Philosophy of Computer Science: Online Resources

Position Paper #1:

What Is Computer Science?

Last Update: Sunday, 27 March 2022



The purpose of this position paper is to give you an opportunity to clarify your beliefs about what CS is, so that, as we continue to discuss the topic in class, and as you continue to read about it, you'll know where you stand—what your beliefs are.

Later, when your beliefs have been informed by further readings and by our discussions, you may wish to revise your beliefs. But you can't revise a belief that you don't have (you can only acquire new beliefs). So, here I am forcing you to discover, clarify, and defend the beliefs that you now have, by turning them into words and putting them on paper.

The Argument

Imagine that you are the newly-appointed Dean of the School of Science at the University of X. In an attempt to build up the rival School of Engineering, the newly-appointed Dean of Engineering has proposed to the Provost (the boss of both deans) that the Department of Computer Science be moved—lock, stock, and computer, so to speak—to Engineering, for the following reasons:

  1. Science is the systematic observation, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena.
  2. Computer science is the study of computers and related phenomena.
  3. Therefore, computer science is not a science.

(The Dean of Engineering has not yet argued that computer science is an engineering discipline; that may come later.)

How do you respond to the Dean of Engineering's argument? You may agree with it, or not (but there are several ways that might happen; see below).

You should ignore political considerations: You may suppose that the move from Science to Engineering involves no loss or gain of money, prestige, or anything else, and it is to be done, if at all, only on strictly intellectual grounds.

The Provost is eagerly awaiting your reply, and will abide by your decision … if, that is, you give a well-argued defense of your position.

Argument Analysis

To formulate and defend your position, you should:

  1. Say (i) whether you agree that conclusion 3 logically follows from premise 1 and premise 2, (whether or not you agree with them),
    and say (ii) why you think that it follows or doesn't follow:

  2. Say whether you agree with premise 1 and say why you do or don't agree:

  3. Say whether you agree with premise 2, and say why you do or don't agree:

  4. If you thought that there were missing premises that validated the argument,
    then say whether you agree with them, and say why you do or don't agree.

  5. If you think that the argument is logically invalid, then you might still agree or disagree with conclusion 3 independently of the reasons given for it by premise 1 and premise 2, (and any missing premises).

  6. It's also possible that you might neither agree nor disagree with conclusion 3. Alternatively, you might both agree and disagree with it. For example, you might believe that computer science is both a science and an engineering discipline (or, alternatively, that it is neither).

And, if you are unsure about any of your answers, try to be very precise about why you are unsure and what further information would help you decide.

For general assistance on analyzing arguments, see §2.9 of the book.

Ground Rules:

  1. Your answer should honestly reflect your beliefs (not what you think the fictional Provost or Dean of Engineering wants to hear!).

  2. If you resort to a dictionary, textbook, article, website, etc., be sure to say which one. Give as much detailed information as you can that would assist someone else to locate the item by themselves. (See the "How to Handle Citations" section of my "How to Write" website for a suggested way to do this.)

  3. Your position paper should be approximately 1 typed page and double-spaced (that is, about 250 words) (not including any bibliographic citations).

  4. Please bring 5 copies to lecture on the due date.

  5. At the top of the (first) page, please put the following information:

    1. the title "Position Paper #1"
    2. your name
    3. the course you are enrolled in
    4. the due date.

    (The space taken up by this will not count against your total pages.)


Suggestions and Guidelines for Peer-Group Editing

  1. When you get into your small groups:

  2. Choose one paper to discuss first.
    (Suggestion: Go in alphabetical order by family name.)

  3. The other people in the group might find it useful to imagine themselves as members of a committee set up by the Provost to make a recommendation. Their purpose is to try to help the author clarify his or her beliefs and arguments, so that they will be able to make a recommendation to the Provost on purely logical grounds (again: ignore politics!).

  4. Start by asking the author to state (or read) his or her beliefs about whether computer science is a science, giving his or her reasons for those beliefs.

  5. Be sure that the author has discussed:

    1. the validity of the argument
    2. the truth value of premise 1 (or their (dis)agreement with it)
    3. the truth value of premise 2, (or their (dis)agreement with it)
    4. the truth value of any missing premises (or their (dis)agreement with them)
    5. the truth value of conclusion 3 (or their (dis)agreement with it)

  6. Any time you have a question, ask it. Here are some suggestions:

  7. The author should not get defensive. The committee members are friendly. Critical, but friendly.

  8. Keep a written record of the questions and replies. This will be useful to the author, for revision.

  9. After spending about 10 minutes

    on the first paper, move on to the next, going back to step 2, above, changing roles. Spend no more than 15 minutes

    per paper (because you've only got about 45 minutes

    at most). Perhaps one member of the group can be a timekeeper.

  10. At home, over the next week, please revise your paper to take into consideration the comments made by your fellow students (that is, your "peers"):

    Perhaps defend your claims better, or clarify statements that were misunderstood, etc. For help, see your instructor.

  11. At the top of the first page of your revision, please put the following information:

    1. the title "Position Paper #1, 2nd draft"
    2. your name
    3. the course you are enrolled in
    4. the due date.

  12. Please staple copies of your first draft, (with peer-editing comments, if any) to your second draft.

  13. Your second draft should be substantially different from your first draft!

Copyright © 2022 by William J. Rapaport (