Philosophy of Computer Science: Online Resources

Further Readings

Last Update: Saturday, 22 October 2022

Note 1: Many of these items are online; links are given where they are known. Other items may also be online; an internet search should help you find them.

Note 2: In general, works are listed in chronological order. (This makes it easier to follow the historical development of ideas.)

Chapter 1: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Computer Science

General readings on the philosophy of computer science:

On analog computation:

Chapter 2: Philosophy: A Personal View

Standard reference works in philosophy:

Three older encyclopedias are:

But the most respected and most widely cited encyclopedia is online and continually updated:

Introductions to Philosophy:

My favorite introduction to philosophy is:

My second favorite is:

On philosophical method, see:

On the nature of philosophy:

What Is Truth?

For more on correspondence theories, see:

The standard logical analysis of a correspondence theory of truth is due to Alfred Tarski. For an overview, see

Tarski's own version aimed at a general audience is:

On coherence theories, see:

Can There Be Progress in Philosophy?

See also the answers to two questions at

Scientific Rationality:

On the experimental philosophy movement ("X-Phi"), see:

For a useful discussion of naturalistic philosophy, see:


argues that there's nothing wrong with "armchair" philosophy.

For a debate on science vs. philosophy, read:

in that order.

For a discussion of whether philosophy or science is "harder", see:

On why science needs philosophy, see:

Knowing How vs. Knowing That

The knowing-how/knowing-that distinction was first discussed in:

It is examined in the context of computer programs in:

For surveys of recent work on the distinction, see:

Is It Always Rational to be Rational?

An interesting discussion of the role — and limits — of rationality in AI research is:

For more on the nature of rationality and its limits, see:

Philosophies of Anything and Everything

On the AI approach to existence and non-existence, see:

For the AI version of ontology, see The Buffalo Ontology Site.

On knowledge representation, see:

and my bibliography at Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: General Resources

Chapter 3: What Is Computer Science?

Naming the Discipline:

A history of the phrase 'computer science' can be found in:

In a response to a letter that appeared in one of the earliest issues of Communications of the ACM, an editor (possibly Alan J. Perlis) listed several, admittedly "facetious", names, including 'turingineering', 'turology', 'applied meta-mathematics', and 'applied epistemology' (DATA-LINK (1958). What’s in a name? Communications of the ACM, 1(4):6). The first two are puns on the name of Alan Turing, arguably the founder of the discipline, discussed in Chapter 8. We discuss "applied epistemology" in §3.16.3 of the book.

In 1966, Peter Naur (a winner of the Turing Award) suggested 'datalogy':

A useful discussion of these terms can be found in "About Names and Labels", in

Paul Abrahams (1987). What is computer science? Communications of the ACM, 30(6):472–473, says:

Determining Boundaries:

On Wittgenstein's notion of "game", see:

On categorization, see:

On the inability to carve nature into joints, see:

Computers Are Not Natural:

On the nature of artifacts in general, see:

On artifacts in CS, see:

The Once-upon-a-Time Science of Microscopy:

In a similar fashion, surely computers are "device[s] that [have] extended [our] senses and widened [our] vistas", and the science of computer scientists is, well, computer science. ('Surely', by the way, is a word that any philosopher should surely(?) take with a grain of salt! (Dennett, D. C. (2013). Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking. W.W. Norton, New York. Ch. 10)) After all, one of the two principal professional associations is the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). What "holds" computer scientists "together … [is] the vehicle which carrie[s them] on [their] voyages of observation".

But this is not necessarily a positive analogy.

Similarly, the microscope has permitted significant advances in biology (and many other disciplines) but, arguably, microscopy no longer exists as an independent science devoted to the study of that instrument or the things studied with it.

Now, if you search for 'Department of Microscopy' on the World Wide Web, you will, indeed, find that there are some universities and museums that have one. But, if you look closer, you will see that they are really departments of microbiology. Non-biologists who use microscopes (such as some geologists or even jewelers) are not found in departments of microscopy today. What has happened, apparently, is that the use of this artifact by scientists studying widely different phenomena was not sufficient to keep them in the same academic discipline. The academic discipline of microscopy splintered into those who use microscopes to study biology, those who use it to study geology, and so on, as well as those who build new kinds of microscopes (who might be found in an engineering or an optics department). For over a hundred years, there was a Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science (1853–1965), affiliated with "the Microscopical Society of London". Its inaugural Preface said:

If you replace 'microscope' with 'computer' (along with their cognates), and 'histology' with something like 'mathematical calculations' (or 'algorithms'!), then this reads like a manifesto for the ACM.

The first issue of the journal included (besides many articles on what we now call microbiology) a paper on "Hints on the Subject of Collecting Objects for Microscopical Examination" and a review of a book titled The Microscopist; or a Complete Manual on the Use of the Microscope. Here is a passage from that review:

And here is a paraphrase: This is reminiscent of the philosopher Daniel Dennett's arguments for the computer as a "prosthesis" for the mind (Dennett, D. C. (1982). Notes on prosthetic imagination. Boston Review, 7(3):3–7), i.e., as a tool to help us think better.

But, based on the nature of many of their articles, the March 1962 issue of the journal announced a change in focus from microscopy to cytology, thus apparently changing their interest from the tool to what can be studied with it. The change officially occurred in 1966, when the journal changed its name to the Journal of Cell Science (and restarted its volume numbers at~1). (On the (subtle) "Differences between Histology and Cytology", see

Could the same thing happen to computer science that happened to microscope science? If so, what would fall under the heading of the things that can be studied with computers? A dean who oversaw the Department of Computer Science at my university once predicted that the same thing would happen to our department: The computer-theory researchers would move into the mathematics department; the AI researchers would find homes in psychology, linguistics, or philosophy; those who built new kinds of computers would move (back) into electrical engineering; and so on. This hasn't happened yet (although McBride, N. (2007, 22 January). The death of computing. BCS: The Chartered Institute for IT; Features, Press and Policy, suggests that it is already happening, while Mander, K. (2007, February). Demise of computer science exaggerated. BCS: The Chartered Institute for IT; Features, Press and Policy, disagrees). Nor do I forsee it happening in the near future, if at all. After all, as the computer scientist George Forsythe pointed out, in order to teach "nontechnical students" about computers and computational thinking, to teach "specialists in other technical fields" about how to use computers as a tool (alongside "mathematics, English, statistics"), and to teach "computer science specialists" about how to "lead the future development of the subject",

But the breakup of CS into component disciplines is something to ponder.

On quantum computing, see:

On DNA computing, see:

Only Algorithms?

Besides Knuth, others who argue that CS studies algorithms include:

Tic-Tac-Toe (Noughts and Crosses):

There are at least two implementations of Michie's method online:

On the relationship between programming and teaching, see:

On the difference between classical symbolic programming (where the programmer "teaches" the computer how to do something) and machine-learning systems (where the computer "learns" how to do something without being explicitly taught), see:

On whether such systems "really" learn, see:

The two "systems" or "types" of thinking are discussed in much greater detail in:

There, "Type~1" (or "intuitive") processing is characterized as independent of working memory (a kind of short-term, conscious memory) and as "autonomous". And "Type~2" (or "reflective") processing is characterized as "requir[ing] working memory" and involving "cognitive decoupling" and "mental simulation". (Cognitive decoupling is, roughly, the ability to mentally represent a mental representation, so that the second-order representation can be thought about separately from the original representation.) For more on the two "systems" of thinking, and on unconscious cognition more generally, see:

and the bibliography at:

CS Studies Information:

For a survey of various senses of 'information' as it applies to computing, see Piccinini 2015, Ch. 14.

On the difficulty of defining 'information', see:

On how Shannon's syntactic analysis of information differs from the novelist Jane Austen's semantic characterization, see:

On semantic vs. syntactic (or non-semantic) theories of information more generally, see:

Lots of work has been done on the nature of information and its relationship to CS, and on the philosophy of information; see, especially:

In particular, Dunn 2008 is a very readable survey of the nature of information and its role in computer science, covering many of the same topics and issues as this book.

CS as a Mathematical Science:

For more of Dijskstra's observations on mathematics and computer science, see:

For Dijkstra's obituary, see:

Martin Davis says that the theory of computation is a "branch of applied mathematics":

Rosenbloom 2010 offers an interesting twist on the relationship of mathematics to CS: Arguing that "computing amounts to a great scientific domain, on par with the physical, life, and social sciences", he "subsum[es] mathematics within computing" (p. 2). In other words, instead of CS being a branch of mathematics or being a mathematical science, he sees mathematics as a branch of CS!

CS as a Natural Science of Procedures:

Sheraton, M. (1981, 2 May). The elusive art of writing precise recipes. New York Times discusses the difficulties of writing recipes.

Moskin, J. (2018, 9 July). Overlooked no more: Fannie Farmer, modern cookery’s pioneer. New York Times, page B5, notes that it was the cookbook writer Fannie Farmer who was "the first … to insist that scientific methods and precise measurements" should be used.

On evolution as an algorithm, see:

For more on natural computation, see:

CS as an Empirical Study:

On "black boxes":

Rosenblueth, A. and Wiener, N. (1945). The role of models in science. Philosophy of Science, 12:316–321, esp. pp. 318–319, talk about "closed-box" and "open-box" problems, surely an early version of the notion of "black" and "glass" "boxes". von Neumann 1948 characterizes axioms as black boxes. On the history of these terms, see "Black Box" (Wikipedia)

On the program-process distinction, see also:

On computers in the desert:

Weizenbaum, J. (1976). Computer Power and Human Reason. W.H. Freeman, New York, Ch. 5, is the source of the computer-in-the-desert thought experiment. Real-life examples include "… Stonehenge, the world's largest undocumented computer" (Brooks, Jr., F. P. (1975). The Mythical Man-Month. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, p. 163) and the Antikythera Mechanism (discussed in §6.4.1 of the book).

CS as Art:

On CS as both a fine and a liberal art, see:

CS as the Study of Complexity:

For an overview of these topics, see Rapaport, W.J. (2017). What is computer science? American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers, 16(2):2–22, esp. §13.2.

CS as Computational Thinking:

Papert, S. (1980). Mindstorms: Children, Computers, and Powerful Ideas. Basic Books, New York, only mentions 'computational thinking' on p. 182 and 'procedural thinking' on p. 155, but his entire book can be thought of as an extended characterization of this kind of thinking and learning. For more on Papert and his version of computational thinking, see:

Guzdial, M. (2008). Paving the way for computational thinking. Communications of the ACM, 51(8):25–27, is a commentary on Perlis's view of what is now called 'computational thinking'.

There is also a Center for Computational Thinking.

Lu, J. J. and Fletcher, G. H. (2009). Thinking about computational thinking. SIGCSE Bulletin, 41(1):260–264, gives examples of how computational thinking can be introduced in primary- and secondary-school curricula even before any formal introduction to CS.

Carey, K. (2010, 12 November). Decoding the value of computer science. Chronicle of Higher Education, 58(12):A88, argues for the value of algorithmic thinking in fields other than computer science (including finance and journalism).

Tedre, M. and Denning, P. J. (2016). The long quest for computational thinking. In Proceedings of the 16th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, Koli Calling '16, pages 120–129, New York. ACM, gives a good survey of the history of "computational thinking".

Denning, P. J. and Tedre, M. (2019). Computational Thinking. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, expands on that history as well as providing a thorough overview of its many meanings, noting that "computing [in the sense of "calculating"] is an ancient human process" (p. 11) dating back to at least the Babylonians (§7.3.1), and so "computational thinking" is equally ancient. See also Denning, P. J. and Tedre, M. (2021). Computational thinking: A discipliary perspective. Informatics in Education, 2021(3):361–390.

