The Department of Computer Science & Engineering![]() |
CSE 676:
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Lecture | Rapaport | 287663 | MWF | 1:00 - 1:50 p.m. | Knox 109 |
Note: For the record,
I have adjusted some of the dates below to reflect what
we actually did in class, rather than on what I had hoped to do :-)
Aug 27-Sep 5 | What is KR? | Martins, Ch. 1
Brachman & Levesque, "Introduction", in Brachman & Levesque 1985 [B&L]: xiii-xix. Smith, Brian Cantwell (1982), "Prologue to `Reflection and Semantics in a Procedural Language'", in B&L: 31-40. |
Fri | Aug 31 | 2 KR projects:
Rapaport, William J., &
Ehrlich, Karen
Computational Theory of Vocabulary Acquisition", in
Lucja M. Iwanska &
Stuart C. Shapiro
Language Processing and Knowledge Representation:
Language for Knowledge and Knowledge for Language (Menlo Park,
CA/Cambridge, MA:
Press/MIT Press):
Rapaport, William J.; Winkelstein, Peter M.; & Shapiro, Stuart C. (2000), "Intelligent Natural-Language Understanding of Computerized Patient Medical Records". |
Mon | Sep 3 | no class (Labor Day) | |
Sep 5-24 | Classical propositional & predicate logic | Martins, Ch. 2
Rapaport, William J. (1992), "Logic, Propositional" & "Logic, Predicate", in Stuart C. Shapiro (ed.), Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, 2nd edition (New York: John Wiley): 891-897, 866-873. McCarthy, John (1968), "Programs with Common Sense", B&L: 299-307. Moore, Robert C. (1982), "The Role of Logic in Knowledge Representation and Commonsense Reasoning", B&L: 335-341. |
Sep 24-Oct 3 | SNePS | Martins, Sect. 6.3 (up to, but not including, 6.3.7) Maida, Anthony S., & Shapiro, Stuart C. (1982), "Intensional Concepts in Propositional Semantic Networks", B&L: 169-189. |
Oct 8-Oct 15 | Non-classical logics (modal, epistemic, relevance) |
Martins, Ch. 3
Rapaport, William J. (1992), "Belief Representation Systems", in Stuart C. Shapiro (ed.), Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, 2nd edition (New York: John Wiley): 98-110. Moore, Robert C. (1977), "Reasoning about Knowledge and Action", IJCAI-77: 223-227. McCarthy, John (1979), "First Order Theories of Individual Concepts and Propositions", B&L: 523-533. |
Fri | Oct 12 | term-project progress reports due | |
Oct 15-22 | Non-monotonic reasoning |
Ginsberg, Matthew (1987), "Introduction", in Ginsberg 1987: 1-23.
OPTIONAL: Martins, Ch. 4
Raymond (1980), "A Logic for Default Reasoning", in Ginsberg
1987: 67-93 EITHER: McCarthy, John (1980), "Circumscription--A Form of Non-Monotonic Reasoning", in Ginsberg 1987: 145-152 OR: McCarthy, John, "Epistemological Problems of AI", B&L: pp. 23ff. |
Fri | Oct 19 | *** Last day to withdraw with a grade of R *** | |
Oct 22-31 | Truth maintenance, belief revision, & the frame problem | Martins, Ch. 5
Doyle, Jon (1979), "A Truth Maintenance System", in Ginsberg 1987: 259-279. de Kleer, Johan (1986), "An Assumption-Based TMS", in Ginsberg 1987: 280-297. Martins, João, & Shapiro, Stuart C. (1988), "A Model for Belief Revision", Artificial Intelligence 35: 25-79. McCarthy, John, & Hayes, Patrick J. (1969), "Some Philosophical Problems from the Standpoint of Artificial Intelligence", in Ginsberg 1987: 26-45. |
Oct 31-Nov 14 | Semantic networks | Martins, Sects. 6.1-6.2, 6.4-6.8
Quillian, M. Ross (1967), "Word Concepts", B&L: 97-118. Schank, Roger C., & Rieger, Charles J., III (1974), "Inference and the Computer Understanding of Natural Language", B&L: 119-139. Woods, William A. (1975), "What's in a Link: Foundations for Semantic Networks", B&L: 217-241. McDermott, Drew (1976), "Artificial Intelligence Meets Natural Stupidity", in John Haugeland (ed.), Mind Design: Philosophy, Psychology, Artificial Intelligence (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1981): 143-160. |
Nov 19 | Frames | Martins, Ch. 7
Minsky, Marvin (1981), "A Framework for Representing Knowledge", B&L: 245-262. Bobrow, Daniel G., & Winograd, Terry (1977), "An Overview of KRL, a Knowledge Representation Language", B&L: 263-285. Hayes, Patrick J. (1979), "The Logic of Frames", B&L: 287-295. | |
Wed-Fri | Nov 21-23 | no classes (Thanksgiving) | |
Nov 26 | Description logics | Martins, Ch. 8
