Philosophy of Computer Science: Online Resources

Position Papers

Optional Position Paper: A Competition

Last Update: Sunday, 27 March 2022

Some students may want to come up with their own arguments instead of merely analyzing ones that the instructor gives you.

Here's your opportunity!

No later than two weeks from today, try your hand at creating an argument relevant to one of the topics of this course. It could be on a topic that we've already discussed, on a topic that we're going to discuss, or on some other topic in the philosophy of CS (for ideas, take a look at the Further Readings in the Online Resources).

Your argument should have at least two premises and at least one conclusion. Try to make it a valid argument!

The "winner" (if there is one—we reserve the right to decide not to choose one) will have the honor of her or his argument being used as the argument to be analyzed for the next Position Paper. (To make it interesting and fair, for his or her position-paper assignment, the winner may be asked to refute the argument!)

You may submit the argument on paper (in lecture or by email). We also reserve the right to slightly modify the argument, if we feel that would make it more interesting.

Copyright © 2022 by William J. Rapaport (