For a skeptical eye on the notion, see:

Chapter 4: Science

Here are some good general introductions to the philosophy of science:

Other (longer!) book-length treatments include:

Two good short introductions are:

Other readings include:

For a detailed defense of the view that science is (merely?) any systematic study, see:

On physicalism, see:

On noumena and phenomena, see:

The shortest (but by no means the easiest!) introduction to Kant's philosophy is:

For further discussion, see:

Quantum Mechanics:

For a cultural critic's views on what we can learn about the nature of science from the paradox of quantum entanglement in physics, see:

For more on quantum mechanics, see:

On realism vs. instrumentalism in science, see:

Scientific Theories:

On scientific theories in general, see:

On the syntactic vs. semantic views, see the debate in:

For a wonderful discussion of the nature of science with respect to evolution, see the judge's opinion in the celebrated 2005 legal case of Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District (esp. §4, "Whether ID [Intelligent Design] Is Science").

Willingham, D. T. (2011, May). Trust me, I'm a scientist. Scientific American, discusses "Why so many people choose not to believe what scientists say".

Gopnik, Adam (2015). The evolution catechism. The New Yorker, discusses the nature of 'theory' as it is used in science and in ordinary language.

"The" Scientific Method:

On scientific methods, see Hepburn, Brian and Hanne Andersen, Scientific Method, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2021 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), esp. §5.2 on "computer methods".

On Popper's Philosophy of Science:

On pseudo-science, see:

On astrology, see Thagard, P. (1978). Why astrology is a pseudoscience. PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, 1:223–234.

On Marxist economics, see Hudelson, R. (1980). Popper's critique of Marx. Philosophical Studies, 37(3):259–270.

On Freudian theories, see Grünbaum, A. (1984). The Foundations of Psychoanalysis. University of California Press, Berkeley, and Prof. Adolf Grünbaum's Publications on Psychoanalysis and Philosophy of Medicine

On homeopathy—and a very good general survey of the nature of pseudoscience— see: Mukerji, N.; Ernst, E. (2022), Why homoeopathy is pseudoscience. Synthese 200:394.

On rules of logic such as Modus Tollens and DeMorgan's Law, see:

On quantum logic, see Wilce, Alexander, Quantum Logic and Probability Theory, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2021 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.).

On the pessimistic meta-induction, see:

Scientific Revolutions:

On scientific revolutions and paradigm shifts, see:

Other Alternatives:

The AI researcher and sociologist M. Ross Quillian made remarks similar to those of Feyerabend in:

Quillian's essay is an explanation, in terms of the communication of information, of why the natural sciences are more "effective" than the social sciences. Although written in the early days of the World Wide Web, his paper has some interesting implications for the role of social media in political discourse.

CS and Science:

On "the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in science", see:

For a response by Turing Award-winner Richard Hamming, see:

Related to the above and to the discussion of CS as art, in §3.16.1 of the book, see:

Wilson, E. and Frenkel, E. (2013). Two views: How much math do scientists need? Notices of the AMS, 60(7):837–838

Mark Steedman, a computational linguist, in Steedman, M. (2008). On becoming a discipline. Computational Linguistics, 34(1):137–144, has some interesting things to say on the differences between a discipline such as physics and a discipline such as CS (in general) and computational linguistics (in particular), especially in §1, "The Public Image of a Science".

Tedre 2011 surveys ways in which computing is a science.
Tedre and Moisseinen 2014 is a survey of the nature of experiments in science, and whether CS is experimental in nature.

On the relationship between scientific theories and algorithmic information theory, see:

Chapter 5: Engineering

On the paucity of definitions of 'engineering', see:

Dennett 1995, p. 188, also observed that the philosophy of engineering was not well developed, and singled out the 1969 first edition of Simon, H. A. (1996). The Sciences of the Artificial, Third Edition. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, as a pioneering work in the philosophy of engineering (not philosophy of science?).

Recently, there has been more work on it: In 2009, the philosophy journal The Monist published a special issue on philosophy and engineering:

Staples, M. (2014). Critical rationalism and engineering: Ontology. Synthese, 191(10):2255–2279, presents a deductive view of theories in engineering; definitions of engineering are discussed in §2, and the relation of engineering to science is discussed in §4.

Staples, M. (2015). Critical rationalism and engineering: Methodology. Synthese, 192(1):337–362. is a sequel containing a useful "taxonomy" (§3) of ways in which artifacts can fail to conform to specifications, a topic that is relevant to our discussions of implementation (Chapter 13) and of intended behavior (§15.1).

Parts of Popper, K. (1972). Objective Knowledge: An Evolutionary Approach. Oxford University Press, Oxford, discuss the relation of engineering to science.

Putnam 1987, p. 48, suggests that there are three views of engineering: as design, as application, and as construction.

Vincenti, W. G. (1990). What Engineers Know and How They Know It: Analytical Studies from Aeronautical History. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, argues that engineering is a kind of knowledge that is different from scientific knowledge.

Hoare, C. A. R. (2009). Retrospective: An axiomatic basis for computer programming. Communications of the ACM, 52(10):30–32, has some interesting comments on the complementary nature of pure academic research (science) and applied industrial research (engineering).

On the relationship between science and engineering in the context of physical computation, see:

Mitcham, C. (2009). A philosophical inadequacy of engineering. The Monist, 92(3):339–356, commenting on Tredgold's 1828 definition of engineering, says:


Two important surveys of meanings of the term 'heuristic' are:

Simon, H. A. and Newell, A. (1958). Heuristic problem solving: The next advance in operations research. Operations Research, 6(1):1–10

Other discussions include:

and the classic Polya, G. (1957). How to Solve It: A New Aspect of Mathematical Method, 2nd edition. Doubleday Anchor, Garden City, NY.

Thagard, P. (2007). Coherence, truth, and the development of scientific knowledge. Philosophy of Science, 74:28–47, is not about heuristics, but presents a theory of "approximate" truth that bears a close resemblance to the idea that a heuristic is an algorithm that computes an approximately correct answer.

Software Engineering:

For more on software engineering and software-engineering education, see:

CS and Engineering:

Tedre, M. (2009). Computing as engineering. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 15(8):1642–1658

discusses "computing as engineering".

For a computer scientist's take on design, see:

Staples 2014, §6.2, is a reply to Koen.

Kaag, J. and Bhatia, S. K. (2014). Fools for tools: Why engineers need to become philosophers. The Chronicle [of Higher Education] Review, 61(13):B13–B15, argues that "engineers need to become philosophers".

Chapter 6: Computers: A Brief History

Browse the linked websites at "A Very Brief History of Computers"

A nice brief history of computers is in:

Copeland, B. J. (2004). Computation. In Floridi, L., editor, The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Computing and Information, pages 3–17. Blackwell, Malden, MA, esp. pp. 3–4, discusses "The Birth of the Modern Computer".

Haigh, T. (2014). Actually, Turing did not invent the computer. Communications of the ACM, 57(1):36–41, discusses the (ir)relevance of the mathematical history of computation to the engineering history.

Despite its title, Mahoney, M. S. (2011). Histories of Computing. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. Edited by Thomas Haigh, is not so much a history of computing or computers as a history of CS. Chs. 10 and 11 are especially good on some of the recent mathematical history.

The Engineering History:

Good sources of information on the engineering history include:

Useful websites include:

Sloman, A. (2002). The irrelevance of Turing machines to AI. In Scheutz, M., editor, Computationalism: New Directions, pages 87–127. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, §2, argues that even the engineering history of computers has "two strands": the "development of machines for controlling physical mechanisms and [the] development of machines for performing abstract operations, e.g. on numbers."

Husbands, P., Wheeler, M., and Owen, H. (2008). Introduction: The mechanical mind. In Husbands, P., Wheeler, M., and Owen, H., editors, The Mechanical Mind in History, pages 1–17. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, is an overview of attempts to make mechanical minds.

On the Antikythera Mechanism, see:

17th-Century Calculating Machines:

On Leibniz's contributions, see:

For pictures of early calculating machines, including Pascal's and Leibniz's, see:

Babbage's Machines:

Adam Smith, "On the Division of Labor" (Book I, Ch. I).

Smith's pin-factory story is reprinted in Lawson, R. (2004). Division of labour.

See also:

Babbage was inspired by de Prony, who was inspired by Smith. Smith, in turn, may have been inspired by the Talmud — the 2500-year-old Jewish commentaries on the Torah:

The recursive nature of top-down design and stepwise refinement has been identified with the notion of scientific progress by Rosenblueth and Wiener 1945, p. 319:

Hyman, A. (1982). Charles Babbage: Pioneer of the Computer. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, is a biography of Babbage (reviewed in O’Hanlon, R. (1982). A calculating man. New York Times Book Review, pages BR26–BR27).

Useful websites on Babbage include:

Simon and Newell 1958, pp. 1–3, contains a brief history of Babbage's work.

For the story of the Jacquard loom, see Keats, J. (2009, September). The mechanical loom. In "The Start of Everything". Scientific American, page 88.

Gandy, R. (1988). The confluence of ideas in 1936. In Herken, R., editor, The Universal Turing Machine: A Half-Century Survey, Second Edition, pages 51–102. Springer-Verlag, Vienna, esp. pp. 53–54 — written by Turing's only PhD student — notes that Babbage's Analytic Engine can be considered as a kind of register machine (see §§9.3.2, 11.9, and 13.3.3), in which case it is equivalent to a Turing Machine, and he considers Babbage's statement that "the whole of the development and operations of analysis are now capable of being executed by machinery" to be "Babbage's Thesis" (perhaps on a par with the Church-Turing Computability Thesis).

On the Difference Engine, see:

A partial physical model of the Difference Engine was finally built around 1991; see Swade, D. D. (1993, February). Redeeming Charles Babbage's mechanical computer. Scientific American, pages 86–91.

Efforts were underway to build a version of the Analytical Engine.

Markoff, J. (2011). It started digital wheels turning. New York Times, pages D1, D4.

Green, C. D. (2005). Was Babbage's analytical engine intended to be a mechanical model of the mind? History of Psychology, 8(1):35–45.

Ada Lovelace's commentary can be found in her notes to her translation of a description of the Analytic Engine:

For more on Lovelace, see:

On the history of programming, see Randell, B. (1994). The origins of computer programming. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 16(4):6–14.

For "Reflections on the first textbook on programming", see Campbell-Kelly, M. (2011). In praise of 'Wilkes, Wheeler, and Gill'. Communications of the ACM, 54(9):25–27.

Ensmenger, N. (2011). Building castles in the air. Communications of the ACM, 54(4):28–30, contains "Reflections on recruiting and training programmers during the early period of computing."

Electronic Computers:

For more on Colossus, see:

On the Enigma, see Kernan, M. (1990, May). The object at hand. Smithsonian, 21:22, 24, 26.

Martin, D. (2013). Mavis Batey, 92, Allied code breaker in World War II. New York Times, page 32, an obituary of Mavis Batey, a code breaker who worked with Turing at Bletchley Park.

On Atanasoff, see Baranger, W. R. (1995). John V. Atanasoff, 91, dies; early computer researcher. New York Times, page 11.

On Zuse, see:

On the ENIAC, see:

For Eckert's obituary, see Baranger, W.R. (1995). J. Presper Eckert, co-inventor of early computer, dies at 76. New York Times, page B12.

On the ENIAC-ABC controversy, with a discussion of an attempt to replicate the ABC, see Wheeler, D.L. (1997). An ancient feud: Who invented the computer? Chronicle of Higher Education, page B2. A useful summary of some of the issues involved can be found in Ensmenger, N. (2003). Bits of history: Review of A.R. Burks's Who Invented the Computer? The Legal Battle that Changed Computing History. In American Scientist, 91:467–468. Ensmenger observes that identifying Atanasoff as " the inventor of the computer" (my phrasing and italics) is an "answer to what is fundamentally the wrong question" because "any particular claim to priority of invention must necessarily be heavily qualified: If you add enough adjectives, you can always claim your own favorite". For another take on this kind of question, by a computer scientist, see Hamming, R. (1980). We would know what they thought when they did it. In Metropolis, N., Howlett, J., and Rota, G.-C., editors, A History of Computing in the Twentieth Century: A Collection of Essays, pages 3‐9. Academic Press, New York.

