
humans, require thinking and learning.
"3. These programs can be regarded as theories, in a
completely literal sense, of the corresponding human processes. These
theories are testable in a number of ways: among them, by comparing the
symbolic behavior of a computer so programmed with the symbolic
behavior of a human subject when both are performing the same
problem-solving or thinking tasks." (p.97)
Especially the following two sections, containing the articles
listed (many of which are available elsewhere, some online):
Wilks, Yorick (1974),
"One Small Head—Models and Theories in Linguistics",
Foundations of Language 11(1) (January): 77–95.
What Is Software?
Miller, Christopher A. (guest ed.) (2004),
"Human-Computer Etiquette:
Managing Expectations with Intentional Agents",
Communications of the ACM
47(4) (April): 31-34.
Colburn, Timothy R.
Philosophy and Computer Science
(Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe),
Ch. 12 ("Software, Abstraction, and Ontology"),
pp. 198-209.
Wallich, Paul (1997),
"Cracking the U.S. Code",
Scientific American (April): 42.
Copyright © 2004–2011 by William J. Rapaport