======================================================================== Position Paper #2 Grading Rubric ======================================================================== 1. Prem 1 (Knuth's characterization of "algorithm") agree? why? 0 = no answer 1 = answer, no reason 2 = answer, unclear reason 3 = answer, clear reason ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Prem 2 (Prog langs express/implement algorithms) agree? why? 0,1,2,3, as above ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Prem 3 (Prog langs are equiv to TM prog lang) agree? why? 0,1,2,3, as above ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Prem 4 (Some real comp progs violate Knuth's def) agree? why? 0,1,2,3, as above ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Conc 5 (So, such progs don't implement TMs) 1..4/.'.5 valid? Why? 0 = no answer 1 = answer, no explanation 2 = answer, weak explanation 3 = answer, good explanation agree w/ 5? why? 0,1,2,3, as for 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Conc 6 (So, such progs are not computable) 5/.'.6 valid? Why? 0 = no answer 1 = answer, no explanation 2 = answer, weak explanation 3 = answer, good explanation agree w/6? why? 0,1,2,3, as for 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. Citation style: used sources w/o citing -3 used sources w/ incomp & incorrect citation -2 used sources w/ incomp XOR incorrect citation -1 not applicable 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Attached draft 1 & list of peer editors to demo that draft 2 <> draft 1? 0 Didn't -1 ======================================================================== The total is 24 points, which, following my grading theory, maps into letter grades as follows: letter A 23-24 A- 22 B+ 21 B 19-20 B- 18 C+ 17 C 14-16 C- 11-13 D+ 9-10 D 5-8 F 0-4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------