Halmos, P.R. (1973). The legend of John von Neumann. American Mathematical Monthly, pages 382–394, is a very readable, short biography of von Neumann, with a heavy emphasis on the humorous legends that have grown up around him. The story of von Neumann's involvement in the development of computers can be found in Dyson, G. (2012). Turing’s Cathedral: The Origins of the Digital Universe. Pantheon, New York. For commentaries on Dyson 2012, see:

See also Bacon 2010

The original document on the "von Neumann architecture" is von Neumann, J. (1945). First draft report on the EDVAC. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 15(4)(1993)):27–75. Michael D. Godfrey (ed.).

Modern Computers:

For the history of personal computers, see:

On precursors of the Internet and the Web, see:

For a 1909(!) version of the Internet, see Forster, E.M. (1909). The machine stops. In The Collected Tales of E.M. Forster, pages 144–197. Modern Library, 1968, New York.

For more recent histories of the Internet and the Web, see:

For brief biographies of two computer pioneers — Grace Murray Hopper and Jean E. Sammet — see:

And for a history of computers as shown in cartoons, see Mathews, W.M. and Reifers, K. (1984). The computer in cartoons: A retrospective from The Saturday Review. In Communications of the ACM, 27(11):1114–1119.

As for "higher purposes", see Hafner, K. (2002). Happy birthday :-) to you: A smiley face turns 20. New York Times, page G4. See also this cartoon.

The Scientific History:

The best overview of the scientific-logical history is Davis, Martin D. (2012). The Universal Computer: The Road from Leibniz to Turing; Turing Centenary Edition. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL. Originally published as Engines of Logic: Mathematicians and the Origin of the Computer (New York: W.W. Norton, 2000), written by one of the leading mathematicians in the field of theory of computation. For reviews of the first edition (2000), see:

Davis, M.D. (1995). Mathematical logic and the origin of modern computers. In Herken, R., editor, The Universal Turing Machine: A Half-Century Survey, Second Edition, pages 135–158. Springer-Verlag, Vienna, is an article-length version of the story told in his book.

Davis, M. D. (2000). Overheard in the park. American Scientist, 88:366–367, is a somewhat negative review of Berlinski, D. (2000). The Advent of the Algorithm. Harcourt, New York, correcting some of the historical errors in that book.

Davis, M. D. (2003). Paradoxes in paradise. American Scientist, 91:268–269 is a review of Giaquinto, M. (2002). The Search for Certainty: A Philosophical Account of Foundations of Mathematics. Oxford University Press.

Early sections of:

contain a good summary of the history of computation.

An enjoyable graphic-novel treatment of the Russell-Frege story, with text by a well-known computer scientist, is:

For more on impossibility proofs, see:

An excellent, brief overview of the history of logic and the foundations of mathematics that led up to Turing's analysis can be found in Henkin, L. (1962). Are logic and mathematics identical? Science, 138(3542):788–794.

See also:

For the logical history as written by one of its chief players, see Kleene, S C. (1981). Origins of recursive function theory. Annals of the History of Computing, 3(1):52–67.

Robinson, J. A. (1994). Logic, computers, Turing, and von Neumann. In Furukawa, K., Michie, D., and Muggleton, S., editors, Machine Intelligence 13: Machine Intelligence and Inductive Learning, pages 1–35. Clarendon Press, Oxford, is a personal history of the development of computers and the related logical history, by the developer of the resolution method of automated theorem proving.

On Church, see:

For very elementary introductions to the lambda-calculus, see:

The role of philosophy in the history of computers is told in George, A. (1983). Philosophy and the birth of computer science. Robotics Age, pages 26–31.

For a somewhat controversial take on the history of computing (and the notion of a stored-program computer), see a debate between computer scientist Moshe Vardi and philosopher B. Jack Copeland:

Chapter 7: Algorithms and Computability

Henkin 1962, pp. 788–791, is an excellent, brief overview of the history of logic and the foundations of mathematics that led up to Turing's analysis.

Davis 1995 overlaps and extends Henkin's history, and provides a useful summary of Turing 1936, which we will discuss in great detail in the next chapter.

Harnad, S., editor (1994). What Is Computation? is a special issue of the journal Minds and Machines (Vol. 4, No. 4), including, among others:

Shagrir 1999 discusses what computers are and what computation is.

§§1–3, 4.5–4.6 of Soare, R.I. (1999). The history and concept of computability. In Griffor, E., editor, Handbook of Computability Theory, pages 3–36. North-Holland, Amsterdam, is an excellent source on the history and terminology of computability.

Herman, G.T. (2000). Algorithms, theory of. In Ralston, A., Riley, E.D., and Hemmindinger, D., editors, Encyclopedia of Computer Science, 4th edition, pages 51–53. Grove's Dictionaries/Nature Publishing Group, New York/London, discusses the informal notions of "algorithm" and "effective computability"; good background for Turing 1936.

Smith, B.C. (2002). The foundations of computing. In Scheutz, M., editor, Computationalism: New Directions, pages 23–58. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, discusses the foundations of computing.

"PolR" 2009 is an excellent introduction for lawyers(!) to computation theory.

Bernhardt, C. (2016). Turing's Vision: The Birth of Computer Science. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, is an excellent guide for the general reader to the mathematics of computation theory.

What Is 'Computation'?

Although the text talks about "computing", other terms that are used to describe more or less the same territory are 'computation' and 'algorithms'. Here, we take a brief detour into the etymology of these and some related terms. (We look at the etymology of 'algorithm' in §7.3.1.)

According to the OED, the verb 'to compute' comes from the Latin verb ' computare', meaning "to calculate, reckon, to count up". But when people talk about "computing" today, they mean a great deal more than mere counting. Computing has come to include everything we can do with computers, including text processing, watching videos, and playing games. So, clearly, the meaning has been extended to include non-numerical "reckoning".

The Latin word ' computare', in turn, comes from the Latin morpheme ' com', meaning "together with", and the Latin word ' putare', meaning "to cleanse, to prune, to reckon, to consider, think" (and ' putare' came from a word meaning "clean, pure"). So, in ancient Rome at least, to "compute" seems to have meant, more or less, something like: "to consider or think about things together", "to clear things up together", or maybe "to reckon with (something)".

The verb 'to reckon' originally meant "to give an account of, recount; to tell; to describe", and later came to mean "to count, to calculate". 'Reckon' is from an Indo-European root 'rek', possibly meaning "to reach" or "to tell, to narrate, to say" (as in "to recite" or "to recount"). These meanings, in turn, may derive from an earlier meaning "to arrange", "to put right", "to move in a straight line".

'Count' also came from 'computare' and originally meant "to enumerate", "to recite a list" (and, as we just saw, 'recite' is probably related to 'reckon'). Note that when you "count", you "recite" a list of number words.

'Calculate' came from Latin 'calculus'. This certainly did not mean the contents of a certain high school or college course that studies the branch of mathematics concerned with differentiation and integration, and invented by Newton and Leibniz in the 17th century! Rather, it meant "pebble" or "small stone", since counting was done with stones originally. (As a Rhymes with Orange comic strip from 22 August 2011 put it, "There is more computing power in this little abacus than in all the giant rocks we move aorund to do addition.") Even today, a "calculus" in medicine is an accumulation of minerals in the body, forming a small, stone-like object. The root 'calc' came from 'calx', meaning "chalk, limestone", and is related to 'calcium'.

The verb 'to figure' means "to use figures to reckon". The earliest citation in the OED for the noun 'figure' is from 1225, when it meant "numerical symbol". A citation from 1250 has the meaning "embodied (human) form". And a citation from 1300 has the more general meaning of "shape". (This conversion of the noun 'figure' to a verb is an example of what Alan Perlis meant when he joked, "In English, every word can be verbed".)

The bottom line seems to be this: 'Computation' originally meant something very closely related to our modern notion of "symbol (that is, shape) manipulation", which is another way of describing syntax — the "grammatical" properties of, and relations among, the symbols of a language. (We discuss syntax in §§13.2, 15.2.1, 16.10, and 18.8.3.) On the history of the terms 'computable' vs. 'recursive', see §11.5, p. 391 of:

We discuss recursive functions in §7.6.

Functions Described Intensionally:

For more on the notion of understanding in terms of the internal workings of a black box, see:

which also suggests an analogy between computation and causation.

Ancient Algorithms:

For more on Al-Khwarizmi and his algorithms, see:


Church, A. (1956). Introduction to Mathematical Logic. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, calls 'effective' an "informal notion". See:

See also:

Another explication of 'effective' is on p. 124 of:

Procedure vs. Algorithm:

Hopcroft, J.E. and Ullman, J.D. (1969). Formal Languages and Their Relation to Automata. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, pp. 2–3, also distinguishes a "procedure" from an "algorithm". In their "vague … definition", a procedure is "a finite sequence of instructions that can be mechanically carried out, such as a computer program" (to be formally defined in their chapter on Turing Machines), and an algorithm is "a procedure which always terminates".

For more on the attempts to make the notion of "algorithm" precise, see Sieg 1994 (containing a detailed history and analysis of the development of the formal notions of algorithm in the 1930s and after) and Copeland 1997 (an essay on hypercomputation — or "non-classical" computation — whose introductory section (pp. 690–698) contains an enlightening discussion of the scope and limitations of Turing's accomplishments).

See also:

In §12.3.4, we look at whether computer programs can be copyrighted or patented. In order to answer this question, many legal experts have tried to give a definition of 'algorithm'. One such attempt is Chisum, D. S. (1985-1986). The patentability of algorithms. University of Pittsburgh Law Review, 47:959–1022.

Farkas, D.K. (1999). The logical and rhetorical construction of procedural discourse. Technical Communication, 46(1):42–54, contains advice on how to write informal procedures.

Insight 1: Representation:

For more on binary representation, link to Great Idea I: Binary Representation.

Wheeler, J. A. (1989). Information, physics, quantum: The search for links. In Proceedings III International Symposium on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, pages 354–358. Tokyo, argues against the existence of the "continuum" of real numbers.

Chaitin, G.J. (2006). How real are real numbers? International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, "discuss[es] mathematical and physical arguments against continuity and in favor of discreteness".

On Leibniz's binary insight, see:

See Cerf, V.G. (2014). Virtual reality redux. Commmunications of the ACM, 57(1):7, for some interesting comments that are relevant to the insight about binary representation of information.

On Shannon, see:

Shapiro, Stewart; Snyder, E.; & Samuels, R. (2022), Computability, notation, and de re knowledge of numbers. Philosophies 7(1), p. 6, discusses the relative advantages of binary representation of natural numbers vs. unary representation.

Insight 2: Processing:

Wang, H. (1957). A variant to Turing's theory of computing machines. Journal of the ACM, 4(1):63–92, p. 63, "offer[s] a theory which is closely related to Turing's but is more economical in the basic operations. … [A] theoretically simple basic machine can be … specified such that all partial recursive functions (and hence all solvable computation problems) can be computed by it and that only four basic types of instruction are employed for the programs: shift left one space, shift right one space, mark a blank space, conditional transfer. … [E]rasing is dispensable, one symbol for marking is sufficient, and one kind of transfer is enough. The reduction is … similar to … the definability of conjunction and implication in terms of negation and disjunction … ."

A version of Wang's machine, with many examples, is given in Dennett 2013, Ch. 24.

