Philosophy of Computer Science: Online Resources

Further Readings for Chapter 7:

Algorithms and Computability

Last Update: Saturday, 13 April 2024

Note 1: Many of these items are online; links are given where they are known. Other items may also be online; an internet search should help you find them.

Note 2: In general, works are listed in chronological order. (This makes it easier to follow the historical development of ideas.)

General Readings on Computability

§7.2: Functions and Computation

Although the text talks about "computing", other terms that are used to describe more or less the same territory are 'computation' and 'algorithms'. Here, we take a brief detour into the etymology of these and some related terms. (We look at the etymology of 'algorithm' in §7.3.1.)

According to the OED, the verb 'to compute' comes from the Latin verb ' computare', meaning "to calculate, reckon, to count up". But when people talk about "computing" today, they mean a great deal more than mere counting. Computing has come to include everything we can do with computers, including text processing, watching videos, and playing games. So, clearly, the meaning has been extended to include non-numerical "reckoning".

The Latin word ' computare', in turn, comes from the Latin morpheme ' com', meaning "together with", and the Latin word ' putare', meaning "to cleanse, to prune, to reckon, to consider, think" (and ' putare' came from a word meaning "clean, pure"). So, in ancient Rome at least, to "compute" seems to have meant, more or less, something like: "to consider or think about things together", "to clear things up together", or maybe "to reckon with (something)".

The verb 'to reckon' originally meant "to give an account of, recount; to tell; to describe", and later came to mean "to count, to calculate". 'Reckon' is from an Indo-European root 'rek', possibly meaning "to reach" or "to tell, to narrate, to say" (as in "to recite" or "to recount"). These meanings, in turn, may derive from an earlier meaning "to arrange", "to put right", "to move in a straight line".

'Count' also came from 'computare' and originally meant "to enumerate", "to recite a list" (and, as we just saw, 'recite' is probably related to 'reckon'). Note that when you "count", you "recite" a list of number words.

'Calculate' came from Latin 'calculus'. This certainly did not mean the contents of a certain high school or college course that studies the branch of mathematics concerned with differentiation and integration, and invented by Newton and Leibniz in the 17th century! Rather, it meant "pebble" or "small stone", since counting was done with stones originally. (As a Rhymes with Orange comic strip from 22 August 2011 put it, "There is more computing power in this little abacus than in all the giant rocks we move aorund to do addition.") Even today, a "calculus" in medicine is an accumulation of minerals in the body, forming a small, stone-like object. The root 'calc' came from 'calx', meaning "chalk, limestone", and is related to 'calcium'.

The verb 'to figure' means "to use figures to reckon". The earliest citation in the OED for the noun 'figure' is from 1225, when it meant "numerical symbol". A citation from 1250 has the meaning "embodied (human) form". And a citation from 1300 has the more general meaning of "shape". (This conversion of the noun 'figure' to a verb is an example of what Alan Perlis meant when he joked, "In English, every word can be verbed".)

The bottom line seems to be this: 'Computation' originally meant something very closely related to our modern notion of "symbol (that is, shape) manipulation", which is another way of describing syntax — the "grammatical" properties of, and relations among, the symbols of a language. (We discuss syntax in §§13.2, 15.2.1, 16.10, and 18.8.3.)

On the history of the terms 'computable' vs. 'recursive', see:

We discuss recursive functions in §7.6.

§7.2.3: Functions Described Intensionally:

For more on the notion of understanding in terms of the internal workings of a black box, see:

which also suggests an analogy between computation and causation.

§7.3.1: Ancient Algorithms:

For more on Al-Khwarizmi and his algorithms, see:

§7.3.2: "Effectiveness":

§7.3.3: Three Attempts at Precision

On Procedures vs. Algorithms:

§7.4.1: Insight 1: Representation:

§7.4.2: Insight 2: Processing:

For another minimal set of operations, see:

A version of Wang's machine, with many examples, is given in Dennett 2013, Ch. 24.

§7.4.3: Insight 3: Structure:

§7.4.4: Insight 4: The Church-Turing Computability Thesis:

§7.4.5: Insight 5: Implementation:

Physical implementations of computation are discussed in great detail in:

§7.5.1: Basic Programs:

§7.6.1: A Recursive Definition of Natural Numbers:

§7.6.2: Recursive Definitions of Recursive Functions:

A good general overview of recursive functions that is pretty consistent with the presentation in this section is:

§7.7.1: The Halting Problem:

§7.9: Questions for the Reader

Question 7:
For more information on relative computability, see
Soare 2009, Soare 2016, and Homer and Selman 2011

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