CSE 493/593 Introduction to VLSI Electronics Fall 2024
Instructor: Professor
R. Sridhar, E-mail: rsridhar@buffalo.edu Office
Hours: Tues 1:30pm-2:30pm; Wednesday 1:00-2:00pm 338K Davis Hall
Assistants: Anthony Roberts; Email: ajr33@buffalo.edu;
Ben Ip; Email: bip2@buffalo.edu
Ajay Krishnan Venkatagiri; Email:
Chenchu Somalaraju; Email: chenchub@buffalo.edu
Off. Hrs: During the Lab hours:
Lecture: Wednesday 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM Talbert 107
Lab Hours: A1: Monday 5:00pm-7:00pm A3: Monday 7:00pm-9:00pm; A2: Tuesday
7:00pm-9:00pm 340 Bell Hall
Course Objectives:
This is an introductory
course in VLSI Systems and Design. At the completion of this course, a student
should be able to design and analyze digital systems, incorporating into a VLSI
chip. They should be able to design for low power and design for performance,
work in small groups and bring together design components into a full custom
By completing this course, the students are expected to have
the knowledge of fundamentals of VLSI Design principles
experience of designing a full custom Integrated circuit chip
working in a design team
skills to communicate their design experience through a detailed
report and a short presentation to the class
Grade Assignment: (Letter grades carry normal numerical values)
(90-100 = A, 88-89 = A-, 86-87 = B+, 80-85= B, 77-79 = B-, 75-76 = C+, 70-74 = C, 65-79 = C-, 60-64 = D, 1-59 = F). A passing grade must be obtained in each of the following components: a) design project and lab work combined and b) quiz and the exams combined, to get a passing grade in this course.
Curving will be applied as deemed appropriate by the instructor.
Design of a full custom, fully verified VLSI chip is required. No makeup
quizzes will be given. Homework is not collected or graded.
Grades for CSE493 will be determined considering only CSE493 students and similarly for CSE593.
Integrity: All work submitted for
CSE 493/593 must be your own and must be done on an individual basis. We have zero tolerance on cheating (Quiz,
project, or exam), which will result in automatic failure
of the course.
We will follow CSE Department Policies on Academic Integrity.
It is your responsibility to
read these policies and penalties.
Class Participation: Class
participation is strongly encouraged.
Accessibility Resources coordinates reasonable accommodations
for equitable access to UB for students with disabilities. For additional
information contact Accessibility Resources office https://www.buffalo.edu/studentlife/who-we-are/departments/accessibility/request-accommodations.html