Insight 3: Structure:

Two cartoons that illustrate the benefits of good structure in programming are online at XKCD: Good Code and Abstruse Goose: O.P.C.

For more on the structure insight, link to Great Idea III: The Boehm-Jacopini Theorem and Structured Programming.

On abstraction, see:

One of the best introductions to abstraction is Pattis, R.E., Roberts, J., and Stehlik, M. (1995). Karel the Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming, Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York.

See also §5.2.2 of Rapaport, W.J. (2017). On the relation of computing to the world. In Powers, T.M., editor, Philosophy and Computing: Essays in Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Logic, and Ethics, pages 29‐64. Springer, Cham, Switzerland.

For more on the power of abstraction, see the first few paragraphs of Antoy, S. and Hanus, M. (2010). Functional logic programming. Communications of the ACM, 53(4):74–85.

Insight 4: The Church-Turing Computability Thesis:

Recommended textbooks on computability theory include:

For discussion of the appeal to Gödel's authority, see Shagrir, O. (2006). Gödel on Turing on computability. In Olszewski, A., Wołenski, J., and Janusz, R., editors, Church's Thesis after 70 Years, pages 393–419. Ontos-Verlag, which explores why Gödel believed both that "the correct definition of mechanical computabilty was established beyond any doubt by Turing" (Gödel, K. (1938). Undecidable Diophantine propositions. In Feferman, S. et al., editors, Kurt Gödel: Collected Works, Vol. III, pages 164–175. Oxford University Press, 1995, Oxford, p. 168) and that "this definition … rest[s] on the dubious assumption that there is a finite number of states of mind" (Shagrir 2006, §1).

Copeland, B.J. and Shagrir, O. (2013). Turing versus Gödel on computability and the mind. In Copeland, B. J., Posy, C. J., and Shagrir, O., editors, Computability: Turing, Gödel, Church, and Beyond, pages 1‐33. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, explores both Gödel's interpretations of Turing's work and the relation of the human mind to Turing Machines.

See also Sieg, W. (2006). Gödel on computability. Philosophia Mathematica, 14:189–207, as well as Soare 2009, §2, "Origins of Computabilty and Incomputablity", which contains a good summary of the history of both Turing's and Gödel's accomplishments.

Turing cites Church, A. (1936). An unsolvable problem of elementary number theory. American Journal of Mathematics, 58(2):345–363, for the definition of lambda-definability. He cites Kleene, S.C. (1935-1936). General recursive functions of natural numbers. Mathematische Annalen, 112:727–742, for the definition of general recursiveness. And he cites Kleene, S.C. (1936). λ-definability and recursiveness. Duke Mathematical Journal, 2:340–353. for the proof of their equivalence.

For statements of equivalence of general recursive, μ-recursive, lambda-definable, etc., see Soare, R.I. (2012). Formalism and intuition in computability. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 370:3277–3304, esp. p. 3284.

Kleene, S.C. (1995). Turing's analysis of computability, and major applications of it. In Herken, R., editor, The Universal Turing Machine: A Half-Century Survey, Second Edition, pages 15–49. Springer-Verlag, Vienna, shows how to "compile" (or translate the language of) recursive functions into (the language of) Turing Machines, i.e., how a Turing Machine can compute recursive functions.

Kreisel, G. (1987). Church's thesis and the ideal of informal rigour. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 28(4):499–519, is a paper by a well-known logician arguing that Church's Thesis can be proved. Similar arguments are made in:

For more on the Church-Turing Computability Thesis, see:

Soare 2016, §17.3.3, argues that the Computability Thesis should properly be understood as a "claim with demonstration" and not as a proposition "in need of continual verification".

Rescorla, M. (2007). Church's thesis and the conceptual analysis of computability. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 48(2):253–280, identifies Church's Thesis as the proposition that a number-theoretic function is intuitively computable iff it is recursive. And he identifies Turing's Thesis as the proposition that a number-theoretic function is intuitively computable iff a corresponding string-theoretic function that represents the number-theoretic one is computable by a Turing Machine. He concludes that Church's Thesis is therefore not the same as Turing's Thesis.

(On representing numbers by strings, see Shapiro, Stuart C. (1977). Representing numbers in semantic networks: Prolegomena. In Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, page 284. Morgan Kaufmann, Los Altos, CA.)

Tharp, L.H. (1975). Which logic is the right logic? Synthese, 31:1–21, investigates an analogous issue in logic: Is our informal or pre-theoretical conception of logic best captured by first-order predicate logic or by some other (more powerful?) logic.

Insight 5: Implementation:

Physical implementations of computation are discussed in great detail in:

A Recursive Definition of Natural Numbers:

Peano's axioms were originally proposed in:

For more on what are also sometimes called the "Dedekind-Peano" axioms, see:

Recursive Definitions of Recursive Functions:

A good general overview of recursive functions that is pretty consistent with the presentation in this section is Dean, Walter, Recursive Functions, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2020 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.).

The Halting Problem:

Chaitin 2006 (and Chaitin, G.J. (2006b, March). The limits of reason. Scientific American, pages 74‐81, which is aimed at a more general audience) discusses the Halting Problem, the non-existence of real numbers(!), and the idea that "everything is software, God is a computer programmer, … and the world is … a giant computer"(!!).

On the non-"reality" of "real" numbers, see also Knuth 2001, pp. 174–175.

The Busy Beaver function was first described, and proved to be non-computable, in Radó, T. (1962, May), On non-computable functions, The Bell System Technical Journal, pages 877–884. This paper is a wonderfully readable introduction to the Busy Beaver "game". §II gives a very simple example, aimed at students, of a Turing Machine, and §§I–III and, especially, §VIII are amusing and well worth reading! For more information, see:

On countable and uncountable infinities, see:

For more on the difference between a single program that can determine whether any program halts and programs that can determine whether a given program halts, see:

Gödel Numbering:

"Gödel numbering" is actually a bit more complicated than presented in the text. For more information, see "Gödel Number" (Wolfram MathWorld) or "Gödel Numbering" (Wikipedia). For a comparison of it with "Turing numbering", see p. 492 of Kleene, S.C. (1987). Reflections on Church's thesis. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 28(4):490–498.

For more information on relative computability, see Soare 2009, Soare 2016, and Homer and Selman 2011

Chapter 8: Turing's Analysis of Computation

A wonderful guide to reading all of Turing 1936 slowly and carefully is Petzold, C. (2008). The Annotated Turing: A Guided Tour through Alan Turing’s Historic Paper on Computability and the Turing Machine. Wiley, Indianapolis. For a review of Petzold's book, see Davis, M.D. (2008). Touring Turing. American Scientist, 96(6):520.

"Writing Symbols on Paper":

For more information on the play, by Elmer Rice, see "The Adding Machine" (Wikipedia)

"Man" and "Machine":

Hilbert's observation about tables, chairs, and beer mugs appears in his Gesammelte Abhandlungen ("Complete Works"), vol. 3, p. 403, as cited on p. 135 of Coffa, J. (1991). The Semantic Tradition from Kant to Carnap: To the Vienna Station. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. See also Shapiro, Stewart (2009). We hold these truths to be self-evident: But what do we mean by that? Review of Symbolic Logic, 2(1):175–207. Elsewhere, Hilbert used a different example:

Excellent discussions of this kind of abstraction can be found in Cohen, M.R. and Nagel, E. (1934). An Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method. Harcourt, Brace and Co., New York, Ch. 7, "The Nature of a Logical or Mathematical System", and in Hempel, C. G. (1945). Geometry and empirical science. American Mathematical Monthly, 52(1):7–17.

On Turing's claim that "by altering its m-configuration the machine can effectively remember some of the symbols which it has "seen" (scanned) previously", see:

"The Universal Computing Machine":

The Universal Turing Machine is covered in detail in:

Another presentation, using the notion of a register machine, can be found in Dennett 2013, pp. 126–128.

Lammens, J. (1990). Universal program, is a Common Lisp implementation of Turing's universal program as specified in Davis and Weyuker 1983

Davis 2012, p. 147, notes that "Turing's universal machine showed that the distinctness of these three catgories [machine, program, and data] is an illusion."

Turing's Writings:

  1. As if creating computer science (Turing 1936), helping to win World War II (see §6.4.4), and writing one of the first papers on artificial intelligence (Turing 1950) wasn't enough, Turing also had an interest in such questions as why zebras have the kinds of stripes that they do(!): Turing, A.M. (1952). The chemical basis of morphogenesis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological Science, 237(641):37 72, "laid the groundwork for the entire field of mathematical biology", according to geneticist Gregory S. Barsh, as quoted in Gorman, J. (2021, 7 September). How the cat gets its stripes: It's genetics, not a folk tale. New York Times.

    See also Billock, V.A. and Tsou, B.H. (2010, February). Seeing forbidden colors. Scientific American, 302(2):72–77, esp. pp. 75–76.

  2. Turing's last paper before his death — Turing, A.M. (1954). Solvable and unsolvable problems. Science News, 31:7–23 — is a fascinating version of Turing 1936 aimed at a(n intelligent) general audience. In this article, he shows that many, if not most, puzzles can be put into a "kind of 'normal form' or 'standard form'" (p. 587) called a "substitution type of puzzle" (p. 588), which turns out to be essentially the notion of a formal system or a Turing Machine. He states a kind of "Turing's Thesis" for such puzzles, noting that such a …

    In this article, he also proves a version of the Halting Problem, in the sense that he proves "that there cannot be any systematic procedure for determining whether a puzzle be solvable or not" (p. 590).

  3. Copeland, B. J., editor (2004). The Essential Turing. Oxford University Press, Oxford, is an anthology of Turing's papers. It is reviewed in Hodges, A. (2006). Review of Copeland 2004. Notices of the AMS, 53(10):1190–1199.

  4. Jack Copeland's website, " Reference Articles on Turing", contains a variety of interesting papers on various aspects of Turing's work, most written by Copeland, a well-respected contemporary philosopher, including essays on the Church-Turing Thesis and Turing Machines.

  5. Cooper, S.B. and van Leeuwen, J., editors (2013). Alan Turing: His Work and Impact. Elsevier, Amsterdam, is a large, "coffee table"-sized anthology of Turing's writings with commentaries by, among many others, Rodney Brooks, Gregory Chaitin, B. Jack Copeland, Martin Davis, Daniel Dennett, Luciano Floridi, Lance Fortnow, Douglas Hofstadter, Wilfried Sieg, Aaron Sloman, Robert I. Soare, and Stephen Wolfram. It is reviewed in Avigad, J. (2014). Review of Cooper and van Leeuwen 2013. Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 61(8):886–890.

Biographical Information:

  1. Hodges, A. (2012). Alan Turing: The Enigma; Centenary Edition. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, is the standard biography.
    See also Hodges's "Alan Turing: The Enigma" website.
    Reviews of the first edition of Hodges's biography can be found in:

  2. Fitzsimmons, E.G. (2013, 24 December). Alan Turing, Enigma code-breaker and computer pioneer, wins royal pardon. New York Times.


  1. Whitemore, H. (1966). Breaking the Code. Samuel French Inc., 2010 (excerpted in Whitemore, H. (1988). The Enigma: Alan Turing confronts a question of right and wrong. The Sciences, 28(2):40–41) is a play, later made into a superb film

  2. Enigma, a 2001 film, is of interest if only because this fictionalized version omits Turing!

  3. Another film, Codebreaker: The Story of Alan Turing (2011), is half dramatization, half documentary, with interviews of people who knew Turing (including some who are fictionalized in The Imitation Game).

  4. The most recent Hollywood treatment, rather controversial because of the many liberties it took with the facts, is The Imitation Game (2014).
    Several websites offer background and critiques of the film. One is "The Imitation Game: The Philosophical Legacy of Alan Turing", The Critique (31 December 2014).

