Last Update: 4 October 2011
Note: |
Significant items are in boldface; items are listed in chronological order.
See also:
Loui, Michael C.
"Computer Science Is a New Engineering Discipline",
ACM Computing Surveys
27(1) (March): 31 32.
Ch. 14, "The Engineering View", pp. 174-184.
Davis, Michael (1995),
"Questions for STS [Science & Technology Studies] from
Engineering Ethics",
talk given at the Society for the Social Study of Science,
Charlottesville, VA, October 22, 1995. [PDF]
Malpas, Robert
"The Universe of Engineering:
A UK Perspective"
(London: Royal Academy of Engineering).
See also:
my comments on Simon's notion of "satisficing" in my
"What Is Philosophy" essay.
Tedre, Matti
"Computing as Engineering",
Journal of Universal Computer Science
15(8): 1642–1658.