======================================================================== Position Paper #1 Grading Rubric ======================================================================== 1. Premise 1: Did you state clearly whether you agreed or disagreed with it? (It doesn't matter whether you agreed or didn't agree, only with whether you said so.) 3 pts = clearly stated whether you agreed or not 2 pts = not clearly stated but implied 1 pts = stated, but incorrect terminology 0 pts = did not clearly state whether you agreed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Did you give your reasons for your (dis)agreement? 3 = reasons given, clearly stated, & pertinent 2 = partial credit: I couldn't decide between 1 & 3 1 = reasons given, but not clearly stated or not pertinent 0 = no reasons ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Premise 2: Did you state clearly whether you agreed or disagreed with it? (It doesn't matter whether you agreed or didn't agree, only with whether you said so.) 0, 1, 2, or 3, as for Premise 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Did you give your reasons for your (dis)agreement? 0,1,2, or 3, as for Premise 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Valid? (Note: On one analysis, there is a missing premise (MP)= Computers are not natural phenomena.) no answer: 0 says arg is valid as stated 1 partial credit (e.g., says not valid w/o MP but gives incorrect MP) 2 understands that arg is not valid as stated, unless MP is added 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Evaluation of MP (agree? why?): no evaluation 0 dis/agree, but no reason 1 partial credit (e.g., dis/agree, w/ unclear reason) 2 dis/agree, w/ clear/pertinent reason 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. Conclusion: Did you state clearly whether you agreed or disagreed with it? 3 = clearly stated whether you agreed 2 = not clearly stated, but implied 0 = did not clearly state whether you agreed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Did you give your reasons for your (dis)agreement? 0,1,2, or 3 points, as for premise 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Citation style: (Here, I suggest deducting pts for poor citation style.) used sources w/o citing -3 used sources w/ incomp AND incorrect citation -2 used sources w/ incomp XOR incorrect citation -1 good citations, or none needed 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Attached draft 1 & list of peer editors to demo that draft 2 <> draft 1? 0 Didn't -1 ======================================================================== The total is 24 points, which, following my grading theory, maps into letter grades as follows: letter A 23-24 A- 22 B+ 21 B 19-20 B- 18 C+ 17 C 14-16 C- 11-13 D+ 9-10 D 5-8 F 0-4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ On my grading scheme, "A" means "understood the material for all practical purposes", (here, that's 24 pts = 8 parts * 3 pts full credit) "B" has no direct interpretation, but comes about when averaging A and C grades "C" means "average", (here, that's max 16 pts = 8 * 2 pts partial credit) "D" means "did not understand the material, (here, that's max 8 pts = 8 * 1 pt minimum credit) "F" usually means "did not do the work" (i.e., 0 pts), but can also come about when omitting some parts and doing D work on others. Please see my grading website, http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~rapaport/howigrade.html for the theory behind all of this. ========================================================================