    Others include:

Turing's Legacy:

  1. Copeland, B.J. and Proudfoot, D. (1996). On Alan Turing's anticipation of connectionism. Synthese, 108:361–377, observes that "Turing was probably the first person to consider building computing machines out of simple, neuron-like elements connected together into networks in a largely random manner. … By the application of what he described as 'appropriate interference, mimicking education' … [such a] machine can be trained to perform any task that a Turing machine can carry out …" (p. 361).

  2. American Mathematical Society, editor (2006). Alan Turing. Special issue of Notices of the AMS 53(10) (November), includes articles by Andrew Hodges, Solomon Feferman, S. Barry Cooper, and Martin Davis, among others.

  3. Soare 2013 compares Turing and Church to Michelangelo and Donatello, respectively (illustrations at "The Art of Classical Computability").

  4. Daylight, E.G. (2013). Towards a historical notion of "Turing — the father of computer science", argues from historical evidence that the reasons that Turing is considered "the father of computer science" have nothing to do with his involvement in computer design or construction.

  5. Daylight, E.G. (2014). A Turing tale. Communications of the ACM, 57(10):36–38. "assess[es] the accuracy of popular descriptions of Alan Turing's influences and legacy" (p. 36).

  6. Haigh, T. (2014). Actually, Turing did not invent the computer. Communications of the ACM, 57(1):36‐41, discusses the role of the Turing Machine in the history of computers, minimizing its historical importance to the actual development of computing machines.

  7. Bullynck, M., Daylight, E.G., and Mol, L. (2015). Why did computer science make a hero out of Turing? Communications of the ACM, 58(3):37–39

  8. Other evaluations include:


  1. On Turing Machines and pedagogy, see:

  2. Other Turing Machine exercises are at Teaching Discrete Mathematics via Primary Historical Sources

Implementations of Turing Machines:

There are several Turing Machine simulators and implementations, some quite curious:

  1. Curtis, M. (1965). A Turing machine simulator. Journal of the ACM, 12(1):1–13, contains a program written for the IBM 1620, designed for education purposes.

  2. Weizenbaum 1976, Ch.~2, "Where the Power of the Computer Comes From", contains a masterful presentation of a Turing Machine implemented with pebbles and toilet paper! (This is also an excellent book on the role of computers in society, by the creator of the "Eliza" AI program.)

  3. Stewart, I. (1994, September). A subway named Turing. Scientific American, pages 104, 106–107,
    Hayes, B. (2007). Trains of thought. American Scientist, 95(2),
    are implementations of Turing Machines using subway trains and railroad trains, respectively.

  4. Rendell, P. (2000). This is a Turing Machine implemented in Conway's Game of Life;
    Rendell, P. (2001). A Turing Machine In Conway's Game Life;
    Rendell, P. (2010). This is a Universal Turing Machine (UTM) implemented in Conway's Game of Life.
    are implementations of Turing Machines in John Conway's Game of Life.

  5. There have been a few physical implementations of Turing Machines (but with finite tapes!).

    "[O]ne using servo motors, a Parallax Propeller, felt-tipped pen, and 1000 feet of film leader" is described at A Turing Machine in the Classic Style and at Turing Machine a Masterpiece of Craftsmanship.

    A Turing Machine simulator app for iPhones and iPads is available at Turing — Turing Machine Simulator

  6. Smith, A. R. (2014a). A business card universal Turing machine;
    Smith, A. R. (2014b).
    are implementations on a business card! (For more information on the business-card Turing Machines, see Casselman, B. (2014). About the cover: Smart card. Notices of the AMS, 61(8):872.

Chapter 9: Computers: A Philosophical Perspective

What Is a Computer?

Shagrir 1999 is a short, but wide-ranging, paper on the nature of computers, hypercomputation, analog computation, and computation as not being purely syntactic (a topic that we look into in Chapter 16).

Shagrir, O. (2006). Why we view the brain as a computer. Synthese, 153:393–416, §1, "The Problem of Physical Computation: What Does Distinguish Computers from Other Physical Systems?", contains a good survey of various theories of what a computer is.

Chalmers, D.J. (2011). A computational foundation for the study of cognition. Journal of Cognitive Science (South Korea), 12(4):323–357, §"What about computers?", pp. 335–336, suggests that a computer is a device that can implement multiple computations by being programmable. (The 2011 version of this essay — originally written in 1993 — was accompanied by commentaries, including:

and a reply: Chalmers, D. J. (2012). The varieties of computation: A reply. Journal of Cognitive Science (South Korea), 13(3):211–248.

It is also useful to see what introductory CS texts say. A good (early) example is Ralston 1971. A textbook survey of numerous definitions is in Harnish, R.M. (2002). Coda: Computation for cognitive science, or what IS a computer, anyway? In Minds, Brains, Computers: An Historical Introduction to the Foundations of Cognitive Science, pages 394–412. Blackwell, Malden, MA.

See also the website Anderson, D.L. (2006). The nature of computers. The Mind Project,
and the video Chirimuuta, M., Boone, T., and DeMedonsa, M. (2014). Is your brain a computer?, Instant HPS

On virtual machines, see:

and — especially — Pollock, J.L. (2008). What am I? Virtual machines and the mind/body problem. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 76(2):237–309, who argues that we are virtual machines!

See also Chalmers, D.J. (2017). The virtual and the real. Disputatio, 9(46):309–351.

Sloman, A. (2008). Why virtual machines really matter — for several disciplines, views virtual machines as mathematical abstractions that can have causal relations with the physical world.
Sloman, A. (2019). What is it like to be a rock?, notes that

Stored Program vs. Programmable:

Haigh, T. (2013). 'Stored program concept' considered harmful: History and historiography. In Bonizzoni, P., Brattka, V., and Löwe, B., editors, CiE 2013, pages 241–251. Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7921, Berlin, argues that the phrase 'stored-program computer' is ambiguous between several different readings and often conflated with the notion of a Universal Turing Machine, hence that it would be better to refrain from using it.

See also Haigh, T. and Priestley, M. (2016). Where code comes from: Architectures of automatic control from Babbage to Algol. Communications of the ACM, 59(1):39–44.

Randell 1994, p. 12, argues that the analogy with Universal Turing Machines is more central (p. 13), and that "EDVAC does not qualify as a stored-program computer" because the "representations [of data and instructions] were quite distinct, and no means were provided for converting data items into instructions" or vice versa (p. 13).

According to Daylight 2013, p. XX, note 3, the phrase 'stored program' was not commonly used in the early 1950s. Furthermore, according to Daylight 2013, §3, p. VII, storing data and instructions together "was based on practical concerns, not theoretical reasoning" of the sort that might have been inspired by Turing's notion of a Universal Turing Machine.

John Searle's "Pancomputationalism": Everything Is a Computer:

For a related argument on pancomputationalism, see:
Putnam, H. (1988). Representation and Reality. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

For more detailed critiques and other relevant commentary, see:

Being a Computer Is Not an Intrinsic Property of Physical Objects:

For more discussion on what 'intrinsic' means, see:

On the intrinsicness of mass in this connection, see Shagrir 2016, p. 31.

For more detailed objections to Searle from the nature of measurement, see:

Patrick Hayes: Computers as Magic Paper:

For more on computers as switch-setting devices, see the discussions in Stewart 1994 and Hayes 2007 of how train switches can implement computations. Both of these are also examples of Turing Machines implemented in very different media than silicon (namely, trains)!

Is the Brain a Computer?

Long before computers, the brain and nervous system were also likened to an electronic communications network, as in Fritz Kahn's artwork.
There are also analogies between telephone systems and computers themselves:

On metaphors for the brain (and mind), see:

On computationalism, see:

On the brain as a computer, see:

It is one thing to argue that brains are (or are not) computers of some kind. It is quite another to argue that they are Turing Machines, in particular. The earliest suggestion to that effect is:

For a critical and historical review of that classic paper, see:

More recently, the cognitive neuroscientist Stanislas Dehaene and his colleagues have made similar arguments; see:

See also:

Is the Universe a Computer?

For a different take on the question of whether the solar system computes Kepler's laws of motion, in the context of "pancomputationalsim" (the view that "every deterministic physical system computes some function"), see:

On cellular automata in general, see:

On cellular automata that are Turing Machine-equivalent, see these Wikipedia articles:

You can read more about Wolfram and his theories at his homepage and in:

For a critical review, see:

Aaronson, S. (2011, 9 December). Quantum computing promises new insights, not just supermachines. New York Times, page D5, claims that quantum computing has "overthrown" views like those of

that "the universe itself is basically a giant computer … by showing that if [it is, then] it's a vastly more powerful kind of computer than any yet constructed by humankind."

Lloyd, S. (2000). Ultimate physical limits to computation. Nature, 406:1047–1054, investigates "quantitative bounds to the computational power of an 'ultimate laptop' with a mass of one kilogram confined to a volume of one litre."

Lloyd, S. (2002). Computational capacity of the universe. Physical Review Letters, 88(23):237901–1 — 237901–4, argues that

And see

along with two reviews of it:

Konrad Zuse also argued that the universe is a computer; see:

For more on the universe as a computer, see:

Related to Lloyd is Bostrom's work on whether we are living in a computer simulation:

If Lloyd is right, then the universe is a computer, and we are data structures in its program, brought to life as it were by its execution. If Bostrom is right, then we are data structures in someone else's program. If theists (computational theists?) are right, then we are data structures in God's program.

For an argument that simulation theories are not scientific, see Dunning, B. (2018, 8 May). Are you living in a simulation?

Chapter 10: Procedures

The Church-Turing Computability Thesis:

Good general discussions of the various Computability Theses (Church's, Turing's, et al.) and their history can be found in:

Kripke, S.A. (2013). The Church-Turing "thesis" as a special corollary of Gödel's completeness theorem. In Copeland, B.J., Posy, C.J., and Shagrir, O., editors, Computability: Turing, Gödel, Church, and Beyond, pages&nbs;p;77–104. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, contains a lot of useful historical remarks and offers an argument that the Thesis can be proved as a corollary of Gödel's Completeness Theorem.

On the other hand, Folina 1998 argues — against Gandy 1988, Mendelson 1990, Stewart Shapiro 1993, Sieg 1994, and others — that the thesis is true but unprovable (perhaps as in Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem?). See also:

Stewart Shapiro 2013 is a very readable discussion of the provability of the Computability Thesis; of the nature of the "informality", "vagueness", or "open texture" of the notion of computability; and of the difference between human, mechanical, and mathematical computability, with observations on many of the other readings discussed or mentioned in this chapter.

Mendelson 1990 has one of the clearest discussions of the nature of the Computability Thesis. For responses to Mendelson, see Bringsjord 1993 and Stewart Shapiro 1993.

Robin Gandy — Turing's only Ph.D. student — gave this statement of what (ironically) he referred to as Church's Thesis:

Gandy goes on to be concerned with a mechanical version of the Thesis: whether "What can be calculated by a machine is computable" (Gandy 1980, p. 124), where by 'machine' he says that he is …

One difference between a human (even an "abstract" one) and a machine is that the latter can easily perform parallel operations such as printing "an arbitrary number of symbols simultaneously" (Gandy 1980, p. 125). For discussion of Gandy's Thesis, see Shagrir 2022, §3.1.

On physical versions of the Computability Thesis, see Piccinini and Maley 2021

On the Computability Thesis and AI,

argues that the Computability Thesis "has no interesting consequences for human cognition" because "carrying out a procedure is a purposive, intentional activity. No actual machine does, or can do, as much."

On the other hand,

argues that the Computability Thesis is relevant to questions about the Turing Test for AI.

Rey, G. (2012). The Turing thesis vs. the Turing test. The Philosopher's Magazine, 57:84 89, distinguishes the Turing Thesis from the Turing Test.

