Philosophy of Computer Science: Online Resources

Further Readings for Chapter 3:

What Is Computer Science?

Last Update: Thursday, 15 February 2024

Note 1: Many of these items are online; links are given where they are known. Other items may also be online; an internet search should help you find them.

Note 2: In general, works are listed in chronological order. (This makes it easier to follow the historical development of ideas.)

§3.2: Naming the Discipline:

A history of the phrase 'computer science' can be found in:

In a response to a letter that appeared in one of the earliest issues of Communications of the ACM, an editor (possibly Alan J. Perlis) listed several, admittedly "facetious", names, including 'turingineering', 'turology', 'applied meta-mathematics', and 'applied epistemology' (DATA-LINK (1958). What’s in a name? Communications of the ACM, 1(4):6). The first two are puns on the name of Alan Turing, arguably the founder of the discipline, discussed in Chapter 8. We discuss "applied epistemology" in §3.16.3 of the book.

In 1966, Peter Naur (a winner of the Turing Award) suggested 'datalogy':

A useful discussion of these terms can be found in "About Names and Labels", in

Paul Abrahams (1987). What is computer science? Communications of the ACM, 30(6):472–473, says:

§3.4.1: Determining Boundaries:

On Wittgenstein's notion of "game", see:

On categorization, see:

On the inability to carve nature into joints, see:

On the notion of natural kinds, see:

§3.4.2: Extensional and Intensional Definition

§3.5.1: Computers Are Not Natural:

On the nature of artifacts in general, see:

On artifacts in CS, see:

§3.5.3: The Full Story of the Once-upon-a-Time Science of Microscopy

In a similar fashion, surely computers are "device[s] that [have] extended [our] senses and widened [our] vistas", and the science of computer scientists is, well, computer science.

After all, one of the two principal professional associations is the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). What "holds" computer scientists "together … [is] the vehicle which carrie[s them] on [their] voyages of observation".

But this is not necessarily a positive analogy.

Similarly, the microscope has permitted significant advances in biology (and many other disciplines) but, arguably, microscopy no longer exists as an independent science devoted to the study of that instrument or the things studied with it.

Now, if you search for 'Department of Microscopy' on the World Wide Web, you will, indeed, find that there are some universities and museums that have one. But, if you look closer, you will see that they are really departments of microbiology. Non-biologists who use microscopes (such as some geologists or even jewelers) are not found in departments of microscopy today. What has happened, apparently, is that the use of this artifact by scientists studying widely different phenomena was not sufficient to keep them in the same academic discipline. The academic discipline of microscopy splintered into those who use microscopes to study biology, those who use it to study geology, and so on, as well as those who build new kinds of microscopes (who might be found in an engineering or an optics department). For over a hundred years, there was a Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science (1853–1965), affiliated with "the Microscopical Society of London". Its inaugural Preface said:

If you replace 'microscope' with 'computer' (along with their cognates), and 'histology' with something like 'mathematical calculations' (or 'algorithms'!), then this reads like a manifesto for the ACM.

The first issue of the journal included (besides many articles on what we now call microbiology) a paper on "Hints on the Subject of Collecting Objects for Microscopical Examination" and a review of a book titled The Microscopist; or a Complete Manual on the Use of the Microscope. Here is a passage from that review:

And here is a paraphrase: This is reminiscent of the philosopher Daniel Dennett's arguments for the computer as a "prosthesis" for the mind (Dennett, D. C. (1982). Notes on prosthetic imagination. Boston Review, 7(3):3–7), i.e., as a tool to help us think better.

But, based on the nature of many of their articles, the March 1962 issue of the journal announced a change in focus from microscopy to cytology, thus apparently changing their interest from the tool to what can be studied with it. The change officially occurred in 1966, when the journal changed its name to the Journal of Cell Science (and restarted its volume numbers at~1). (On the (subtle) "Differences between Histology and Cytology", see

Could the same thing happen to computer science that happened to microscope science? If so, what would fall under the heading of the things that can be studied with computers? A dean who oversaw the Department of Computer Science at my university once predicted that the same thing would happen to our department: The computer-theory researchers would move into the mathematics department; the AI researchers would find homes in psychology, linguistics, or philosophy; those who built new kinds of computers would move (back) into electrical engineering; and so on. This hasn't happened yet (although McBride, N. (2007, 22 January). The death of computing. BCS: The Chartered Institute for IT; Features, Press and Policy, suggests that it is already happening, while Mander, K. (2007, February). Demise of computer science exaggerated. BCS: The Chartered Institute for IT; Features, Press and Policy, disagrees). Nor do I forsee it happening in the near future, if at all. After all, as the computer scientist George Forsythe pointed out, in order to teach "nontechnical students" about computers and computational thinking, to teach "specialists in other technical fields" about how to use computers as a tool (alongside "mathematics, English, statistics"), and to teach "computer science specialists" about how to "lead the future development of the subject",

But the breakup of CS into component disciplines is something to ponder.

§3.5.4: CS Is Just a Branch of …

§3.6.1: Only Algorithms?

§3.8: CS Studies Information:

§3.9: CS as a Mathematical Science:

§3.10: CS as a Natural Science of Procedures

§3.11: CS as an Empirical Study:

§3.12: CS as Engineering:

On Frederick P. Brooks, Jr., see:

§3.16.1: CS as Art:

On CS as both a fine and a liberal art, see:

§3.16.2: CS as the Study of Complexity:

§3.16.4: CS as Computational Thinking:

§3.16.5: CS as AI:

§3.16.6: Is CS Magic?:


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