Brachman, Ronald J., & Schmolze, James G. (1985), "An Overview of the KL-ONE Knowledge Representation System", Cognitive Science 9: 171-216. Woods, William A., & Schmolze, James G. (1992), "The KL-ONE Family", Computers and Mathematics with Applications 23(2-5): 133-177; reprinted in Fritz Lehmann (ed.), Semantic Networks in Artificial Intelligence (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1992). |
Nov 28 | Ontologies & levels of representation |
![]() Brachman, Ronald J. (1979), "On the Epistemological Status of Semantic Networks", B&L: 191-215. |
Dec 3 |
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Philosophical issues | Brooks,
Rodney A. (1991),
"Intelligence without Representation",
Artificial Intelligence 47: 139-159.
Kirsh, David (1991), "Today the Earwig, Tomorrow Man?", Artificial Intelligence 47: 161-184. Brooks, Rodney A. (1991), "Intelligence without Reason", IJCAI-91 (San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann): 569-595. Nilsson, Nils J. (1991), "Logic and Artificial Intelligence", Artificial Intelligence 47: 31-56. Birnbaum, Lawrence (1991), "Rigor Mortis: A Response to Nilsson's `Logic and Artificial Intelligence'", Artificial Intelligence 47: 57-77. |
Fri | Dec 7 | last class | |
Mon | Dec 10 | term-project reports due |
"How to Read
(a Computer Science Text)".
Your report should include a syntax and semantics of your knowledge
representations, and, if appropriate, annotated
sample runs of a working program
(including documented code).
Thus, each
report must consist of the following components:
You may post questions and comments there
that are of general interest to the entire class.
From time to time, announcements and
information about homeworks, etc., will be posted to
the newsgroup. This newsgroup will be archived in the
676 Newsgroup Archive.
For the final project report,
you will be expected to hand in a conference-style paper,
typed or
from a computer file, on 8.5 by 11 inch paper (stapled in the upper
corner, without sprocket holes, and with your own title page).
(Please do not use folders or
covers, unless your report is too thick to be stapled.) I strongly
suggest that you learn to use Latex and ispell.
For general advice on how to study for any course, see my web page,
"How to Study".
Your final course grade will be a weighted average (probably 50-50) of
(1) your class attendance, class participation, and homeworks, and (2)
your grade on the project.
It is University policy that a grade of Incomplete
is to be given only when a small amount of work or a single exam is
missed due to circumstances beyond the student's control, and that
student is otherwise doing passing work. I will follow this policy
strictly! Thus, you should assume that I will not give
incompletes :-)
Any incompletes that I might give, in a lapse of judgment :-),
will have to be made up by the end of the
Spring 2002
Note that this supersedes the more lenient make-up date published in the
university catalog!
For more information on Incomplete policies, see the web page,
While it is acceptable to discuss general
approaches with your fellow students, the work you turn in must be your
own. It is the policy of this department that any violation of
academic integrity will
result in an F for the course, that all departmental
financial support including teaching
assistanceship, research assistanceship, or scholarships be
terminated, that notification of this
action be placed in the student's confidential
departmental record, and that the student be
permanently ineligible for future departmental financial
support. If you have any
problems doing the homeworks or projects, consult
Prof. Rapaport. Please be sure to read the webpage,
"Academic Integrity: Policies and Procedures", which spells out all the
details of this, and related, policies.
Students have been known to be disruptive,
either to the instructor or to fellow students. The university's
policies on this topic, both how the instructor should respond and how
students should behave, may be found in the document
or Disruption in the Classroom - Policies"
William J. Rapaport
file: 676/F01/syl.26nv01.html