Carol Cleland: Some Effective Procedures Are Not Turing Machines:

Cleland's arguments have generated a lengthy debate:

Other articles on the issues appear in:

Beth Preston: Recipes, Algorithms, and Specifications:

On the notion of a "specification" (the general requirements for an algorithm), see Turner, R. (2011). Specification. Minds and Machines, 21(2):135–152.

Petroski, H. (2010). Occasional design. American Scientist, 98(1):16–19, is a nice follow-up to Preston, in which he describes how "an everyday challenge provides lessons in the processes of planning and execution".

Daly, I. (2010, 24 February). Just like mombot used to make. New York Times, pages D1, D5 — about robots that not only follow recipes, but actually cook the meals ("Fear not, humans, these robots are here to be our friends. To prove it, they serve you food") — is interesting reading in connection with what both Cleland and Preston have to say about the computability of recipes.

Chapter 11: Hypercomputation

On origami considered as an investigation of what paper-folding constructions are possible using only certain basic operations, see Landesman, C. (2021). A deep dive into the fold. The Paper, page 30.

For more on sub-Turing computation, see Bernhardt 2016, Ch. 3, or any text on the theory of computation (such as those cited in above, as well as discussions of the "Chomsky hierarchy"

For more on Copeland's views on hypercomputation, see:

Yet another form of hypercomputation, which does not fit easily into the categories of this chapter, is a generalization of Turing computability — which can be considered to be a branch of discrete mathematics — to the real numbers, so that there can be a theory of computation within continuous mathematics. This has been investigated in:

Their form of computation over the real numbers contains Turing computation as a special case.

On what Turing might have thought about hypercomputation, see Hodges, A. (2004). What would Alan Turing have done after 1954? In Teuscher, C., editor, Alan Turing: Life and Legacy of a Great Thinker, pages 43–58. Springer, Berlin.

For more on hypercomputation, see the following:

"Newer Physics" Hypercomputers:

Copeland 1998, p. 151, footnote 2, distinguishes between "accelerating" Turing Machines and "Zeus" machines. See also Copeland 2002a and Copeland and Shagrir 2011.

Davies, E.B. (2001). Building infinite machines. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 52:671 682, argues that an accelerating computer could be built "in a continuous Newtonian universe" (as opposed to the Malament-Hogarth spacetime mentioned in the epigraph to this section of the book), though not "in the real universe".

However, Cockshott, P. and Michaelson, G. (2007). Are there new models of computation? Reply to Wegner and Eberbach. The Computer Journal, 50(2):232–247, §2.5, p. 235, reject such relaxations of the laws of classical physics out of hand. They also give an excellent summary of Turing Machines and complexity theory, and they argue against a number of other hypercomputation proposals, including Wegner's interaction machines.

Here are some readings (in addition to those above on quantum computing in general) for readers who would like to pursue the topic:

Further Reading on Malament-Hogarth Hypercomputation:

And for those of you curious about the epigraph to this section concerning Malament-Hogarth hypercomputation, here are some suggestions:

Batch vs. Online Processing:

There are several other names for interactive computing, including "coupled" Turing Machines, each of whose outputs serve as inputs for the other (Copeland and Sylvan 1999 and Zenil and Hernández-Quiroz 2007) and "concurrent" computation.

On reactive systems, see also Knuth, D.E. (2014, 20 May). Twenty questions for Donald Knuth, Question 13.

Peter Wegner: Interaction Is Not Turing-Computable:

Gurevich, Y. (1999). The sequential ASM thesis. Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science, 67:93–124, esp. pp. 93, 98, talks both about "algorithms that are closed in the sense that they do not interact with their environments" and about ones that do so interact (§5, pp. 111–115). He also notes that, in the case of non-deterministic algorithms, "the active environment will make the choices" (p. 116).

Can Interaction Be Simulated by a Non-Interactive Turing Machine?

The S-m-n Theorem was first stated and proved by Kleene 1952, Theorem XXIII, p. 342. It gets its name from the form that Kleene expressed it in, using a function that he called 'S^m_n'. It is also sometimes called the "Parameter Theorem" or the "Iteration Theorem" (Davis and Weyuker 1983, p. 64). Rogers 1967, Theorem IV, p. 22, calls it the "enumeration theorem" (but distinguishes it from what he calls the "s-m-n theorem" (Rogers 1967, Theorem V, pp. 23–24).

My interpretation of the theorem is due to Case, J. Motivating the proof of the Kleene recursion theorem. (In lectures at the University at Buffalo in the early 1980s, Case used the mnemonic "Stuff-em-in} theorem" to emphasize that the external inputs could be "stuffed into" the computer program.) Similar interpretations can be found in Cooper 2004, p. 64, and Homer and Selman 2011, p. 53. And Kfoury et al 1982, p. 82, give a version of it stated in terms of computer programs.

Cooper 2004, p. 64, also notes that the existence of the Universal Turing Machine can be expressed — using our notation above (instead of his) — by taking y as a ("hardwired", non-universal) Turing Machine and s(x,y) as a Universal Turing Machine with y stored on its tape (as its software). And Rogers 1967, p. 23, notes that it "shows that the computing agent … need not be human" — because the human "computing agent" in Turing's informal analysis can be replaced by a Universal Turing Machine.

van Leeuwen, J. and Wiedermann, J. (2000). The Turing machine paradigm in contemporary computing. In Engquist, B. and Schmid, W., editors, Mathematics Unlimited — 2001 and Beyond, pages 1139–1155. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, formalizes Wegner's ideas about interaction machines, arguing that "'interactive Turing machines with advice' … are more powerful than ordinary Turing machines."

For a debate between a hypercomputation skeptic and a believer, see Interactive Computation Is More Powerful Than Non Interactive (2014).

For more by Wegner and his colleagues, see:

Hewitt, C. (2019, 10 July). Computer science must rely on strongly-typed Actors and theories for cybersecurity.

Oracle Computation:

For more on oracle machines, see:

An excellent, relatively informal overview of relative computability for philosophers is Jenny, M. (2018). Counterpossibles in science: The case of relative computability. Noûs, 52(3):530–560, §2.

Piccinini, G. (2003). Alan Turing and the mathematical objection. Minds and Machines, 13:23–48, is primarily about Turing's views on AI, but also discusses his theory of computation and the role of "oracle" machines.

For a science fiction treatment of oracles, see Egan, G. (2000). Oracle. Asimov's Science Fiction.

Trial-and-Error Computation:

Philosophers, logicians, and computer scientists have all contributed to this theory:

For more on Kugel's views, see:

On the mathematical abilities of humans vs. machines, see:

On Gödel, Turing, and mathematical ability, see:

Inductive Inference:

For more information on "computational learning theory" and "language learning in the limit", see:

Chapter 12: Software and Hardware

The Nature of Computer Programs:

Gemignani, M. (1981). What is a computer program? American Mathematical Monthly, 88(3):185–188.

Haigh and Priestley 2016 is an interesting history of both programming and the term 'program', arguing that Ada Lovelace was probably not the first computer programmer and that programming computers originally had a lot in common with concert "programming" or radio "programs".

Programs and Algorithms:

A nice description — for readers who are not computer scientists — of how algorithms are implemented in computers can be found in Colburn, T.R. (1999). Software, abstraction, and ontology. The Monist, 82(1):3–19, esp. pp. 6–9.

Dennett 2017, p. 256, discusses how Universal Turing Machines running software S often "evolve" into "'dedicated' hardware" Turing Machines that only execute S.

Software and Art:

There are other interesting relationships between software and art:

For some examples of "aesthetic" or "playful" programs, see:

Copyright vs. Patent:

For general discussion of the issues surrounding legal protection of programs, see:

For follow-ups to Newell's essay (including links to commentary by Donald Knuth), see "Newell 1986: The Models Are Broken"

The ontological task is investigated in:

On ontologies more generally, see the work by philosopher Barry Smith and his colleagues at The Buffalo Ontology Site, which includes Duncan's ontology of software vs. hardware:
Duncan, W.D. (2017). Ontological distinctions between hardware and software. Applied Ontology, 12(17):5–32.

Levels of Understanding:

For more on the intentional stance, see:

If you are uneasy about the intentional stance's use of psychological terms to describe computers, you might treat the terms 'desired', 'believed', and 'formed the intention' as metaphorical; see:

"Following Instructions":

On center embedding:

A simpler example of center embedding is the sentence

where the sentence 'Cats chase' is embedded in the center of the sentence 'Mice eat cheese', qualifying the kind of mice that eat cheese, namely, the ones that cats chase.

If we replace these words with others, we get a center-embedding sentence that is harder to understand:

Here, the sentence 'Dogs dog' (meaning "Dogs follow closely") is embedded in the similar sentence 'Dogs dog dogs' (meaning "Dogs follow other dogs closely").

Finally, if we replace these words with still others, we get the following perfectly grammatical and meaningful sentence of English:

Instead of cats chasing and dogs dogging, we have buffalo buffaloing (that is, bison intimidating; note that the plural of 'buffalo' is also 'buffalo', just as the plural of 'sheep' is also 'sheep'). Embedding 'Buffalo buffalo' into 'Buffalo buffalo buffalo' (meaning "Some bison intimidate other bison"), we get the sentence above, which means "Bison that other bison intimidate intimidate in turn still other bison"). See A History of the Sentence "Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo."

On following instructions:

Software Is a Concrete Abstraction:

For physiological examples of multiple realizations, see:

Chapter 13: Implementation

For more on the theory of implementation as semantic interpretation, see:

Semantic Interpretation:

For good descriptions of the syntax and semantics of formal systems and their relationship to Turing Machines, see:

Gödel also identified them (see §15.2.3).

And Kripke 2013, p. 80, has advocated for this point of view:

For more on formal systems, see:

Real examples of formal systems include:

Sometimes, the entities of such systems are called 'constructive objects'.

On "marks" and "mark manipulation" systems, see Kearns 1997, §2, pp. 273–274.

Chalmers's Theory of Implementation:

Originally written in 1993, the 2011 version of Chalmers 2011 was accompanied by commentaries (including Egan 2012, Rescorla 2012, Scheutz 2012, and Shagrir 2012, and a reply Chalmers 2012.

Chalmers 2011, §2, was published in slightly different form as Chalmers 1994.

See also:
Chalmers, D.J. (1996). Does a rock implement every finite-state automaton? Synthese, 108:309–333
which is a reply to Putnam's "theorem" that "Every ordinary open system is a realization of every abstract finite automaton" (Putnam 1988, Appendix). Putnam's argument for this "theorem" is related to Searle's 1990 argument about the wall behind me implementing Wordstar (discussed in §9.4.6), but it is much more detailed.

(Chalmers corrects "an error in my arguments" in Chalmers 2012, pp. 236--238.)

On implementation and its relationship to the concept of a virtual machine, see Sloman 2008 and Sloman 2019.

Ladyman, J. (2009). What does it mean to say that a physical system implements a computation? Theoretical Computer Science, 410(4–5):376–383, esp. p. 379

Dresner 2010 examines "the association between numbers and the physical world that is made in measurement" and argues that implementation "and (measurement-theoretic) representation" are "a single relation (or concept) viewed from different angles" (p. 276). Note that "representation" is a semantic concept.

Shagrir, O. (2012). Computation, implementation, cognition. Minds and Machines, 22(2):137 148.

The philosopher and computer scientist Matthias Scheutz has written extensively on implementation; see:

Chapter 14: Computer Programs as Scientific Theories


On simulated hurricanes, see:

On simulated digestion, see:

Computer simulations and computer models are discussed in:

In the context of ethical computing,
Neumann, P.G. (1993). Modeling and simulation. Communications of the ACM, 36(6):124,
contains useful, real-life examples of ways in which simulations (and theories) can fail to be precise models of reality, and it discusses "the illusion that the virtual is real" (quoting Rebecca Mercuri).

