General Conditions

  • Visit here for conference/workshop registration.
  • Each paper must have at least 1 dedicated registration by May 17, 2010; otherwise it will not be included in the conference program and proceedings.
  • A student cannot register at the student rate if she/he is the only author who registers.
  • If an author has more than 1 paper accepted, the author should pay 1 Full registration fee for each accepted paper.
  • If an author is an ACM member or ACM student member, he/she will get a discount, as specified in the following table.
  • Cancellation requests received on or before July 1, 2010 are fully refundable less a processing fee of 10% of the amount paid. There will be no refunds after July 1, 2010. All cancellation requests must be in writing via email to Preetam.Ghosh [at] usm [dot] edu.

Registration Fee Table


  • Conference registration covers the workshop costs.
  • Registration Type By June 1, 2010 After June 1, 2010
    ACM Member 550 USD 650 USD
    Non-ACM Member 650 USD 750 USD
    Student ACM Member 350 USD 450 USD
    Student Non-ACM Member 400 USD 500 USD


  • Workshop registration follows the same rate as the conference.
  • Each workshop registration covers the cost of the whole conference and will receive conference proceedings.

Visa Information

We would be happy to send you a visa support letter if you need one to attend ACM-BCB. However, note that we can send you the letter only after you have registered. Please email Marianne Sullivan (mks [at] buffalo [dot] edu) with the following details:

  1. Name
  2. Email address
  3. Mailing address (the letter will have this address on it)
  4. Mention whether you are going to present a paper. If so please also send the title of your paper.
  5. Your current CV
  6. The exact dates you will be in U.S.
  7. Let us know how you want us to send the letter: (i) Fax: Please send us your fax number, (ii) By post: Please send us the address, or (iii) By email: We will send a scanned PDF of the letter.