Green, C.D. (2001). Scientific models, connectionist networks, and cognitive science. Theory and Psychology, 11:97 117.

For arguments that there are limitations to simulations, see:

See also:
Frigg, R., Hartman, S., and Imbert, C. (2009). Special issue on models and simulations. Synthese, 169(3):425–626.


Partridge, D. and Wilks, Y., editors (1990). The Foundations of Artificial Intelligence: A Sourcebook. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
has two sections on the nature of theories:

Downes, S. (1990). Herbert Simon's computational models of scientific discovery. PSA: Proceedings of the [1990] Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, 1:97–108.

Tymoczko, T. (1979). The four-color problem and its philosophical significance. Journal of Philosophy, 76(2):57–83.

For a different view of programs as theories, see Chaitin 2009, esp. pp. 8–9.

Turner, R. (2010). Programming languages as mathematical theories. In Vallverdú, J., editor, Thinking Machines and the Philosophy of Computer Science: Concepts and Principles, pages 66–82. IGI Global

Chapter 15: Program Verification

Bugs and Intended Behavior:

On the history of the term 'bug', see:

The idea that the first computer bug was really a bug (actually, a moth) is an urban legend, because the term was used in the non-entomological sense as early as 1875; see:

For a photo of the allegedly first "bug", see The Jargon File, which traces the term back to Shakespeare!

Proofs and Programs:

Dijskstra 1972, pp. 9–11, has a discussion about the nature and value of formal proofs of "obvious" theorems that is relevant to the issues raised by De Millo et al. 1979 and Rosser's time-traveler.

Devlin, K. (1992). Computers and mathematics (column). Notices of the American Mathematical Society, 39(9):1065 1066,

Lipton, R.J. (2019, 21 October). A polemical overreach? Gödel's Lost Letter and P=NP is a more recent commentary on De Millo et al 1979 by one of its authors.

Thurston, W.P. (1994). On proof and progress in mathematics. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 30(2):161–177, is an interesting contrast to Suber 1997b on the relationship between computer programs and mathematical proofs.

Davis, P.J. and Hersh, R. (1998). "The Ideal Mathematician", in their The Mathematical Experience. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, pp. 34–44, is a partly facetious description of the behavior of (some) mathematicians, including a discussion of the nature of proof as carried out by mathematicians.

For an antidote to their characterization of mathematicians, read
Frenkel, E. (2013). Love and Math: The Heart of Hidden Reality. Basic Books, New York.

Program Verification:

Colburn, T.R., Fetzer, J.H., and Rankin, T.L., editors (1993). Program Verification: Fundamental Issues in Computer Science. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, is an anthology containing many of the papers discussed in this chapter, as well as an extensive bibliography on program verification. And Colburn himself, some of whose views on the philosophy of CS we have examined in earlier chapters, has two papers on program verification that are worth reading:

The origins of program verification can be found in:

For Hoare's later views, see:

Dijkstra, E.W. (1974). Programming as a discipline of mathematical nature. American Mathematical Monthly, 81(6):608–612, argues "that the correctness of programs could and should be established by proof", that structured programs are simpler to prove than unstructured ones — (on that point, see Dijkstra, E.W. (1968). Go to statement considered harmful. Communications of the ACM, 11(3):147–148.) — that theorems about programs make program proofs easier, and that "to prove the correctness of a given program was … putting the cart before the horse. A much more promising approach turned out to be letting correctness proof and program grow hand in hand" (pp. 609–610).

See also
Dijkstra, E.W. (1983). Fruits of misunderstanding (EWD-854). Reprinted in Datamation (15 February 1985): 86–87.

Verity, J.W. (1985). Bridging the software gap. Datamation, pages 84–88, contains interviews with Dijkstra, Hoare, and Gries.

Mili, A., Desharnais, J., and Gagné, J.R. (1986). Formal models of stepwise refinement of programs. ACM Computing Surveys, 18(3):231–276, §1, contains a formal presentation of program correctness.

Two papers show how to use program-verification techniques to develop programs:

MacKenzie 1992 discusses a legal challenge to a claim that a certain computer program had been verified. The claim was that the verification was of the relatively informal, De Millo et al. 1979-style variety of proof; the challenge was that a formal, mathematical proof was necessary.

Frenkel, K. (1993). An interview with Robin Milner. Communications of the ACM, 36(1):90–97, discusses program verification, among other topics.

The Fetzer Controversy:

The following letters to the editor (with replies by Fetzer) are representative of the battle that resulted from Fetzer's article:

See also:
Dudley, R. (1990). Program verification. Notices of the AMS, 37:123–124. Letter to the editor, with reply by J. Barwise.

For Fetzer's later writings on the controversy, see:

MacKenzie, D. (2001). Mechanizing Proof: Computing, Risk, and Trust. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, Ch. 6, "Social Processes and Category Mistakes", concerns the De Millo et al.-Fetzer controversy. For a review, see Hayes, B. (2002, July-August). The search for rigor. American Scientist, 90:382–384.

Glass, R.L. (2002). The proof of correctness wars. Communications of the ACM, 45(8):19–21, is a historical survey, with some useful references, arguing that the controversies over program verification are "extremely healthy for the field" of computing, roughly for the same reasons that (as argued in §2.4) philosophy is important: the challenging of assumptions.

Long after the Fetzer controversy, articles for and against program verification continue to be published:

Lamport, L. (2015). Who builds a house without drawing blueprints? Communications of the ACM, 58(4):38–41.

Models: Putting the World into Computers:

The earliest discussion of a map that is the same size as what it maps is in:

Other discussions of the idea can be found in:

All of these concern space, but there is an analogous problem for time: Weather prediction is based on models of the world that have to be "capable of scrolling ahead to the future faster than time can progress" (Fry, H. (2019, 1 July). Looks like rain: How weather forecasting got good. The New Yorker, pages 61–65).

On what I am calling "Smith's gap" between the model and the world, see:

Smith's gap is also related to the issues surrounding attempts to prove the Computability Thesis from axioms that are intended to capture the informal notion of computability (such as Dershowitz and Gurevich 2008 and Sieg 2008:

Chapter 16: Programs and the World

Internal vs. External Behavior: Some Examples:

Other examples, concerning, e.g., the applicability of group theory to physics are discussed in Frenkel 2013.

The mathematician Paul Halmos (Halmos 1973, p. 384) points out that, once aspects of Hilbert spaces are seen to be structurally identical to aspects of quantum-mechanical systems, "the difference between a quantum physicist and a mathematical operator-theorist becomes one of language and emphasis only".

Eugene Wigner's classic essay on "The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences" (Wigner 1960) is also relevant; computer scientists should be sure to read R.W. Hamming's response (Hamming 1980).

On the "indeterminacy of computation", see:

Two Views of Computation:

Robin K. Hill's distinction between "Do A" and "In order to accomplish goal G, do A" echoes something that Herbert Simon said three quarters of a century ago. According to:

Making a distinction akin to Hill's, Putnam, H. (1999). The Threefold Cord: Mind, Body, and World. Columbia University Press, New York, p. 6, says: "the world is as it is independently of the interests of describers." Similarly, an algorithm (A) "is as it is independently of" any purpose (G) that it might be used for. For further discussion, see Putnam 1999, pp. 45–46.

Are Inputs Needed?

Besides the basic philosophical "theorem" that, for any X, there is a philosophy of X (§2.7), there is another that says, "For any possibility you can name, there exists a philosopher who turned it into a theory" (Casati, R. (2000). Shadows: Unlocking Their Secrets, from Plato to Our Time. Vintage/Random House, 2004, New York. Translated by Abigail Asher; p. 65). Concerning the relation of an output to a non-existent input, there are philosophical theories about relations to non-existent entities; see:

Algorithms Don't Need a Purpose:

The philosopher Frances Egan takes the mathematical functional view, focusing (in our terminology) on A, not G:

On that view, Marr's "computational" level is not teleological (Egan 1991, p. 201).

Shagrir, O. and Bechtel, W. (2015). Marr's computational-level theories and delineating phenomena. In Kaplan, D., editor, Integrating Psychology and Neuroscience: Prospects and Problems. Oxford University Press, Oxford, §2.2, suggests that Marr's "computational" level conflates two separate, albeit related, questions: "why" and "what".

On mathematical understanding, see:

and Albert Goldfain's work on how to get AI computer systems to understand mathematics in addition to merely doing it:

Algorithms and Goals:

On "succinct ways of saying what an algorithm is for", see Chaitin 2002 and Chaitin 2006b.

Turner, R. (2019). Correctness, explanation and intention. In Manea, F., Martin, B., Paulusma, D., and Primiero, G., editors, Computing with Foresight and Industry. CiE 2019, pages 62‐71. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, is a useful discussion of the intentionality or purposefulness of computer programs in the context of program verification.

Harbecke, J. and Shagrir, O. (2019). The role of the environment in computational explanations. European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 9(37), §§1, 2, offers an excellent summary of the Do A/To G, do A distinction.

Computing with Symbols or Their Meanings:

The distinction between symbols and meanings also appears in the philosophy of mathematics concerning "structuralism": Is the pattern, or structure, of the natural numbers all that matters? Or does it also matter what the natural numbers in the pattern "really" are? For discussion, see:

Debates in the philosophy of mathematics concerning "pure" or "abstract" math vs "applied" math (Marshall, R. (2019). Philosophy, maths, logic and computers. 3:16) are also relevant to the "abstract" Do A vs the more "applied" To G, do A. It may also be related to the distinction between "pure" syntax vs "applied" semantic interpretation.

Syntactic Semantics:

For more on syntactic semantics, see:

Rescorla's "indigenous semantics":

emphasizes causal relations, whereas syntactic semantics emphasizes the importance of conceptual-role semantics:
Rapaport, W.J. (2002). Holism, conceptual-role semantics, and syntactic semantics. Minds and Machines, 12(1):3–59

Chapter 17: Computer Ethics I: Should We Trust Computers?

Further Reading on Computer Ethics:

For good introductions to computer ethics in general, see:

AAAI's "AI Topics" website is an excellent source, with many links. See also The Research Center on Values in Engineering, Science, and Technology's pages on computer ethics.

Automated Vehicles:

Halpern, S. (2016). Our driverless future. New York Review of Books, 63(18):18 20, discusses technical and ethical issues concerning the automated decisions made by driverless vehicles.

Monticello, M. (2016). The state of the self-driving car" and Will self-driving cars make our road safer? Consumer Reports, 81(5):44–49, offers observations on their relative safety.

There are other automated vehicles besides self-driving cars, for which some of the same issues arise:

Game-Playing Computers:

On checkers, see:

On chess and other games, see:

Should We Trust Decisions Computers Make?

For a philosophical investigation of the nature of trust, see:

Heingartner, D. (2006, 18 July). Maybe we should leave that up to the computer. New York Times

For scientific research on wrong or illogical explanations by humans, see:

For other readings on humans' difficulty in reasoning, see my bibliography on "Reasoning"

Introductions to "Deep Learning"

LeCun, Y., Bengio, Y., and Hinton, G. (2015). Deep learning. Nature, 521:436–444, is an introduction to "deep" machine learning by three of its pioneering Turing Award winners.

Buckner, C. (2019). Deep learning: A philosophical introduction. Philosophy Compass, 14(10), is an introduction to deep learning for philosophers.

The Bias Problem:

Savage, N. (2016). When computers stand in the schoolhouse door. Communications of the ACM, 59(3):19–21, is a discussion of how "researchers are trying to identify … and root … out" biases found in classification algorithms.

In contrast, Metz, C. (2019, 16 August). A.I. is learning from humans. Many humans. New York Times, reports on minimally trained non-professionals who supply the training for machine-learning systems, which raises the question of how accurate those systems algorithms could be.

Singer, N. and Metz, C. (2019, 19 December). Many facial-recognition systems are biased, says U.S. study. New York Times, discusses evidence of bias in facial-recognition algorithms.

Smith, C.S. (2020, 2 January). Dealing with bias in artificial intelligence. New York Times, contains interviews with three female AI researchers on how they deal with such bias in algorithms.

For a detailed analysis of bias problems in natural-language processing systems (such as GPT-3) — and as opposed to natural-language understanding systems — see:
Bender, Emily M.; Gebru, Timnit; McMillan-Major, Angelina; & Shmitchell, Shmargaret (2021), "On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big? 🦜", CFAccT '21: Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency: 610–623.

The Black Box Problem:

Brachman, R.J. (2002). Systems that know what they're doing. IEEE Intelligent Systems, pages 67–71, by a leading AI researcher, suggests how and why decision-making computers should be able to explain their decisions.

For discussions of attempts to get systems to be able to "account" for themselves, see:

For other arguments on the value of symbolic computation, see:

Are There Decisions Computers Must Make for Us?

For contrasting discussions of the US Airways case, see:

For another airplane incident involving "rogue" computers, see:

The 2019 crashes of two Boeing 737 Max 8 jets are another important case study. The crashes seem to have been due to some combination of one or more of the following: a faulty sensor that input erroneous information to certain software, the software itself that may have been flawed, or lack of proper pilot training in the use of the software. For a summary, see "Boeing 737 MAX Groundings" (Wikipedia). See also:

Zremski, J. (2009, 18 February). Perspectives differ on autopilot, icing. Buffalo News, pages A1‐A2, explores the possibility that a decision-making computer might make things more difficult for a human who is in the decision-making loop.

Halpern, S. (2015, 2 April). How robots & algorithms are taking over. New York Review of Books, 62(6):24, 26, 28, points out, among other things, that an "overreliance on automation, and on a tendency to trust computer data even in the face of contradictory physical evidence, can be dangerous", in part because the human in the decision-making loop might not be paying attention: "over half of all airplane accidents were the result of the mental autopilot brought on by actual autopilot".

Are There Decisions Computers Shouldn't Make?

Asimov, I. (1950). The evitable conflict. Astounding Science Fiction. Reprinted in Isaac Asimov, I, Robot (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1950), Ch. 9, pp. 195–218, about decisions made by machines, is a fictional approach to Moor's question.

OHeigeartaigh, S. (2013, 9 August). Would you hand over a moral decision to a machine? Why not? Moral outsourcing and Artificial Intelligence. Practical Ethics, is a blog that considers many of the issues discussed in Moor 1979.

Friedman and Kahn argue that programmers should not design computer systems so that users think that the systems are "intelligent". The April 2004 issue of Communications of the ACM (Miller 2004) has a whole section devoted to this.

On belief-desire-intention theory, see, e.g.:

As a "classic theme" in AI, I am thinking primarily of Joseph Weizenbaum's "Eliza" program, which, in its most famous version, allegedly simulated a Rogerian psychotherapist. See:

In literature, I highly recommend:

In cinema, there are:

to name just three.

Chapter 18: Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence

For more on the philosophy of AI, see:

Artificial Intelligence as Computational Cognition:

On AI and IQ, see my "Artificial I.Q. Test" from Rapaport 1986b, as well as:

The nature of intelligence is beyond our scope, but there are useful general discussions in:

and there are AI-related discussions in:

Paton, E. and Friedman, V. (2018, 29 May). 'Diamonds are forever,' and made by machine. New York Times, observes that the distinction between synthetic and natural diamonds raises "an almost metaphysical question of what defines a diamond. Is it its chemical structure …? Or is it its provenance: created deep in the ground … rather than cooked up in a machine?".

The Turing Test:

Encyclopedia articles on the Turing Test include:

Several anthologies of essays on the Turing Test have appeared:

Wilkes, M. (1953). Can machines think? Discovery, 14:151. Reprinted in Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers 41(1953)(10) (October):1230–1234, contains speculations by one of the pioneers of computers on the Turing Test, learning machines, and the role of external input.

The differences between various versions of the Turing Test are discussed in:

Argamon, S., Koppel, M., Fine, J., and Shimoni, A.R. (2003). Gender, genre, and writing style in formal written texts. Text & Talk, 23(3):321–346, provides evidence that women can be distinguished from men on the basis of their writing style.

Piccinini 2003 is primarily about Turing's views on AI, but also discusses his theory of computation and the role of "oracle" machines.

Aaronson 2006 discusses the Turing Test in the context of quantum hypercomputation.

Shieber, S.M. (2007). The Turing test as interactive proof. Noûs, 41(4):686–713, proposes an interpretation of the Turing Test as an interactive proof.

McDermott, D. (2014, 31 December). What was Alan Turing's imitation game?, is a critique of Turing 1950 written by a well-known AI researcher as background for the film The Imitation Game.

There have been several programs that are thought by some people to have passed a Turing Test:

No current natural-language-understanding computer has achieved the "understanding" exhibited by the fictional computer HAL in the movie 2001 (Stork, D. G. (1997). HAL's Legacy: 2001's Computer as Dream and Reality. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.), not even Apple's Siri or Amazon's Alexa.

The question of whether some robots and softbots may have passed a kind of Turing Test is raised in:

Walsh, T. (2016). Turing's red flag law. Communications of the ACM, 59(7):34–37, proposes a "Turing Red Flag law: An autonomous system should be designed so that it is unlikely to be mistaken for anything besides an autonomous sysem, and should identify itself at the start of any interaction with another agent."

Berkeley, I.S. (2020). AI: A crowd-sourced criterion. A commentary on Pei Wang's paper "On defining Artificial Intelligence". Journal of Artificial General Intelligence, 11(2):24–26, compares Turing's "use of words and general educated opinion" to Dennett's intentional stance; see also:

Similar views are discussed in:

The Chinese Room Argument:

Too much has been written on the CRA to cite here, but you might start with these:

Weinberg, J. (2019, 15 May). Did a story about a computer made of humans scoop Searle's "Chinese room" by 20 years? Daily Nous.


For more details on syntactic semantics, see "Syntactic Semantics", above.

Any study of semantics in linguistics — in the sense of a study of the meanings of linguistic expressions — that focuses only on relations either among the expressions or between the expressions and mental "conceptual structures" — and not on relations between expressions and aspects of the external world — is a syntactic enterprise. This is the nature of semantics in, for instance, cognitive linguistics:

For more about Cassie, see:

Points of View:

For arguments why AI should take the first-person point of view, see:

On antecedent understanding, see:

It also plays an important role in Michael Dummett's theories about understanding the meaning of linguistic expressions:

On syntactic understanding, see Rapaport 1986a

On meaning holism, see:

Leibniz's Mill and Turing's "Strange Inversion":

For more on what Searle-in-the-room might know, see:

A Better Way:

Levesque, H.J. (2009). Is it enough to get the behaviour right? In IJCAI'09: Proceedings of the 21st International Joint Conference on Artifical Intelligence, pages 1439–1444. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, agrees that "in the end, it all depends on the [rule] book. … [W]e need to ask what a real book would have to be like … ". See also Levesque 2017.

For another list of things that a (computational) cognitive agent must be able to do in order to understand natural language, see:

But their conclusion is much more pessimistic than mine!

Chapter 19: Computer Ethics II: Should We Build Artificial Intelligences?

On AI ethics in general, see:


Robots were introduced in Karel Čapek's 1920 play R.U.R.: Rossom's Universal Robots:

Mendelsohn, D. (2015). The robots are winning! New York Review of Books, 62(10):51–54.

The most famous fictional treatment of robot ethics is in the stories of Isaac Asimov that discuss his "Three Laws of Robotics":

  1. A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  2. A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Later, he added a "zeroth" law, specifying that the other three laws only held if they did not conflict with it:

For an extended discussion of Asimov's Laws, in a computer engineering journal, see:

James Bridle — quoted in Lucas, J. (2019, 22 April). Madam, I'm Adam (Man, woman, and robot in Ian McEwen's new novel). The New Yorker, pages 68–70 — adds another law (recall the Black Box problem):


More neutrally, A-Life is also called "complex adaptive systems" or "simulation of adaptive behavior". There are:

For an overview, see "Artificial Life" (Wikipedia).

Lem's story is reprinted and discussed in Hofstadter, D.R. and Dennett, D.C. (1981). Reflections [on Lem 1971]. In Hofstadter, D.R. and Dennett, D.C., editors, The Mind's I: Fantasies and Reflections on Self and Soul, pages 317–320. Basic Books, New York.

Many other stories investigate the relationships between humans and their robotic creations; I highly recommend:

On the "reality" vs the "virtuality" of Lem-like entities, see:

Is AI Possible in Principle?

For a good overview of functionalism, see

For some of its more contemporary versions and objections to them, see:

On the related problem of qualia, see:

On computational personality, see:

On computational theories of emotion, see:

On the cognitive science of emotion, see my bibliography on the topic.

What Is a Person?

On ethical issues of personhood and moral responsibility, see Müller 2020

As part of a longer study on "European Civil Law Rules in Robotics", Nevejans 2016 discusses the "incongruity of establishing robots as liable legal persons".

For a fictional treatment of many of these issues, see: McEwan 2019.


A predecessor of Petersen's paper is:

Petersen continues his argument in:

For a response, see:

Yampolskiy, R.V. and Fox, J. (2013). Safety engineering for artificial general intelligence. Topoi, 32(2):217–226.


Rini, R. (2017, 18 April). Raising good robots. Aeon

This is treated fictionally in Chiang 2019

Are We Personal AIs?

Bostrom's papers are available at "The Simulation Argument" website.

For critiques of his theory, see:

Perhaps the first treatment of these issues was Descartes's "evil genius" (or "evil demon") argument in his Meditations:

Descartes argues that the one thing the evil genius can't fool him about is that he is doubting things, that doubting is a kind of thinking, and that, if he thinks, then he exists.

One of the earliest contemporary philosophical treatments of a simulation argument is Hilary Putnam's "Brains in a Vat" argument:

For an overview, see the above link, as well as:

The movie The Matrix (and its sequels) is the most famous recent science-fiction treatment of this; for a philosophical analysis, see:

Hoffman, D.D. (2009). The interface theory of perception: Natural selection drives true perception to swift extinction. In Dickinson, S., Tarr, M., Leonardis, A., and Schiele, B., editors, Object Categorization: Computer and Human Vision Perspectives, pages 148–165. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

As with so much else in CS and AI, Turing was among the first to discuss what is now called "The Singularity":

For overviews of The Singularity, see:

For discussions, see:

Musk's observations are discussed at "Elon Musk — Artificial intelligence, metaverse, and public transit" (Wikipedia).

Hawking's observations are discussed at "Stephen Hawking — Future of humanity" (Wikipedia).

Bundy, A. (2017). Smart machines are not a threat to humanity. Communications of the ACM, 60(2):40–42, argues that "Worrying about machines that are too smart distracts us from the real and present threat from machines that are too dumb."

A related topic concerns robots that kill: They might be industrial robots that accidentally kill or harm human workers (something that has already happened), military robots designed to kill or harm enemies during a battle, or post-Singularity robots that decide to kill or harm humans. For discussion, see:

For humorous takes on both simulation arguments and the Singularity, see the cartoons at Dilbert (3/3/2019), Abstruse Goose, "Sandbox", and Abstruse Goose, "Sandbox, Part 2"

Chapter 20: Computer Science: A Personal View

For semi-technical discussions of computational complexity and P=NP, see:

For non-technical discussions, see:

On "practical" computability, see:

Copyright © 2022 by William J. Rapaport (